Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Forging new meanings of Europe. The cross-ideological logic of Western European Business Interest Associations (BIAs) promoting trade with Mao’s China in the 1950s
2024 Valeria Zanier
Counterbalancing low expectations with high hopes: Integrating global technology and pre-1949 legacy in China’s motor vehicle industry in the 1950s
2023 Zanier, Valeria
Il ruolo dell'embargo strategico nelle relazioni tra Europa occidentale e Repubblica Popolare Cinese negli anni '50
2023 Zanier, V.
Enduring Change: The Labor and Social History of One Third-Front Industrial Complex in China from the 1960s to the Present
2022 Valeria Zanier
Cold Wars: Asia, The Middle East, Europe
2021 Zanier; V
Una moralizzazione, cento standardizzazioni. Modelli di leadership nella cultura d’impresa cinese contemporanea
2021 Zanier V.
The End of Concern: Modern China, Activism, and Asian Studies
2020 Zanier; V
Europe and China in the Cold War Exchanges Beyond the Bloc Logic and the Sino-soviet Split
2018 Zanier, V; Wyss, M; Schaufelbuehl, M
Europe and China in the Cold War: Exchanges Beyond the Bloc Logic and the Sino-soviet Split
2018 Valeria Zanier; Marco Wyss; Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl
The Everyday Cold War: Britain and China, 1950-1972
2018 Zanier; V
Trade and technology networks in the Chinese textile industry. Opening up before the reforms
2018 Zanier; V
1967 as the Turning Point in Hong Kong-British-PRC Economic Relations
2017 Zanier, V; Peruzzi, R
Circumventing the Cold War.The parallel diplomacy of economic and cultural exchanges between Western Europe and Socialist China in the 1950s and 1960s: An introduction
2017 Angela Romano; V. Zanier
Circumventing the Cold War: The parallel diplomacy of economic and cultural exchanges between Western Europe and Socialist China in the 1950s and 1960s: An introduction
2017 Romano A.; Zanier V.
Energising Relations. Western European industrialists and Chinas dream of self-reliance: the case of ENI (1956-1965)
2017 Zanier; V
L'accordo commerciale fra Italia e Repubblica Popolare Cinese del 1964
2016 Zanier; V
Redéfinir la relation de l'Europe et de la Chine après 1945: les organisations économiques britanniques à la recherche d'échanges commerciaux "politiquement corrects" (1952-1963)
2016 Zanier; V
官僚机构、商业事务和冒险行为:冷战初期的中欧贸易关系 :(1952-1957) [Bureaucracy, business and adventure. China-Europe trade relations in early Cold War (1952-1957)]
2015 Zanier; V
Con chi facciamo business? Il delicato equilibrio tra poteri statali e privati nelle aziende cinesi
2014 Valeria Zanier
Il commercio tra Cina e Europa negli anni della Guerra Fredda: strategie e obiettivi [China's Trade with Europe in the Cold War: strategies and objectives]
2014 Zanier; V