Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 865
EU - Europa 763
AS - Asia 318
AF - Africa 62
SA - Sud America 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 2.011
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 848
IT - Italia 405
GB - Regno Unito 109
CN - Cina 99
SG - Singapore 80
DE - Germania 64
SE - Svezia 53
VN - Vietnam 49
IN - India 36
TG - Togo 28
IE - Irlanda 26
CI - Costa d'Avorio 18
CA - Canada 16
FI - Finlandia 16
FR - Francia 16
JO - Giordania 16
RU - Federazione Russa 15
TR - Turchia 15
UA - Ucraina 10
CH - Svizzera 9
ZA - Sudafrica 8
ES - Italia 7
PK - Pakistan 7
EE - Estonia 6
AT - Austria 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 5
BE - Belgio 5
GR - Grecia 4
HR - Croazia 4
ID - Indonesia 4
NG - Nigeria 4
NL - Olanda 4
SN - Senegal 4
JP - Giappone 3
PH - Filippine 2
RO - Romania 2
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
MX - Messico 1
PL - Polonia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 2.011
Città #
Southend 95
Fairfield 87
Bologna 78
Santa Clara 72
Singapore 70
Chandler 67
Boardman 64
Houston 52
Dong Ket 49
Rome 42
Woodbridge 42
Seattle 37
Wilmington 36
Ashburn 31
Ann Arbor 30
Princeton 30
Lomé 28
Cambridge 26
Dublin 26
Redmond 20
Milan 19
Abidjan 18
Amman 16
San Lazzaro di Savena 16
Istanbul 15
Council Bluffs 13
Stratford 12
Berlin 11
Nanjing 11
Redwood City 10
Florence 9
Wuhan 9
Cesena 8
Helsinki 8
Lappeenranta 8
New York 8
Padova 8
Westminster 8
Bern 7
Madrid 7
Guangzhou 6
Turin 6
Baku 5
Brussels 5
Des Moines 5
Nanchang 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Salerno 5
Shanghai 5
Taizhou 5
Taranto 5
Abeokuta 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Jakarta 4
Messina 4
Reggio Emilia 4
San Diego 4
Verona 4
Xi'an 4
Argelato 3
Athens 3
Boydton 3
Caserta 3
Cava De' Tirreni 3
Chicago 3
Falls Church 3
Fisciano 3
Forlì 3
Jinan 3
Karachi 3
Latina 3
Lincoln 3
Nebbiuno 3
Oakland 3
Selargius 3
Valsamoggia 3
Afragola 2
Altamura 2
Arezzo 2
Bari 2
Bedford 2
Bitonto 2
Buffalo 2
Bühl 2
Casalecchio Di Reno 2
Castello di Godego 2
Changsha 2
Eindhoven 2
Fremont 2
Fuzhou 2
Hebei 2
Hyderabad 2
Islamabad 2
Los Angeles 2
Medford 2
Monte di Malo 2
Monteprandone 2
Mori 2
Mountain View 2
Ningbo 2
Totale 1.391
Nome #
Action and social spaces in typical development and in Autism Spectrum Disorder 255
Personal space regulation in childhood autism: Effects of social interaction and person's perspective 182
The physiological correlates of interpersonal space 152
Implicit and Explicit Routes to Recognize the Own Body: Evidence from Brain Damaged Patients. 145
Alpha oscillations are causally linked to inhibitory abilities in ageing 143
The lost ability to distinguish between self and other voice following a brain lesion 133
Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over posterior parietal cortex enhances distinct aspects of visual working memory 118
Neural Correlates of Interpersonal Space Permeability and Flexibility in Autism Spectrum Disorder 115
Belonging matters: The impact of social identification with classmates, friends, and family on interpersonal distance and bullying/cyberbullying in adolescence 109
Who is speaking? Implicit and explicit self and other voice recognition 105
When social and action spaces diverge: A study in children with typical development and autism 96
The plasticity of the interpersonal space in autism spectrum disorder 93
Space at home and psychological distress during the Covid-19 lockdown in Italy 92
Social distance during the covid-19 pandemic reflects perceived rather than actual risk 77
null 65
Time Interaction With Two Spatial Dimensions: From Left/Right to Near/Far 52
Spatial attention modulation of the brain network involved in mental time travel 43
Time bisection and reproduction: Evidence for a slowdown of the internal clock in right brain damaged patients 38
The remapping of time by tool-use 35
Bodily self-recognition in patients with pathological embodiment 30
Psychological Reactions during and after a Lockdown: Self-Efficacy as a Protective Factor of Mental Health 24
Totale 2.102
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.205
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 6.205

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020185 0 0 0 0 0 27 34 36 41 22 12 13
2020/2021276 24 8 8 10 10 24 18 25 35 23 25 66
2021/2022443 29 18 18 16 36 50 61 52 24 23 64 52
2022/2023423 33 61 10 46 43 38 29 26 86 10 17 24
2023/2024278 16 25 6 36 18 18 11 16 12 47 48 25
2024/2025329 43 57 51 48 97 33 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.102