Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Dynamical and chemical impacts of urban green areas on air pollution in a city environment
2025 Biagi, Beatrice; Brattich, Erika; Cintolesi, Carlo; Barbano, Francesco; Di Sabatino, Silvana
A novel framework for the assessment of hydro-meteorological risks taking into account nature-based solutions
2024 Brogno, L; Barbano, F; Leo, L S; Di Sabatino, S
Inertial oscillation modelling of low-level jets: an application to the complex terrain and double-nosed wind profiles
2024 Barbano, Francesco; Leo, LAURA SANDRA; Brogno, Luigi; DI SABATINO, Silvana
Performance Evaluation of MeteoTracker Mobile Sensor for Outdoor Applications
2024 Barbano, Francesco; Brattich, Erika; Cintolesi, Carlo; Nizamani, Abdul Ghafoor; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Milelli, Massimo; Peerlings, Esther E. M.; Polder, Sjoerd; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Parodi, Antonio
Potential-temperature variance budget in a saturated coastal-fog environment
2024 Barbano, F; Pardyjak, E
A Novel Framework for the Assessment of Heat-Wave Risks and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Impacts
2023 Luigi Brogno, Francesco Barbano, Laura Sandra Leo, Silvana Di Sabatino
Characterisation of flow dynamics within and around an isolated forest, through measurements and numerical simulations
2023 Cintolesi C.; Barbano F.; Trudu P.L.; Finco A.; Gerosa G.; Di Sabatino S.
Characterization of the Morning Transition over the Gentle Slope of a Semi-Isolated Massif
2023 Farina, Sofia; Marchio, Mattia; Barbano, Francesco; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Zardi, Dino
On the parametrizations for the dissipation rate of the turbulence kinetic energy in stable conditions
2023 Mario Schiavon, Francesco Barbano, Luigi Brogno, Laura Sandra Leo, Francesco Tampieri, Silvana Di Sabatino
Interaction Between Waves and Turbulence Within the Nocturnal Boundary Layer
2022 Francesco Barbano, Luigi Brogno, Francesco Tampieri, Silvana Di Sabatino
Urban heat island and heat waves characteristics and interactions: a review of the state-of-the-art
2022 S. Di Sabatino, L. Aragao Ferreira Da Silva, F. Barbano, E. Brattich, L. Leo, M. Possega, P. Ruggieri, M. Santo
Anabatic flow along a uniformly heated slope studied through large-eddy simulation
2021 Cintolesi C.; Di Santo D.; Barbano F.; Di Sabatino S.
Characteristic Scales for Turbulent Exchange Processes in a Real Urban Canopy
2021 Barbano F.; Brattich E.; Di Sabatino S.
Characterization of the morning transition from downslope to upslope winds and its connection with the nocturnal inversion breakup at the foot of a gentle slope
2021 Sofia Farina; Dino Zardi; Silvana Di Sabatino; Mattia Marchio; Francesco Barbano
Characterization of the morning transition from downslope to upslope winds and its connection with the nocturnal inversion breakup at the foot of a gentle slope
2021 Farina, Sofia; Zardi, Dino; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Marchio, Mattia; Barbano, Francesco
Double-Nosed Low-Level Jets over Complex Terrain: Driving Mechanisms and Analytical Modeling
2021 Brogno, Luigi; Barbano, Francesco; Leo, Laura Sandra; Fernando, Harindra Joseph; Di Sabatino, Silvana
Driving Mechanisms of Double-Nosed Low-Level Jets during MATERHORN Experiment
2021 Luigi Brogno, Francesco Barbano, Laura Sandra Leo, Harindra JS Fernando, Silvana Di Sabatino
Large-eddy simulation analyses of heated urban canyon facades
2021 Cintolesi C.; Barbano F.; Di Sabatino S.
NBS, la natura ci insegna come affrontare le sfide legate all'urbanizzazione
2021 Erika Brattich, Francesco Barbano, Carlo Cintolesi, Francesco Pilla, Beatrice Pulvirenti, Silvana Di Sabatino
Reciprocal Interaction between Waves and Turbulence within the Nocturnal Boundary-Layer
2021 Barbano, Francesco; Brogno, Luigi; Tampieri, Francesco; Di Sabatino, Silvana