Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online
2013 G.F.Lanzara; F.Contini
Base installata e infrastrutture dell'informazione nei procedimenti giudiziari
2011 G. F. Lanzara
Lo sviluppo degli e-services: slittamenti, breakdown e sorprese
2011 F. Contini; G. F. Lanzara
Wikipedia e la cooperazione sociale di massa
2011 G.F.Lanzara
Building institutional interoperability for European Civil Procedure: The case of Money Claim OnLine in England and Wales
2010 Lanzara G.F.
Innovazione ed incompetenza nella giustizia
2010 Lanzara G.F.
Remediation of practices: How new media change the way we see and do things in practical domains
2010 G.F.Lanzara
Bricolage, Care and Information: Claudio Ciborra's Legacy in Information Systems Research
2009 C.Avgerou; G.F. Lanzara; L.P. Willcocks
Building digital institutions: ICT and the rise of assemblages in government
2009 Lanzara. G.F.
ICT and Innovation in the Public Sector: European Studies in the Making of E-Government
2009 Contini F.; Lanzara G.F.
Information Systems and the Quest for Meaning: An Account of Claudio Ciborra's Intellectual Journey
2009 G.F.Lanzara
2009 Contini F.; Lanzara G.F.
Reshaping Practice across Media: Material Mediation, Medium Specificity and Practical Knowledge in Judicial Work
2009 G.F.Lanzara
La qualità della deliberazione online
2008 Lanzara G.F.
The Consequences of Information: Institutional Implications of Technological Change
2007 G.F.Lanzara
The Institutionalization of Knowledge in an Automotive factory: Templates, Inscriptions, and the Problem of Durability
2007 G.F. Lanzara; G. Patriotta
Von Organisatoren, die keine Menschen sind: Koordination durch Artefakte in Open Source-Software-Projekten
2007 G.F.Lanzara; Michèle Morner
Institutions, Identity and New Work Roles: Lessons from a Green Field Automotive Factory
2006 G.F.Lanzara; P. Patriotta
Per Claudio Ciborra, politropos
2006 G.F. Lanzara
Self-destructive dynamics in large-scale technochange and some ways of counteracting it
2006 B. Chae; G.F. Lanzara