Mechanical spectroscopy observation of LiAlH4 decomposition
2020 Enrico Gianfranco Campari, Ennio Bonetti, Angelo Casagrande, Loris Ferrari, Giuseppe Levi
Quantum parametric resonance of a dissipative oscillator: fading and persistent memory in the long-time evolution
2019 Ferrari, Loris
Why pushing a bell does not produce a sound
2019 Ferrari, Loris
Collective excitations in an interacting boson gas beyond Bogoliubov theory
2017 Ferrari, Loris
Comparing Boltzmann and Gibbs definitions of entropy in small systems
2017 Ferrari, Loris
Corrigendum to “Exact canonic eigenstates of the truncated Bogoliubov Hamiltonian in an interacting bosons gas” (Physica B: Condensed Matter (2016) 496 (38–44) (S0921452616302046)(10.1016/j.physb.2016.05.018))
2017 Ferrari, Loris
Exact canonic eigenstates of the truncated Bogoliubov Hamiltonian in an interacting bosons gas
2016 Ferrari, Loris
Anelastic collapse of small cavities in metals
2015 Loris Ferrari
Bound states and expansion dynamics of interacting bosons on a one-dimensional lattice
2014 Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi;Elisa Ercolessi;Loris Ferrari;Piero Naldesi;Fabio Ortolani;Luca Taddia
Long wavelength approximation of transport processes in a single band crystal
2014 Loris Ferrari
A microscopic view of heat exchanges: Born's contribution to the demonstration od Boltzmann Principle
2013 L. Ferrari
Approaching Bose-Einstein Condensation
2011 L. Ferrari
Chemical and Structural disorder effects on the Curie temperature
2011 Loris Ferrari
Ab initio analysis of the x-ray absorption spectrum of the myoglobin-carbon monoxide complex: Structure and vibrations
2010 G. Veronesi; C. Degli Esposti Boschi; L. Ferrari; G. Venturoli; F. Boscherini; F.D. Vila; J.J. Rehr
Near-Curie magnetic anomaly at the Ni/C interface observed by electron holography
2010 Ferrari L.;Matteucci G.; Schofield M.A.; Beleggia M.; Zhu Y.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle demonstrated with an electron diffraction experiment
2010 G. Matteucci; L. Ferrari; A. Migliori
Ab-initio simulations of metallo-proteins: structure, dynamics and XAS spectra
2009 F. Boscherini; L. Ferrari; G. Venturoli; C. Degli Esposti Boschi
Il "nuovo" effetto fotoelettrico di Quirino Majorana
2008 Giorgio Dragoni; Loris Ferrari; Attilio Forino