Criteria for the reality of the spectrum of PT-symmetric Schroedinger operators and for the existence of PT-symmetric phase transitions
2015 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro
An existence criterion for the PT -symmetric phase transition
2014 E. Caliceti; S. Graffi
Convergent quantum normal forms, PT-symmetry and reality of the spectrum
2013 E. Caliceti; S. Graffi
Quadratic PT -symmetric operators with real spectrum and similarity to self-adjoint operators
2012 E.Caliceti; S.Graffi; M.Hitrik; J.Sjoestrand
PT Symmetric Schroedinger Operators: Reality of the Perturbed Eigenvalues
2010 E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; S. Graffi
Reality and non-reality of the spectrum of PT -symmetric operators: Operator-theoretic criteria
2009 E. Caliceti; S. Graffi
A criterion for the reality of the spectrum of PT-symmetric Schrödinger operators with complex-valued periodic potentials
2008 E. Caliceti; S. Graffi
An analytic family of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians with real eigenvalues
2008 E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; S. Graffi
Meccanica: A conference in honor of Sandro Graffi on the occasion of his 65th birthday
2008 E. Caliceti; P. Contucci; M. Degli Esposti; M. Lenci
From useful algorithms for slowly convergent series to physical predictions based on divergent perturbative expansions.
2007 E. Caliceti; M. Meyer-Hermann; P. Ribeca; A. Surzhykov; U. Jentschura
PT symmetric non-selfadjoint operators, diagonalizable and non-diagonalizable, with real discrete spectrum
2007 E.Caliceti; S.Graffi; J.Sjoestrand
5th- International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics
2006 E.Caliceti; F.Cannata; S.Graffi; F.Ravanini
7th Bologna workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models
2006 E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; A. Graffi; F. Ravanini
Perturbation theory of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians
2006 E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; S. Graffi
Construction of PT-asymmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with CPT symmetry
2005 E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; M. Znojil; A. Ventura
CPT-conserving Hamiltonians and their nonlinear supersymmerization using differential charge operators C
2005 B. Bagchi; A. Banerjee; E. Caliceti; F. Cannata; H. B. Geyer; C. Quesne; M. Znojil
Distributional Borel summability of perturbation theory for the quantum Hénon-Heiles model
2005 E. Caliceti
On a class of non selfadjoint quantum non-linear oscillators with real spectrum
2005 E. Caliceti; S. Graffi
On the spectra of a class of PT-symmetric quantum nonlinear oscillators
2005 E. Caliceti
Spectra of PT-Symmetric Operators and Perturbation Theory
2005 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; J., Sjoestrand