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Nicolò Marchetti  

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Development of water management strategies in southern Mesopotamia during the fourth and third millennium B.C.E Mantellini, Simone; Picotti, Vincenzo; Al‐Hussainy, Abbas; Marchetti, Nicolò; Zaina, Federico 2024-01-01 GEOARCHAEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Mantellini et al. 2024 - Geoarchaeology_red.pdf
Long-Term Urban and Population Trends in the Southern Mesopotamian Floodplains N. Marchetti, E. Bortolini, J.C. Menghi Sartorio, V. Orrù, F. Zaina 2024-01-01 JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Marchetti et al JARE 2024 s10814-024-09197-3.pdf
A human–AI collaboration workflow for archaeological sites detection Casini L.; Marchetti N.; Montanucci A.; Orru V.; Roccetti M. 2023-01-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista s41598-023-36015-5.pdf
Da Sumer a Ninive: scavi, restauri e prospezioni della Missione Archeologica Iracheno-Italiana Nicolò Marchetti 2023-01-01 - Treccani 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
FloodPlains. Developing a Public Archaeological WebGIS for the Southern Mesopotamian Alluvium Marchetti, Nicolò; Baldassarri, Pietro; Bertossa, Silvano; Orrù, Valentina; Valeri, Marco; Zaina,... Federico 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
How Can International Partnerships Support the Study of Archaeology in Iraq? The Case Study of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building KA 2 Project “WALADU” Nicolò Marchetti, Çiğdem Maner, Federico Zaina, Licia Proserpio, Burcu Sarsılmaz Coşan, Hayder Ka...reem Al-Hamdani, Mohammed Abdulsada Al-Hashimi, Laith Majeed Hussein, Adelheid Otto 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
ICAANE 12. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Islamic Archaeology; Field reports. Vol. 2 Nicolò Marchetti, Francesca Cavaliere, Enrico Cirelli, Claudia D’Orazio, Gabriele Giacosa, Mattia... Guidetti,
Eleonora Mariani
2023-01-01 - Harrassowitz 3.02 Curatela -
Idols for the household: two bronze figurines from Late Bronze I Taşlı Geçit Höyük Nicolò Marchetti 2023-01-01 - Archaeopress 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage Nicolò Marchetti, Michael Campeggi, Francesca Cavaliere, Claudia D'Orazio, Gabriele Giacosa, Eleo...nora Mariani 2023-01-01 - Harrassowitz 3.02 Curatela -
The Ottoman Bridge of Mosul: survey and history of an endangered heritage N. MARCHETTI, R. M. MOHAMMED, C. PUTZOLU, J. E. READE, M. VALERI 2023-01-01 - Ante Quem S.r.l. and Department of History and Cultures - University of Bologna 3.01 Monografia / trattato scientifico in forma di libro -
Karkamış Nicolò Marchetti 2022-01-01 - R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Karkamış’ın Geç Tunç II ve Demir Çağlarındaki Kentsel Yapısı Bağlamında Kamusal ve Özel Alan / La struttura urbana di Karkemish nelle età del Bronzo Tardo II e del Ferro tra aree pubbliche e spazi privati Nicolò Marchetti 2022-01-01 - Istitituto Italiano di Cultura di Istanbul 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Karkemish Nicolò Marchetti 2022-01-01 - R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Ninive: La ripresa delle esplorazioni archeologiche nel centro dell'impero / Nineveh: The Resumption of Archaeological Exploration in the Centre of the Empire Nicolò Marchetti; Gianni Marchesi 2022-01-01 - Comune di Udine 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Tilmen Höyük Nicolò Marchetti 2022-01-01 - R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Tilmen Höyük Nicolò Marchetti 2022-01-01 - R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
When Machines Find Sites for the Archaeologists: A Preliminary Study with Semantic Segmentation applied on Satellite Imagery of the Mesopotamian Floodplain Casini L.; Orrù V.; Roccetti M.; Marchetti N. 2022-01-01 - Association for Computing Machinery 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
An Integrated Approach for an Archaeological and Environmental Park in South-Eastern Turkey: Tilmen Höyük Nicolò Marchetti, Giovanna Franco, Stefano Francesco Musso, Maria Benedetta Spadolini 2020-01-01 - Springer 3.02 Curatela -
Archaeology and Dams in Southeastern Turkey: Post-Flooding Damage Assessment and Safeguarding Strategies on Cultural Heritage Nicolò Marchetti, Gabriele Bitelli, Francesca Franci, Federico Zaina 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 42345-125559-2-PB.pdf
Güneydoğu Türkiye’de Arkeoloji ve Barajlar: Mevcut Belgelemeyi İyileştirmek İçin Su Tutma Sonrası Hasar Değerlendirme Uygulanması ve Kültürel Mirası Koruma Stratejileri Marchetti Nicolò; Bitelli Gabriele; Franci Francesca; Türker Atila; Zaina Federico 2020-01-01 THE JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC SOCIAL SCIENCE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Marchetti et al. 2020.pdf