Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.486
EU - Europa 2.465
AS - Asia 717
AF - Africa 142
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 48
SA - Sud America 9
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 5.868
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.477
IT - Italia 753
GB - Regno Unito 682
CN - Cina 294
DE - Germania 237
SE - Svezia 223
SG - Singapore 165
FR - Francia 130
VN - Vietnam 101
UA - Ucraina 95
IN - India 89
RU - Federazione Russa 63
CI - Costa d'Avorio 59
IE - Irlanda 53
BG - Bulgaria 51
EU - Europa 48
TG - Togo 43
AT - Austria 34
ZA - Sudafrica 31
EE - Estonia 29
CH - Svizzera 21
BE - Belgio 18
FI - Finlandia 16
TR - Turchia 16
GR - Grecia 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
NL - Olanda 12
CA - Canada 9
ID - Indonesia 9
PH - Filippine 9
CL - Cile 6
IL - Israele 6
RO - Romania 6
SC - Seychelles 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
JP - Giappone 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
PT - Portogallo 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
KR - Corea 3
PL - Polonia 3
CM - Camerun 2
DK - Danimarca 2
ES - Italia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IR - Iran 2
UY - Uruguay 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BR - Brasile 1
GE - Georgia 1
KE - Kenya 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 5.868
Città #
Southend 640
Ann Arbor 283
Fairfield 265
Ashburn 190
Santa Clara 190
Bologna 178
Seattle 157
Chandler 152
Singapore 140
Woodbridge 131
Wilmington 108
Houston 105
Boardman 93
Cambridge 85
Princeton 81
Dong Ket 62
Abidjan 59
Milan 55
Dublin 53
Sofia 51
Berlin 44
Lomé 43
Jacksonville 42
Westminster 38
Nanjing 34
Padova 34
Rome 27
Jinan 26
Shenyang 18
Paris 16
Vienna 16
San Diego 15
Turin 15
Helsinki 14
Medford 14
Saint Petersburg 14
Feltre 13
Tappahannock 13
Jiaxing 12
Nanchang 12
Tianjin 12
Brussels 11
Istanbul 11
Odessa 11
Shanghai 11
Beijing 10
Bern 10
Changsha 10
Des Moines 10
Hebei 10
Rovigo 10
Ancona 9
Guangzhou 9
Jakarta 9
Modena 9
Redmond 9
Forlì 8
Hangzhou 8
Mülheim 8
New York 8
Pardubice 8
Dearborn 7
Los Angeles 7
Olalla 7
Redwood City 7
Bacchereto 6
Brooklyn 6
Chicago 6
Florence 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Mahé 6
Massarosa 6
Mineo 6
Ningbo 6
Santiago 6
Venice 6
Vicarello 6
Zhengzhou 6
Ferrara 5
Frankfurt Am Main 5
Karlsruhe 5
Kiel 5
Lanzhou 5
Miami 5
Montesilvano 5
Munich 5
Nuremberg 5
Pisa 5
Portici 5
Ravenna 5
Rho 5
Santa Rosa 5
Vedelago 5
Zola Predosa 5
Aci Castello 4
Almaty 4
Ankara 4
Bolzano 4
Brescia 4
Bresso 4
Totale 3.949
Nome #
Competition for Talent when Firms' Mission Matters 284
Productivity Crowding-out in Labor Markets with Motivated Workers 248
Screening Workers for Ability and Motivation 197
Pool Size and the Sustainability of Optimal Risk-Sharing Agreements 195
Competition and screening with motivated health professionals 191
Competition and Screening with Skilled and Motivated Workers 189
The gender gap in informal child care: theory and some evidence from Italy 186
Women’s career choices, social norms and child care policies 177
Competition Between For-Profit and Non-Profit Firms: Incentives, Workers' Self-Selection, and Wage Differentials 176
Reimbursing Preventive Care 166
Caregivers in the family: daughters, sons and social norms 166
Italian Families in the 21st Century: Gender Gaps in Time Use and their Evolution 162
Product differentiation with multiple qualities 160
Having it all, for all: Child-care subsidies and income distribution reconciled 160
Comparative Advertising and Competition Policy 157
Product Differentiation with Multiple Qualities 157
Caregivers in the family: daughters, sons and social norms 153
Till taxes do us part: Tax penalties or bonuses and the marriage decision 148
The Lemons Problem in a Labor Market with Intrinsic Motivation. When Higher Salaries Pay Worse Workers 144
Assicurazione sanitaria 144
Emotional Decision-Makers and Anomalous Attitudes towards Information 139
Genetic Information: Comparing Alternative Regulatory Approaches when Prevention Matters 139
Supplementary Insurance with Ex-post Moral Hazard: Efficiency and Redistribution 133
On the Credibility of Ethical Banking 133
Envy in Mission-Oriented Organizations 131
Credit Markets with Ethical Banks and Motivated Borrowers 122
Sostenibilità del Servizio sanitario nazionale e fondi sanitari integrativi: un contributo al dibattito 121
Envy in Mission-Oriented Organisations 121
Emotions in Physician Agency 120
Informed Principals in the Credit Market when Borrowers and Lenders Are Heterogeneous 120
Until taxes do us part: tax penalties or bonuses and the marriage decision 115
The Signaling Effect of Tax Policy 112
Price vs Quantity in Health Insurance Reimbursement 110
null 106
Improving Compliance With Preventive Care: Cooperation in Mutual Health Insurance 104
The Gender Gaps in Time-Use Within Italian Households During 2002-2014 103
Screening Workers with Different Ability and Motivation 103
Human Health Care and Selection Effects. Understanding Labour Supply in the Market for Nursing 94
With A Little Help From My Enemy: Comparative Advertising as a Signal of Quality 92
Tra economia e psicologia: recenti sviluppi nell'analisi della relazione medico-paziente 91
Research funding and price negotiation for new drugs 91
Gender wage and longevity gaps and the design of retirement systems 63
Credit Markets with Ethical Banks and Motivated Borrowers 49
Shining with the stars: competition, screening, and concern for coworkers' quality 39
Entering a gender-neutral workplace? College students’ expectations and the impact of information provision 24
The motherhood wage and income traps 15
Totale 6.150
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.699
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 13.699

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020876 0 0 0 0 0 116 139 146 161 85 116 113
2020/20211.131 137 51 54 34 38 49 34 72 134 120 140 268
2021/20221.190 50 50 74 105 105 70 54 111 43 105 284 139
2022/2023965 83 129 62 138 69 67 42 66 156 27 47 79
2023/2024440 22 56 28 17 37 98 25 34 13 29 36 45
2024/2025739 81 122 79 125 265 67 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.150