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CRIS Current Research Information System
The second Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-2, reported on 39 compact binary coalescences observed by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors between 1 April 2019 15∶00 UTC and 1 October 2019 15∶00 UTC. Here, we present GWTC-2.1, which reports on a deeper list of candidate events observed over the same period. We analyze the final version of the strain data over this period with improved calibration and better subtraction of excess noise, which has been publicly released. We employ three matched-filter search pipelines for candidate identification, and estimate the probability of astrophysical origin for each candidate event. While GWTC-2 used a false alarm rate threshold of 2 per year, we include in GWTC-2.1, 1201 candidates that pass a false alarm rate threshold of 2 per day. We calculate the source properties of a subset of 44 high-significance candidates that have a probability of astrophysical origin greater than 0.5. Of these candidates, 36 have been reported in GWTC-2. We also calculate updated source properties for all binary black hole events previously reported in GWTC-1. If the eight additional high-significance candidates presented here are astrophysical, the mass range of events that are unambiguously identified as binary black holes (both objects ≥3𝑀⊙) is increased compared to GWTC-2, with total masses from ∼14𝑀⊙ for GW190924_021846 to ∼182𝑀⊙ for GW190426_190642. Source properties calculated using our default prior suggest that the primary components of two new candidate events (GW190403_051519 and GW190426_190642) fall in the mass gap predicted by pair-instability supernova theory. We also expand the population of binaries with significantly asymmetric mass ratios reported in GWTC-2 by an additional two events (the mass ratio is less than 0.65 and 0.44 at 90% probability for GW190403_051519 and GW190917_114630 respectively), and find that two of the eight new events have effective inspiral spins 𝜒eff >0 (at 90% credibility), while no binary is consistent with 𝜒eff <0 at the same significance. We provide updated estimates for rates of binary black hole and binary neutron star coalescence in the local Universe.
Abbott, R., Abbott, T. ., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adams, C., Adhikari, N., et al. (2024). GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 109(2), 022001-022045 [10.1103/PhysRevD.109.022001].
GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run
Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;Acernese, F.;Ackley, K.;Adams, C.;Adhikari, N.;Adhikari, R. X.;Adya, V. B.;Affeldt, C.;Agarwal, D.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.;Aggarwal, N.;Aguiar, O. D.;Aiello, L.;Ain, A.;Ajith, P.;Albanesi, S.;Allocca, A.;Altin, P. A.;Amato, A.;Anand, C.;Anand, S.;Ananyeva, A.;Anderson, S. B.;Anderson, W. G.;Andrade, T.;Andres, N.;Andrić, T.;Angelova, S. V.;Ansoldi, S.;Antelis, J. M.;Antier, S.;Appert, S.;Arai, K.;Araya, M. C.;Areeda, J. S.;Arène, M.;Arnaud, N.;Aronson, S. M.;Arun, K. G.;Asali, Y.;Ashton, G.;Assiduo, M.;Aston, S. M.;Astone, P.;Aubin, F.;Austin, C.;Babak, S.;Badaracco, F.;Bader, M. K. M.;Badger, C.;Bae, S.;Baer, A. M.;Bagnasco, S.;Bai, Y.;Baird, J.;Ball, M.;Ballardin, G.;Ballmer, S. W.;Balsamo, A.;Baltus, G.;Banagiri, S.;Bankar, D.;Barayoga, J. C.;Barbieri, C.;Barish, B. C.;Barker, D.;Barneo, P.;Barone, F.;Barr, B.;Barsotti, L.;Barsuglia, M.;Barta, D.;Bartlett, J.;Barton, M. A.;Bartos, I.;Bassiri, R.;Basti, A.;Bawaj, M.;Bayley, J. C.;Baylor, A. C.;Bazzan, M.;Bécsy, B.;Bedakihale, V. M.;Bejger, M.;Belahcene, I.;Benedetto, V.;Beniwal, D.;Bennett, T. F.;Bentley, J. D.;BenYaala, M.;Bergamin, F.;Berger, B. K.;Bernuzzi, S.;Berry, C. P. L.;Bersanetti, D.;Bertolini, A.;Betzwieser, J.;Beveridge, D.;Bhandare, R.;Bhardwaj, U.;Bhattacharjee, D.;Bhaumik, S.;Bilenko, I. A.;Billingsley, G.;Bini, S.;Birney, I. A.;Birnholtz, O.;Biscans, S.;Bischi, M.;Biscoveanu, S.;Bisht, A.;Biswas, B.;Bitossi, M.;Bizouard, M. -A.;Blackburn, J. K.;Blair, C. D.;Blair, D. G.;Blair, R. M.;Bobba, F.;Bode, N.;Boer, M.;Bogaert, G.;Boldrini, M.;Bonavena, L. D.;Bondu, F.;Bonilla, E.;Bonnand, R.;Booker, P.;Boom, B. A.;Bork, R.;Boschi, V.;Bose, N.;Bose, S.;Bossilkov, V.;Boudart, V.;Bouffanais, Y.;Bozzi, A.;Bradaschia, C.;Brady, P. R.;Bramley, A.;Branch, A.;Branchesi, M.;Brau, J. E.;Breschi, M.;Briant, T.;Briggs, J. H.;Brillet, A.;Brinkmann, M.;Brockill, P.;Brooks, A. F.;Brooks, J.;Brown, D. D.;Brunett, S.;Bruno, G.;Bruntz, R.;Bryant, J.;Bulik, T.;Bulten, H. J.;Buonanno, A.;Buscicchio, R.;Buskulic, D.;Buy, C.;Byer, R. L.;Cadonati, L.;Cagnoli, G.;Cahillane, C.;Bustillo, J. Calderón;Callaghan, J. D.;Callister, T. A.;Calloni, E.;Cameron, J.;Camp, J. B.;Canepa, M.;Canevarolo, S.;Cannavacciuolo, M.;Cannon, K. C.;Cao, H.;Capote, E.;Carapella, G.;Carbognani, F.;Carlin, J. B.;Carney, M. F.;Carpinelli, M.;Carrillo, G.;Carullo, G.;Carver, T. L.;Diaz, J. Casanueva;Casentini, C.;Castaldi, G.;Caudill, S.;Cavaglià, M.;Cavalier, F.;Cavalieri, R.;Ceasar, M.;Cella, G.;Cerdá-Durán, P.;Cesarini, E.;Chaibi, W.;Chakravarti, K.;Subrahmanya, S. Chalathadka;Champion, E.;Chan, C. -H.;Chan, C.;Chan, C. L.;Chan, K.;Chandra, K.;Chanial, P.;Chao, S.;Charlton, P.;Chase, E. A.;Chassande-Mottin, E.;Chatterjee, C.;Chatterjee, Debarati;Chatterjee, Deep;Chattopadhyay, D.;Chaturvedi, M.;Chaty, S.;Chatziioannou, K.;Chen, H. Y.;Chen, J.;Chen, X.;Chen, Y.;Chen, Z.;Cheng, H.;Cheong, C. K.;Cheung, H. Y.;Chia, H. Y.;Chiadini, F.;Chiarini, G.;Chierici, R.;Chincarini, A.;Chiofalo, M. L.;Chiummo, A.;Cho, G.;Cho, H. S.;Choudhary, R. K.;Choudhary, S.;Christensen, N.;Chu, Q.;Chua, S.;Chung, K. W.;Ciani, G.;Ciecielag, P.;Cieślar, M.;Cifaldi, M.;Ciobanu, A. A.;Ciolfi, R.;Cipriano, F.;Cirone, A.;Clara, F.;Clark, E. N.;Clark, J. A.;Clarke, L.;Clearwater, P.;Clesse, S.;Cleva, F.;Coccia, E.;Codazzo, E.;Cohadon, P. -F.;Cohen, D. E.;Cohen, L.;Colleoni, M.;Collette, C. G.;Colombo, A.;Colpi, M.;Compton, C. M.;Constancio, M.;Conti, L.;Cooper, S. J.;Corban, P.;Corbitt, T. R.;Cordero-Carrión, I.;Corezzi, S.;Corley, K. R.;Cornish, N.;Corre, D.;Corsi, A.;Cortese, S.;Costa, C. A.;Cotesta, R.;Coughlin, M. W.;Coulon, J. -P.;Countryman, S. T.;Cousins, B.;Couvares, P.;Coward, D. M.;Cowart, M. J.;Coyne, D. C.;Coyne, R.;Creighton, J. D. E.;Creighton, T. D.;Criswell, A. W.;Croquette, M.;Crowder, S. G.;Cudell, J. R.;Cullen, T. J.;Cumming, A.;Cummings, R.;Cunningham, L.;Cuoco, E.;Curyło, M.;Dabadie, P.;Canton, T. Dal;Dall'Osso, S.;Dálya, G.;Dana, A.;DaneshgaranBajastani, L. M.;D'Angelo, B.;Danila, B.;Danilishin, S.;D'Antonio, S.;Danzmann, K.;Darsow-Fromm, C.;Dasgupta, A.;Datrier, L. E. H.;Datta, S.;Dattilo, V.;Dave, I.;Davier, M.;Davies, G. S.;Davis, D.;Davis, M. C.;Daw, E. J.;Dean, R.;DeBra, D.;Deenadayalan, M.;Degallaix, J.;De Laurentis, M.;Deléglise, S.;Del Favero, V.;De Lillo, F.;De Lillo, N.;Del Pozzo, W.;DeMarchi, L. M.;De Matteis, F.;D'Emilio, V.;Demos, N.;Dent, T.;Depasse, A.;De Pietri, R.;De Rosa, R.;De Rossi, C.;DeSalvo, R.;De Simone, R.;Dhurandhar, S.;Díaz, M. C.;Diaz-Ortiz, M.;Didio, N. A.;Dietrich, T.;Di Fiore, L.;Di Fronzo, C.;Di Giorgio, C.;Di Giovanni, F.;Di Giovanni, M.;Di Girolamo, T.;Di Lieto, A.;Ding, B.;Di Pace, S.;Di Palma, I.;Di Renzo, F.;Divakarla, A. K.;Divyajyoti,;Dmitriev, A.;Doctor, Z.;D'Onofrio, L.;Donovan, F.;Dooley, K. L.;Doravari, S.;Dorrington, I.;Drago, M.;Driggers, J. C.;Drori, Y.;Ducoin, J. -G.;Dupej, P.;Durante, O.;D'Urso, D.;Duverne, P. -A.;Dwyer, S. E.;Eassa, C.;Easter, P. J.;Ebersold, M.;Eckhardt, T.;Eddolls, G.;Edelman, B.;Edo, T. B.;Edy, O.;Effler, A.;Eichholz, J.;Eikenberry, S. S.;Eisenmann, M.;Eisenstein, R. A.;Ejlli, A.;Engelby, E.;Errico, L.;Essick, R. C.;Estellés, H.;Estevez, D.;Etienne, Z.;Etzel, T.;Evans, M.;Evans, T. M.;Ewing, B. E.;Fafone, V.;Fair, H.;Fairhurst, S.;Fanning, S. P.;Farah, A. M.;Farinon, S.;Farr, B.;Farr, W. M.;Farrow, N. W.;Fauchon-Jones, E. J.;Favaro, G.;Favata, M.;Fays, M.;Fazio, M.;Feicht, J.;Fejer, M. M.;Fenyvesi, E.;Ferguson, D. L.;Fernandez-Galiana, A.;Ferrante, I.;Ferreira, T. A.;Fidecaro, F.;Figura, P.;Fiori, I.;Fishbach, M.;Fisher, R. P.;Fittipaldi, R.;Fiumara, V.;Flaminio, R.;Floden, E.;Fong, H.;Font, J. A.;Fornal, B.;Forsyth, P. W. F.;Franke, A.;Frasca, S.;Frasconi, F.;Frederick, C.;Freed, J. P.;Frei, Z.;Freise, A.;Frey, R.;Fritschel, P.;Frolov, V. V.;Fronzé, G. G.;Fulda, P.;Fyffe, M.;Gabbard, H. A.;Gabella, W.;Gadre, B. U.;Gair, J. R.;Gais, J.;Galaudage, S.;Gamba, R.;Ganapathy, D.;Ganguly, A.;Gaonkar, S. G.;Garaventa, B.;García, F.;García-Núñez, C.;García-Quirós, C.;Garufi, F.;Gateley, B.;Gaudio, S.;Gayathri, V.;Gemme, G.;Gennai, A.;George, J.;George, R. N.;Gerberding, O.;Gergely, L.;Gewecke, P.;Ghonge, S.;Ghosh, Abhirup;Ghosh, Archisman;Ghosh, Shaon;Ghosh, Shrobana;Giacomazzo, B.;Giacoppo, L.;Giaime, J. A.;Giardina, K. D.;Gibson, D. R.;Gier, C.;Giesler, M.;Giri, P.;Gissi, F.;Glanzer, J.;Gleckl, A. E.;Godwin, P.;Goetz, E.;Goetz, R.;Gohlke, N.;Goncharov, B.;González, G.;Gopakumar, A.;Gosselin, M.;Gouaty, R.;Gould, D. W.;Grace, B.;Grado, A.;Granata, M.;Granata, V.;Grant, A.;Gras, S.;Grassia, P.;Gray, C.;Gray, R.;Greco, G.;Green, A. C.;Green, R.;Gretarsson, A. M.;Gretarsson, E. M.;Griffith, D.;Griffiths, W.;Griggs, H. L.;Grignani, G.;Grimaldi, A.;Grimm, S. J.;Grote, H.;Grunewald, S.;Gruning, P.;Guerra, D.;Guidi, G. M.;Guimaraes, A. R.;Guixé, G.;Gulati, H. K.;Guo, H. -K.;Guo, Y.;Gupta, Anchal;Gupta, Anuradha;Gupta, P.;Gustafson, E. K.;Gustafson, R.;Guzman, F.;Haegel, L.;Halim, O.;Hall, E. D.;Hamilton, E. Z.;Hammond, G.;Haney, M.;Hanks, J.;Hanna, C.;Hannam, M. D.;Hannuksela, O.;Hansen, H.;Hansen, T. J.;Hanson, J.;Harder, T.;Hardwick, T.;Haris, K.;Harms, J.;Harry, G. M.;Harry, I. W.;Hartwig, D.;Haskell, B.;Hasskew, R. K.;Haster, C. -J.;Haughian, K.;Hayes, F. J.;Healy, J.;Heidmann, A.;Heidt, A.;Heintze, M. C.;Heinze, J.;Heinzel, J.;Heitmann, H.;Hellman, F.;Hello, P.;Helmling-Cornell, A. F.;Hemming, G.;Hendry, M.;Heng, I. S.;Hennes, E.;Hennig, J.;Hennig, M. H.;Hernandez, A. G.;Vivanco, F. Hernandez;Heurs, M.;Hild, S.;Hill, P.;Hines, A. S.;Hochheim, S.;Hofman, D.;Hohmann, J. N.;Holcomb, D. G.;Holland, N. A.;Holley-Bockelmann, K.;Hollows, I. J.;Holmes, Z. J.;Holt, K.;Holz, D. E.;Hopkins, P.;Hough, J.;Hourihane, S.;Howell, E. J.;Hoy, C. G.;Hoyland, D.;Hreibi, A.;Hsu, Y.;Huang, Y.;Hübner, M. T.;Huddart, A. D.;Hughey, B.;Hui, V.;Husa, S.;Huttner, S. H.;Huxford, R.;Huynh-Dinh, T.;Idzkowski, B.;Iess, A.;Ingram, C.;Isi, M.;Isleif, K.;Iyer, B. R.;JaberianHamedan, V.;Jacqmin, T.;Jadhav, S. J.;Jadhav, S. P.;James, A. L.;Jan, A. Z.;Jani, K.;Janquart, J.;Janssens, K.;Janthalur, N. N.;Jaranowski, P.;Jariwala, D.;Jaume, R.;Jenkins, A. C.;Jenner, K.;Jeunon, M.;Jia, W.;Johns, G. R.;Johnson-McDaniel, N. K.;Jones, A. W.;Jones, D. I.;Jones, J. D.;Jones, P.;Jones, R.;Jonker, R. J. G.;Ju, L.;Junker, J.;Juste, V.;Kalaghatgi, C. V.;Kalogera, V.;Kamai, B.;Kandhasamy, S.;Kang, G.;Kanner, J. B.;Kao, Y.;Kapadia, S. J.;Kapasi, D. P.;Karat, S.;Karathanasis, C.;Karki, S.;Kashyap, R.;Kasprzack, M.;Kastaun, W.;Katsanevas, S.;Katsavounidis, E.;Katzman, W.;Kaur, T.;Kawabe, K.;Kéfélian, F.;Keitel, D.;Key, J. S.;Khadka, S.;Khalili, F. Y.;Khan, S.;Khazanov, E. A.;Khetan, N.;Khursheed, M.;Kijbunchoo, N.;Kim, C.;Kim, J. C.;Kim, K.;Kim, W. S.;Kim, Y. -M.;Kimball, C.;Kinley-Hanlon, M.;Kirchhoff, R.;Kissel, J. S.;Kleybolte, L.;Klimenko, S.;Knee, A. M.;Knowles, T. D.;Knyazev, E.;Koch, P.;Koekoek, G.;Koley, S.;Kolitsidou, P.;Kolstein, M.;Komori, K.;Kondrashov, V.;Kontos, A.;Koper, N.;Korobko, M.;Kovalam, M.;Kozak, D. B.;Kringel, V.;Krishnendu, N. V.;Królak, A.;Kuehn, G.;Kuei, F.;Kuijer, P.;Kulkarni, S.;Kumar, A.;Kumar, P.;Kumar, Rahul;Kumar, Rakesh;Kuns, K.;Kuwahara, S.;Lagabbe, P.;Laghi, D.;Lalande, E.;Lam, T. L.;Lamberts, A.;Landry, M.;Lane, B. B.;Lang, R. N.;Lange, J.;Lantz, B.;La Rosa, I.;Lartaux-Vollard, A.;Lasky, P. D.;Laxen, M.;Lazzarini, A.;Lazzaro, C.;Leaci, P.;Leavey, S.;Lecoeuche, Y. K.;Lee, H. M.;Lee, H. W.;Lee, J.;Lee, K.;Lehmann, J.;Lemaître, A.;Leroy, N.;Letendre, N.;Levesque, C.;Levin, Y.;Leviton, J. N.;Leyde, K.;Li, A. K. Y.;Li, B.;Li, J.;Li, T. G. F.;Li, X.;Linde, F.;Linker, S. D.;Linley, J. N.;Littenberg, T. B.;Liu, J.;Liu, K.;Liu, X.;Llamas, F.;Llorens-Monteagudo, M.;Lo, R. K. L.;Lockwood, A.;London, L. T.;Longo, A.;Lopez, D.;Portilla, M. Lopez;Lorenzini, M.;Loriette, V.;Lormand, M.;Losurdo, G.;Lott, T. P.;Lough, J. D.;Lousto, C. O.;Lovelace, G.;Lucaccioni, J. F.;Lück, H.;Lumaca, D.;Lundgren, A. P.;Lynam, J. E.;Macas, R.;MacInnis, M.;Macleod, D. M.;MacMillan, I. A. O.;Macquet, A.;Hernandez, I. Magaña;Magazzù, C.;Magee, R. M.;Maggiore, R.;Magnozzi, M.;Mahesh, S.;Majorana, E.;Makarem, C.;Maksimovic, I.;Maliakal, S.;Malik, A.;Man, N.;Mandic, V.;Mangano, V.;Mango, J. L.;Mansell, G. L.;Manske, M.;Mantovani, M.;Mapelli, M.;Marchesoni, F.;Marion, F.;Mark, Z.;Márka, S.;Márka, Z.;Markakis, C.;Markosyan, A. S.;Markowitz, A.;Maros, E.;Marquina, A.;Marsat, S.;Martelli, F.;Martin, I. W.;Martin, R. M.;Martinez, M.;Martinez, V. A.;Martinez, V.;Martinovic, K.;Martynov, D. V.;Marx, E. J.;Masalehdan, H.;Mason, K.;Massera, E.;Masserot, A.;Massinger, T. J.;Masso-Reid, M.;Mastrogiovanni, S.;Matas, A.;Mateu-Lucena, M.;Matichard, F.;Matiushechkina, M.;Mavalvala, N.;McCann, J. J.;McCarthy, R.;McClelland, D. E.;McClincy, P. K.;McCormick, S.;McCuller, L.;McGhee, G. I.;McGuire, S. C.;McIsaac, C.;McIver, J.;McRae, T.;McWilliams, S. T.;Meacher, D.;Mehmet, M.;Mehta, A. K.;Meijer, Q.;Melatos, A.;Melchor, D. A.;Mendell, G.;Menendez-Vazquez, A.;Menoni, C. S.;Mercer, R. A.;Mereni, L.;Merfeld, K.;Merilh, E. L.;Merritt, J. D.;Merzougui, M.;Meshkov, S.;Messenger, C.;Messick, C.;Meyers, P. M.;Meylahn, F.;Mhaske, A.;Miani, A.;Miao, H.;Michaloliakos, I.;Michel, C.;Middleton, H.;Milano, L.;Miller, A.;Miller, A. L.;Miller, B.;Millhouse, M.;Mills, J. C.;Milotti, E.;Minazzoli, O.;Minenkov, Y.;Mir, Ll. M.;Miravet-Tenés, M.;Mishra, C.;Mishra, T.;Mistry, T.;Mitra, S.;Mitrofanov, V. P.;Mitselmakher, G.;Mittleman, R.;Mo, Geoffrey;Moguel, E.;Mogushi, K.;Mohapatra, S. R. P.;Mohite, S. R.;Molina, I.;Molina-Ruiz, M.;Mondin, M.;Montani, M.;Moore, C. J.;Moraru, D.;Morawski, F.;More, A.;Moreno, C.;Moreno, G.;Morisaki, S.;Mours, B.;Mow-Lowry, C. M.;Mozzon, S.;Muciaccia, F.;Mukherjee, Arunava;Mukherjee, D.;Mukherjee, Soma;Mukherjee, Subroto;Mukherjee, Suvodip;Mukund, N.;Mullavey, A.;Munch, J.;Muñiz, E. A.;Murray, P. G.;Musenich, R.;Muusse, S.;Nadji, S. L.;Nagar, A.;Napolano, V.;Nardecchia, I.;Naticchioni, L.;Nayak, B.;Nayak, R. K.;Neil, B. F.;Neilson, J.;Nelemans, G.;Nelson, T. J. N.;Nery, M.;Neubauer, P.;Neunzert, A.;Ng, K. Y.;Ng, S. W. S.;Nguyen, C.;Nguyen, P.;Nguyen, T.;Nichols, S. A.;Nissanke, S.;Nitoglia, E.;Nocera, F.;Norman, M.;North, C.;Nuttall, L. K.;Oberling, J.;O'Brien, B. D.;O'Dell, J.;Oelker, E.;Oganesyan, G.;Oh, J. J.;Oh, S. H.;Ohme, F.;Ohta, H.;Okada, M. A.;Olivetto, C.;Oram, R.;O'Reilly, B.;Ormiston, R. G.;Ormsby, N. D.;Ortega, L. F.;O'Shaughnessy, R.;O'Shea, E.;Ossokine, S.;Osthelder, C.;Ottaway, D. J.;Overmier, H.;Pace, A. E.;Pagano, G.;Page, M. A.;Pagliaroli, G.;Pai, A.;Pai, S. A.;Palamos, J. R.;Palashov, O.;Palomba, C.;Pan, H.;Panda, P. K.;Pang, P. T. H.;Pankow, C.;Pannarale, F.;Pant, B. C.;Panther, F. H.;Paoletti, F.;Paoli, A.;Paolone, A.;Park, H.;Parker, W.;Pascucci, D.;Pasqualetti, A.;Passaquieti, R.;Passuello, D.;Patel, M.;Pathak, M.;Patricelli, B.;Patron, A. S.;Patrone, S.;Paul, S.;Payne, E.;Pedraza, M.;Pegoraro, M.;Pele, A.;Penn, S.;Perego, A.;Pereira, A.;Pereira, T.;Perez, C. J.;Périgois, C.;Perkins, C. C.;Perreca, A.;Perriès, S.;Petermann, J.;Petterson, D.;Pfeiffer, H. P.;Pham, K. A.;Phukon, K. S.;Piccinni, O. J.;Pichot, M.;Piendibene, M.;Piergiovanni, F.;Pierini, L.;Pierro, V.;Pillant, G.;Pillas, M.;Pilo, F.;Pinard, L.;Pinto, I. M.;Pinto, M.;Piotrzkowski, K.;Pirello, M.;Pitkin, M. D.;Placidi, E.;Planas, L.;Plastino, W.;Pluchar, C.;Poggiani, R.;Polini, E.;Pong, D. Y. T.;Ponrathnam, S.;Popolizio, P.;Porter, E. K.;Poulton, R.;Powell, J.;Pracchia, M.;Pradier, T.;Prajapati, A. K.;Prasai, K.;Prasanna, R.;Pratten, G.;Principe, M.;Prodi, G. A.;Prokhorov, L.;Prosposito, P.;Prudenzi, L.;Puecher, A.;Punturo, M.;Puosi, F.;Puppo, P.;Pürrer, M.;Qi, H.;Quetschke, V.;Quitzow-James, R.;Raab, F. J.;Raaijmakers, G.;Radkins, H.;Radulesco, N.;Raffai, P.;Rail, S. X.;Raja, S.;Rajan, C.;Ramirez, K. E.;Ramirez, T. D.;Ramos-Buades, A.;Rana, J.;Rapagnani, P.;Rapol, U. D.;Ray, A.;Raymond, V.;Raza, N.;Razzano, M.;Read, J.;Rees, L. A.;Regimbau, T.;Rei, L.;Reid, S.;Reid, S. W.;Reitze, D. H.;Relton, P.;Renzini, A.;Rettegno, P.;Reza, A.;Rezac, M.;Ricci, F.;Richards, D.;Richardson, J. W.;Richardson, L.;Riemenschneider, G.;Riles, K.;Rinaldi, S.;Rink, K.;Rizzo, M.;Robertson, N. A.;Robie, R.;Robinet, F.;Rocchi, A.;Rodriguez, S.;Rolland, L.;Rollins, J. G.;Romanelli, M.;Romano, R.;Romel, C. L.;Romero-Rodríguez, A.;Romero-Shaw, I. M.;Romie, J. H.;Ronchini, S.;Rosa, L.;Rose, C. A.;Rosell, M. J. B.;Rosińska, D.;Ross, M. P.;Rowan, S.;Rowlinson, S. J.;Roy, S.;Roy, Santosh;Roy, Soumen;Rozza, D.;Ruggi, P.;Ruiz-Rocha, K.;Ryan, K.;Sachdev, S.;Sadecki, T.;Sadiq, J.;Sakellariadou, M.;Salafia, O. S.;Salconi, L.;Saleem, M.;Salemi, F.;Samajdar, A.;Sanchez, E. J.;Sanchez, J. H.;Sanchez, L. E.;Sanchis-Gual, N.;Sanders, J. R.;Sanuy, A.;Saravanan, T. R.;Sarin, N.;Sassolas, B.;Satari, H.;Sauter, O.;Savage, R. L.;Sawant, D.;Sawant, H. L.;Sayah, S.;Schaetzl, D.;Scheel, M.;Scheuer, J.;Schiworski, M.;Schmidt, P.;Schmidt, S.;Schnabel, R.;Schneewind, M.;Schofield, R. M. S.;Schönbeck, A.;Schulte, B. W.;Schutz, B. F.;Schwartz, E.;Scott, J.;Scott, S. M.;Seglar-Arroyo, M.;Sellers, D.;Sengupta, A. S.;Sentenac, D.;Seo, E. G.;Sequino, V.;Sergeev, A.;Setyawati, Y.;Shaffer, T.;Shahriar, M. S.;Shams, B.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, P.;Shawhan, P.;Shcheblanov, N. S.;Shikauchi, M.;Shoemaker, D. H.;Shoemaker, D. M.;ShyamSundar, S.;Sieniawska, M.;Sigg, D.;Singer, L. P.;Singh, D.;Singh, N.;Singha, A.;Sintes, A. M.;Sipala, V.;Skliris, V.;Slagmolen, B. J. J.;Slaven-Blair, T. J.;Smetana, J.;Smith, J. R.;Smith, R. J. E.;Soldateschi, J.;Somala, S. N.;Son, E. J.;Soni, K.;Soni, S.;Sordini, V.;Sorrentino, F.;Sorrentino, N.;Soulard, R.;Souradeep, T.;Sowell, E.;Spagnuolo, V.;Spencer, A. P.;Spera, M.;Srinivasan, R.;Srivastava, A. K.;Srivastava, V.;Staats, K.;Stachie, C.;Steer, D. A.;Steinhoff, J.;Steinlechner, J.;Steinlechner, S.;Stevenson, S.;Stops, D. J.;Stover, M.;Strain, K. A.;Strang, L. C.;Stratta, G.;Strunk, A.;Sturani, R.;Stuver, A. L.;Sudhagar, S.;Sudhir, V.;Suh, H. G.;Summerscales, T. Z.;Sun, H.;Sun, L.;Sunil, S.;Sur, A.;Suresh, J.;Sutton, P. J.;Swinkels, B. L.;Szczepańczyk, M. J.;Szewczyk, P.;Tacca, M.;Tait, S. C.;Talbot, C. J.;Talbot, C.;Tanasijczuk, A. J.;Tanner, D. B.;Tao, D.;Tao, L.;Martín, E. N. Tapia San;Taranto, C.;Tasson, J. D.;Tenorio, R.;Terhune, J. E.;Terkowski, L.;Thirugnanasambandam, M. P.;Thomas, L.;Thomas, M.;Thomas, P.;Thompson, J. E.;Thondapu, S. R.;Thorne, K. A.;Thrane, E.;Tiwari, Shubhanshu;Tiwari, Srishti;Tiwari, V.;Toivonen, A. M.;Toland, K.;Tolley, A. E.;Tonelli, M.;Torres-Forné, A.;Torrie, C. I.;e Melo, I. Tosta;Töyrä, D.;Trapananti, A.;Travasso, F.;Traylor, G.;Trevor, M.;Tringali, M. C.;Tripathee, A.;Troiano, L.;Trovato, A.;Trozzo, L.;Trudeau, R. J.;Tsai, D. S.;Tsai, D.;Tsang, K. W.;Tse, M.;Tso, R.;Tsukada, L.;Tsuna, D.;Tsutsui, T.;Turbang, K.;Turconi, M.;Ubhi, A. S.;Udall, R. P.;Ueno, K.;Unnikrishnan, C. S.;Urban, A. L.;Utina, A.;Vahlbruch, H.;Vajente, G.;Vajpeyi, A.;Valdes, G.;Valentini, M.;Valsan, V.;van Bakel, N.;van Beuzekom, M.;van den Brand, J. F. J.;Van Den Broeck, C.;Vander-Hyde, D. C.;van der Schaaf, L.;van Heijningen, J. V.;Vanosky, J.;van Remortel, N.;Vardaro, M.;Vargas, A. F.;Varma, V.;Vasúth, M.;Vecchio, A.;Vedovato, G.;Veitch, J.;Veitch, P. J.;Venneberg, J.;Venugopalan, G.;Verkindt, D.;Verma, P.;Verma, Y.;Veske, D.;Vetrano, F.;Viceré, A.;Vidyant, S.;Viets, A. D.;Vijaykumar, A.;Villa-Ortega, V.;Vinet, J. -Y.;Virtuoso, A.;Vitale, S.;Vo, T.;Vocca, H.;von Reis, E. R. G.;von Wrangel, J. S. A.;Vorvick, C.;Vyatchanin, S. P.;Wade, L. E.;Wade, M.;Wagner, K. J.;Walet, R. C.;Walker, M.;Wallace, G. S.;Wallace, L.;Walsh, S.;Wang, J. Z.;Wang, W. H.;Ward, R. L.;Warner, J.;Was, M.;Washington, N. Y.;Watchi, J.;Weaver, B.;Webster, S. A.;Weinert, M.;Weinstein, A. J.;Weiss, R.;Weller, C. M.;Weller, R.;Wellmann, F.;Wen, L.;Weßels, P.;Wette, K.;Whelan, J. T.;White, D. D.;Whiting, B. F.;Whittle, C.;Wilken, D.;Williams, D.;Williams, M. J.;Williamson, A. R.;Willis, J. L.;Willke, B.;Wilson, D. J.;Winkler, W.;Wipf, C. C.;Wlodarczyk, T.;Woan, G.;Woehler, J.;Wofford, J. K.;Wong, I. C. F.;Wu, D. S.;Wysocki, D. M.;Xiao, L.;Yamamoto, H.;Yang, F. W.;Yang, L.;Yang, Yang;Yang, Z.;Yap, M. J.;Yeeles, D. W.;Yelikar, A. B.;Ying, M.;Yoo, J.;Yu, Hang;Yu, Haocun;Zadrożny, A.;Zanolin, M.;Zelenova, T.;Zendri, J. -P.;Zevin, M.;Zhang, J.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, T.;Zhang, Y.;Zhao, C.;Zhao, G.;Zhao, Yue;Zhou, R.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, X. J.;Zimmerman, A. B.;Zlochower, Y.;Zucker, M. E.;Zweizig, J.;The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
The second Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-2, reported on 39 compact binary coalescences observed by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors between 1 April 2019 15∶00 UTC and 1 October 2019 15∶00 UTC. Here, we present GWTC-2.1, which reports on a deeper list of candidate events observed over the same period. We analyze the final version of the strain data over this period with improved calibration and better subtraction of excess noise, which has been publicly released. We employ three matched-filter search pipelines for candidate identification, and estimate the probability of astrophysical origin for each candidate event. While GWTC-2 used a false alarm rate threshold of 2 per year, we include in GWTC-2.1, 1201 candidates that pass a false alarm rate threshold of 2 per day. We calculate the source properties of a subset of 44 high-significance candidates that have a probability of astrophysical origin greater than 0.5. Of these candidates, 36 have been reported in GWTC-2. We also calculate updated source properties for all binary black hole events previously reported in GWTC-1. If the eight additional high-significance candidates presented here are astrophysical, the mass range of events that are unambiguously identified as binary black holes (both objects ≥3𝑀⊙) is increased compared to GWTC-2, with total masses from ∼14𝑀⊙ for GW190924_021846 to ∼182𝑀⊙ for GW190426_190642. Source properties calculated using our default prior suggest that the primary components of two new candidate events (GW190403_051519 and GW190426_190642) fall in the mass gap predicted by pair-instability supernova theory. We also expand the population of binaries with significantly asymmetric mass ratios reported in GWTC-2 by an additional two events (the mass ratio is less than 0.65 and 0.44 at 90% probability for GW190403_051519 and GW190917_114630 respectively), and find that two of the eight new events have effective inspiral spins 𝜒eff >0 (at 90% credibility), while no binary is consistent with 𝜒eff <0 at the same significance. We provide updated estimates for rates of binary black hole and binary neutron star coalescence in the local Universe.
Abbott, R., Abbott, T. ., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adams, C., Adhikari, N., et al. (2024). GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 109(2), 022001-022045 [10.1103/PhysRevD.109.022001].
Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Agarwal, D.; Agathos, M.; ...espandi
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.