This article deals with five textual cruces in Cicero’s divinatio in Q. Caecilium and actio prima in Verrem (div. Caec. 25 and 46; Verr. 1, 16 and 55). For each passage, I compare the reading of the manuscripts with the corresponding lemma found in Ps.-Asconius’ commentary on the Verrines. The analysis of these two different types of witness shows that, on the authority of Ps.-Asconius, it is possible to heal some corruptions in the manuscripts of Cicero and that, as a result, the scholiast plays a key role in the constitutio textus of the Verrines, since in some cases his commentary is the sole source that enables us to recover sound readings in the face of errors or lacunae found in all the direct witnesses.
Tommaso Ricchieri (2017). Emendazioni alle «Verrine» di Cicerone alla luce del commento dello Ps.-Asconio (Div. Caec.-Verr. 1). RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA E DI ISTRUZIONE CLASSICA, 145(1), 75-105.
Emendazioni alle «Verrine» di Cicerone alla luce del commento dello Ps.-Asconio (Div. Caec.-Verr. 1)
Tommaso Ricchieri
This article deals with five textual cruces in Cicero’s divinatio in Q. Caecilium and actio prima in Verrem (div. Caec. 25 and 46; Verr. 1, 16 and 55). For each passage, I compare the reading of the manuscripts with the corresponding lemma found in Ps.-Asconius’ commentary on the Verrines. The analysis of these two different types of witness shows that, on the authority of Ps.-Asconius, it is possible to heal some corruptions in the manuscripts of Cicero and that, as a result, the scholiast plays a key role in the constitutio textus of the Verrines, since in some cases his commentary is the sole source that enables us to recover sound readings in the face of errors or lacunae found in all the direct witnesses.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.