The spreading of digital technologies is a fact with which schools have to deal with on a daily basis. High is the number of the pedagogical research projects that have taken an interest about this theme – and still are – from the point of view of their impact on teaching and learning processes. On the other hand, less numerous and more circumstanced, are those researches that deal with technologies in schools from the point of view of their impact on relational dynamics and their influence on the classroom climate. The contribution presents a research carried out in two secondary schools in Bologna and two Parisian collèges. The aim of the research was to investigate the relationship of influence between the relational dynamics mediated by technology and the social climate of the class. Specifically, these pages will focus on the pupils’ point of view in an attempt to bring out their representations, their practices and their experiences describing: how technologies influence the way the students weave their personal relational dynamics; how, such dynamics, can have an impact on the classroom social climate within the class; how, students, see the role of schools and teachers as mediators of these balances.
La diffusione delle tecnologie è ormai un fatto con cui il sistema scolastico deve misurarsi quotidianamente. Ampissimo è il numero delle ricerche che si interessano alla tematica da un punto di vista dell’impatto che esse hanno sulla didattica e sui processi di apprendimento degli studenti. Meno ampio e più circoscritto è invece il numero delle ricerche che affrontano la tematica delle tecnologie nella scuola dal punto di vista dell’impatto sulle dinamiche relazionali e della loro influenza sul clima di classe. Il contributo presenta un’indagine svoltasi in due scuole secondarie di primo grado di Bologna e due collèges Parigini. La ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di indagare il rapporto di influenza fra le dinamiche relazionali mediate dalle tecnologie e il clima sociale di classe. Nello specifico, il presente articolo si concentrerà sul punto di vista degli alunni e delle alunne nel tentativo di far emergere rappresentazioni, pratiche e racconti su: come le tecnologie influenzano il modo di intessere dinamiche relazionali fra studenti; come, tali dinamiche, possono avere una ripercussione sul clima sociale all’interno della classe; come i discenti vedono il ruolo della scuola e degli insegnanti come mediatori di questi equilibri.
soriani alessandro (2020). Le Società per la società: ricerca, scenari, emergenze. SIREM III Tomo. Relazioni fra studenti mediate da contesti digitali: quale rapporto con il clima sociale dell’ambiente classe?. Pensa Multimedia.
Le Società per la società: ricerca, scenari, emergenze. SIREM III Tomo. Relazioni fra studenti mediate da contesti digitali: quale rapporto con il clima sociale dell’ambiente classe?
soriani alessandro
The spreading of digital technologies is a fact with which schools have to deal with on a daily basis. High is the number of the pedagogical research projects that have taken an interest about this theme – and still are – from the point of view of their impact on teaching and learning processes. On the other hand, less numerous and more circumstanced, are those researches that deal with technologies in schools from the point of view of their impact on relational dynamics and their influence on the classroom climate. The contribution presents a research carried out in two secondary schools in Bologna and two Parisian collèges. The aim of the research was to investigate the relationship of influence between the relational dynamics mediated by technology and the social climate of the class. Specifically, these pages will focus on the pupils’ point of view in an attempt to bring out their representations, their practices and their experiences describing: how technologies influence the way the students weave their personal relational dynamics; how, such dynamics, can have an impact on the classroom social climate within the class; how, students, see the role of schools and teachers as mediators of these balances.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.