In the modern information and knowledge-based society, one of the main concerns of applied linguistics is the development of strategies that allow us to deal with ever larger amounts of texts. The observation that the difficulties in working with large and very large corpora are often due to the very properties of language itself (e.g. the polyfunctionality and polylexicality of linguistic units) is the starting point of the present paper, which focuses on the role played by structural principles underlying the realisation of utterances with regard to the (semi) automatic processing of linguistic data. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities offered by today’s corpus linguistics to detect semantic-pragmatic or cognitive-epistemic frames, such as the use of concgrams in order to find semantically motivated co-occurrences. The data concerns, in particular, newspaper articles regarding the Venice Biennale.
Tra i compiti più urgenti della linguistica applicata nell’odierna società dell’informazione e della conoscenza vi è lo sviluppo di strategie per l’elaborazione e gestione di repertori testuali di sempre più ampie dimensioni. Partendo dall’osservazione secondo cui le difficoltà inerenti l’analisi di corpora scaturirebbero dalle proprietà stesse del linguaggio (ad es. il carattere polifunzionale e/o polilessicale delle unità linguistiche), il presente contributo intende approfondire il ruolo svolto dai principi strutturali sottesi alla realizzazione di enunciati ai fini del trattamento (semi)automatico di dati linguistici. Avvalendosi degli attuali strumenti della linguistica dei corpora (individuazione di co-occorrenze semanticamente motivate tramite concgrams), l’analisi si soffermerà in modo specifico sulle possibilità di individuare nella base di dati selezionata la presenza di frames semantico-pragmatici e cognitivo-epistemici. I dati analizzati riguardano in particolare articoli di giornale concernenti la Biennale di Venezia.
Hoehmann D. (2014). Zur korpuslinguistischen Untersuchung der sprachlichen Ausgestaltung von Wissensrahmen. Eine Fallstudie anhand des thematisches Bausteins „Die Biennale in Venedig“. DEU : Peter Lang.
Zur korpuslinguistischen Untersuchung der sprachlichen Ausgestaltung von Wissensrahmen. Eine Fallstudie anhand des thematisches Bausteins „Die Biennale in Venedig“
Hoehmann D.
In the modern information and knowledge-based society, one of the main concerns of applied linguistics is the development of strategies that allow us to deal with ever larger amounts of texts. The observation that the difficulties in working with large and very large corpora are often due to the very properties of language itself (e.g. the polyfunctionality and polylexicality of linguistic units) is the starting point of the present paper, which focuses on the role played by structural principles underlying the realisation of utterances with regard to the (semi) automatic processing of linguistic data. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities offered by today’s corpus linguistics to detect semantic-pragmatic or cognitive-epistemic frames, such as the use of concgrams in order to find semantically motivated co-occurrences. The data concerns, in particular, newspaper articles regarding the Venice Biennale.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.