Main aim of this study was to determine the distribution of larvae of Anisakidae nematodes owing to the genus Anisakis in fish, especially sardines and anchovies, caught in different central-southern fishing grounds of the Adriatic Sea, comparing the results with the data available for the northern Adriatic areas and evaluating possible correlations with environmental and ecological factors. The results obtained from this survey showed, out of 2332 fish examined that were composed of several species of commercial interest caught in fishing grounds of the central-southern Adriatic Sea (Ancona, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Manfredonia (FG), Molfetta (BA) and Lecce), an overall prevalence of 8,1% for larvae of Anisakidae nematodes owing to the Anisakis genus, while 27,2% was positive for Hysterothylacium sp. larvae. Prevalence values of Anisakis sp. were different in the several fish species examined: 1,9% in sardines (Sardina pilchardus), 8,6% in anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), 17,1% in European hakes (Merluccius merluccius), 44,4% in Atlantic horse mackerels (Trachurus trachurus), 60,7% in Atlantic chub mackerels (Scomber colias) and 66,6% in Atlantic mackerels (S. scombrus), with notable differences among fishing grounds in particular when compared to the data available for fish populations from northern Adriatic Sea. The differences have been linked with the hydrological, morphological and ecological features that distinguish the different parts of the Adriatic Sea and divide it into two main ecosystems, whose properties affect at a larger extent on the composition of faunal communities including the main hosts of Anisakis and reflect on its distribution in time and space. In fact, the Adriatic Sea can be divided in a northern portion defined as a coastal neritic and eutrophic area for its shallow waters and for the presence of many Italian rivers that enter freshwater rich in nutrients, and a central-southern portion which is as an ecosystem oceanic and oligotrophic characterized by higher depth and salinity, and reduced nutrient loads from rivers. These features strongly influence the distribution and abundance of many of the hosts involved in the biological cycle of Anisakis, particularly intermediate hosts (euphasiacean crustaceans) and definitive hosts (cetaceans), leading to significant differences also in the distribution of the larval stages of the parasite in marine fish populations.
Scopo primario del presente studio è stato quello di determinare la diffusione di larve di nematodi Anisakidae del genere Anisakis in specie ittiche, in primis alici e sardine, pescate in diversi areali del Mar Adriatico centro-meridionale, comparando i risultati con i dati disponibili per gli areali adriatici settentrionali e valutando le eventuali correlazioni con fattori di tipo ambientale ed ecologico. I risultati ottenuti nel corso di questo studio hanno mostrato, su 2.332 pesci esaminati in totale e rappresentati da diverse specie ittiche di interesse commerciale provenienti da areali di pesca del mar Adriatico centrale e meridionale (Ancona, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Manfredonia, Molfetta e Lecce), una prevalenza totale di 8,1% per larve di nematodi Anisakidae appartenenti al genere Anisakis, mentre il 27,2% è risultato positivo per larve di Hysterothylacium sp. Le prevalenze riscontrate per Anisakis spp. nelle diverse specie ittiche hanno presentato valori differenti: 1,9% nelle sardine (Sardina pilchardus), 8,6% nelle alici (Engraulis encrasicolus), 17,1% nei naselli (Merluccius merluccius), 44,4% nei suri (Trachurus trachurus), 60,7% nei lanzardi (Scomber colias) e 66,6% negli sgombri (S. scombrus), con rilevanti differenze in relazione all’areale di pesca soprattutto quando comparati ai dati esistenti per le popolazioni ittiche provenienti da areali settentrionali del Mar Adriatico. Le differenze rilevate sono state messe in relazione con le caratteristiche idrologiche, morfologiche ed ecologiche che contraddistinguono i diversi areali adriatici e lo suddividono in due diversi ecosistemi, le cui proprietà incidono in larga misura sulla composizione della comunità faunistica, che include i principali ospiti di Anisakis e si riflette anche sulla sua distribuzione nel tempo e nello spazio. Il Mar Adriatico può essere infatti diviso in una porzione settentrionale definita come un'area costiera neritica ed eutrofica per i fondali poco profondi e i numerosi fiumi dell'Italia settentrionale che immettono abbondante acqua dolce ricca di nutrimento al suo interno, ed una porzione centro-meridionale identificata come un ecosistema di tipo oceanico ed oligotrofico, in quanto i fondali sono molto profondi e la ridotta presenza dei fiumi rende le acque scarse di nutrimento, ma con concentrazione salina elevata. Queste caratteristiche influenzano fortemente la distribuzione e l'abbondanza di molti degli ospiti coinvolti nel ciclo biologico di Anisakis, in particolare quelli intermedi (crostacei eufasiacei) e definitivi (cetacei), portando ad importanti differenze anche nella diffusione degli stadi larvali del parassita nelle popolazioni ittiche marine.
Costantini Emy, Bosco Chiara, Gustinelli Andrea, Caffara Monica, Menconi Vasco, Giuseppe Scaturro, et al. (2016). Anisakiasi ittica: studio ecoparassitologico in diversi areali di pesca del Mar Adriatico centro-meridionale. ITTIOPATOLOGIA, 13, 35-56.
Anisakiasi ittica: studio ecoparassitologico in diversi areali di pesca del Mar Adriatico centro-meridionale
Main aim of this study was to determine the distribution of larvae of Anisakidae nematodes owing to the genus Anisakis in fish, especially sardines and anchovies, caught in different central-southern fishing grounds of the Adriatic Sea, comparing the results with the data available for the northern Adriatic areas and evaluating possible correlations with environmental and ecological factors. The results obtained from this survey showed, out of 2332 fish examined that were composed of several species of commercial interest caught in fishing grounds of the central-southern Adriatic Sea (Ancona, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Manfredonia (FG), Molfetta (BA) and Lecce), an overall prevalence of 8,1% for larvae of Anisakidae nematodes owing to the Anisakis genus, while 27,2% was positive for Hysterothylacium sp. larvae. Prevalence values of Anisakis sp. were different in the several fish species examined: 1,9% in sardines (Sardina pilchardus), 8,6% in anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), 17,1% in European hakes (Merluccius merluccius), 44,4% in Atlantic horse mackerels (Trachurus trachurus), 60,7% in Atlantic chub mackerels (Scomber colias) and 66,6% in Atlantic mackerels (S. scombrus), with notable differences among fishing grounds in particular when compared to the data available for fish populations from northern Adriatic Sea. The differences have been linked with the hydrological, morphological and ecological features that distinguish the different parts of the Adriatic Sea and divide it into two main ecosystems, whose properties affect at a larger extent on the composition of faunal communities including the main hosts of Anisakis and reflect on its distribution in time and space. In fact, the Adriatic Sea can be divided in a northern portion defined as a coastal neritic and eutrophic area for its shallow waters and for the presence of many Italian rivers that enter freshwater rich in nutrients, and a central-southern portion which is as an ecosystem oceanic and oligotrophic characterized by higher depth and salinity, and reduced nutrient loads from rivers. These features strongly influence the distribution and abundance of many of the hosts involved in the biological cycle of Anisakis, particularly intermediate hosts (euphasiacean crustaceans) and definitive hosts (cetaceans), leading to significant differences also in the distribution of the larval stages of the parasite in marine fish populations.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.