In the early stage of Italian television, between the end of the experimental phase and the beginning of regular programming (in 1954), the issue of audience strongly arose: who was supposed to be the addressee for the new medium? Which images of the public were built and circulated in the public sphere? What kind of audience picture was driven by the apparatus and made visible through scheduling practices, TV genres and first programmes? The paper investigates the process of institutionalisation of Italian television, focusing on the specific topic of the construction of a unified, and almost stable, image of its audience and has been developed comparing and analysing various kind of sources: the references and the audience simulacra visible in early programmes, still conserved in Rai’s archives; the images of the public shaped by managers, producers, insiders and technicians, crystallised in several para-texts, such as technical journals or house-organs (for instance, the «Radiocorriere»); the idea of early TV audience emerging from broadsheet newspapers (such as «Corriere della Sera» and «Corriere d’Informazione») and popular press (the magazine «La televisione illustrata»), as well as from the first television criticism. The essay tries to demonstrate how traditional and passive patterns of spectatorship, re-mediated from theatre and cinema, were merged with several calls for interaction with the small screen, inspired by the models of previous popular entertainment shows (such as funfairs and entertainment parks).
Nella prima fase di programmazione regolare della televisione italiana, tra la fine del periodo di sperimentazione e l’avvio ufficiale, nel 1954, delle trasmissioni, emergono con forza questioni relative al pubblico del nuovo medium. Per chi sono pensati i primi programmi del piccolo schermo? Quali rappresentazioni del pubblico sono veicolate dall’istituzione televisiva, la Rai, e rese visibili attraverso la costruzione dei palinsesti, i generi e le prime trasmissioni? Quali immagini di spettatore sono costruite e messe in circolo nella sfera pubblica? Il saggio ricostruisce la fase di istituzionalizzazione del medium in Italia, concentrandosi in particolare sul processo di costruzione di un’immagine stabile e definita di audience televisiva, attraverso l’analisi e la collazione di diversi tipi di fonti: riferimenti agli spettatori e simulacra del pubblico inscritti nei primi programmi ancora conservati negli archivi della Rai, immagini spettatoriali modellate dai dirigenti, dai produttori e dai tecnici televisivi e poi fissate in diversi paratesti, quali i report e le pubblicazioni aziendali (il «Radiocorriere» su tutte), l’idea del pubblico che nel periodo emerge dalla stampa quotidiana (in particolare dal «Corriere della Sera» e il «Corriere dell’informazione») e dalle riviste popolari («La televisione illustrata»), così come dalla prima critica televisiva. Il lavoro mostra così come modelli spettatoriali tradizionali e “passivi”, che “ri-mediano” l’idea di pubblico ideale tipica di teatro e cinema, s’intreccino con molteplici e diretti inviti all’interazione tra tele¬spettatori e piccolo schermo, ispirati piuttosto a forme antiche di intrattenimento popolare, come le fiere e i parchi di divertimento.
Barra, L., Penati, C., Scaglioni, M. (2010). Images of the Public. The Construction of Italian Tv Audience (1953-1955). COMUNICAZIONI SOCIALI ON-LINE, 3, 4-17.
Images of the Public. The Construction of Italian Tv Audience (1953-1955).
In the early stage of Italian television, between the end of the experimental phase and the beginning of regular programming (in 1954), the issue of audience strongly arose: who was supposed to be the addressee for the new medium? Which images of the public were built and circulated in the public sphere? What kind of audience picture was driven by the apparatus and made visible through scheduling practices, TV genres and first programmes? The paper investigates the process of institutionalisation of Italian television, focusing on the specific topic of the construction of a unified, and almost stable, image of its audience and has been developed comparing and analysing various kind of sources: the references and the audience simulacra visible in early programmes, still conserved in Rai’s archives; the images of the public shaped by managers, producers, insiders and technicians, crystallised in several para-texts, such as technical journals or house-organs (for instance, the «Radiocorriere»); the idea of early TV audience emerging from broadsheet newspapers (such as «Corriere della Sera» and «Corriere d’Informazione») and popular press (the magazine «La televisione illustrata»), as well as from the first television criticism. The essay tries to demonstrate how traditional and passive patterns of spectatorship, re-mediated from theatre and cinema, were merged with several calls for interaction with the small screen, inspired by the models of previous popular entertainment shows (such as funfairs and entertainment parks).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.