Effect of aminergic signaling on the humoral innate immunity response of Drosophila
2023 Cattabriga, Giulia; Giordani, Giorgia; Gargiulo, Giuseppe; Cavaliere, Valeria
Role of neuronal and non-neuronal acetylcholine signaling in Drosophila humoral immunity
2023 Giordani G.; Cattabriga G.; Becchimanzi A.; Di Lelio I.; De Leva G.; Gigliotti S.; Pennacchio F.; Gargiulo G.; Cavaliere V.
Retrotransposons Down- and Up-Regulation in Aging Somatic Tissues
2022 Giordani, Giorgia; Cavaliere, Valeria; Gargiulo, Giuseppe; Lattanzi, Giovanna; Andrenacci, Davide
Immunotherapeutic efficacy of retargeted ohsvs designed for propagation in an ad hoc cell line
2021 Vannini A.; Leoni V.; Sanapo M.; Gianni T.; Giordani G.; Gatta V.; Barboni C.; Zaghini A.; Campadelli-fiume G.
Puparia Cleaning Techniques for Forensic and Archaeo-Funerary Studies
2021 Jennifer Pradelli; Fabiola Tuccia; Giorgia Giordani; Stefano Vanin
Description of the puparium and other notes on the morphological and molecular identification of Phthitia empirica (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) collected from animal carcasses
2020 Giordani, G.; Vanin, S.
Patterns of camelid sacrifice at the site of Pachacamac, Peruvian Central Coast, during the Late Intermediate Period (AD1000–1470): Perspectives from funerary archaeoentomology
2020 Giordani G.; Erauw C.; Eeckhout P.A.; Owens L.S.; Vanin S.
The impact of drosophila awd/nme1/2 levels on notch and wg signaling pathways
2020 Serafini G.; Giordani G.; Grillini L.; Andrenacci D.; Gargiulo G.; Cavaliere V.
A new BCR-ABL1 Drosophila model as a powerful tool to elucidate pathogenesis and progression of chronic myeloid leukemia
2019 Roberto Bernardoni, Giorgia Giordani, Elisabetta Signorino, Sara Monticelli, Francesca Messa, Monica Pradotto, Valentina Rosso, Enrico Bracco, Angela Giangrande, Giovanni Perini, Giuseppe Saglio, Daniela Cilloni
Characterization and Identification of Puparia of Hydrotaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Muscidae) from Forensic and Archaeological Contexts
2019 Giordani, G.; Grzywacz, A.; Vanin, S.
DNA characterization from gut content of larvae of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae)
2019 Mukherjee S.; Singh P.; Tuccia F.; Pradelli J.; Giordani G.; Vanin S.
Environmental necrophagous fauna selection in a funerary hypogeal context: The putridarium of the Franciscan monastery of Azzio (northern Italy)
2019 Pradelli J.; Rossetti C.; Tuccia F.; Giordani G.; Licata M.; Birkhoff J.M.; Verzeletti A.; Vanin S.
Record of Leptometopa latipes (Diptera: Milichiidae) from a human cadaver in the Mediterranean area
2019 Giordani, G.; Tuccia, F.; Zoppis, S.; Vecchiotti, C.; Vanin, S.
Do longer sequences improve the accuracy of identification of forensically important Calliphoridae species?
2018 Bortolini, S.; Giordani, G.; Tuccia, F.; Maistrello, L.; Vanin, S.
First record of Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from mummies at the Sant'Antonio Abate Cathedral of Castelsardo, Sardinia, Italy
2018 Giordani, G.; Tuccia, F.; Floris, I.; Vanin, S.
First records of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera: Muscidae) from forensic cases in Italy
2017 Lo Pinto, S.; Giordani, G.; Tuccia, F.; Ventura, F.; Vanin, S.
A combined protocol for identification of maggots of forensic interest
2016 Tuccia F.; Giordani G.; Vanin S.
A general review of the most common COI primers for Calliphoridae identification in forensic entomology
2016 Tuccia, F.; Giordani, G.; Vanin, S.
The human Smoothened inhibitor PF-04449913 induces exit from quiescence and loss of multipotent Drosophila hematopoietic progenitor cells
2016 Giordani, Giorgia; Barraco, Marilena; Giangrande, Angela; Martinelli, Giovanni; Guadagnuolo, Viviana; Simonetti, Giorgia; Perini, Giovanni; Bernardoni, Roberto