Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Policies and strategies to control antimicrobial resistance in livestock production: A comparative analysis of national action plans in European Union Member States
2025 Beber, C. L.; Aragrande, M.; Canali, M.
Antibiotic Resistance in Humans: An Analysis of Antibiotic Use in Factory Farming
2024 Ardakani, Z.; Canali, M.; Aragrande, M.; Beber, C. L.
Evaluation of ‘ClassyFarm’, the Italian integrated surveillance system of livestock farms, in the context of antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance
2024 Tomassone, Laura; Scali, Federico; Formenti, Nicoletta; Alborali, GIOVANNI LORIS; Aragrande, Maurizio; Canali, Massimo; Romanelli, Costanza; Suprani, Valentina; De Meneghi, Daniele
Global antimicrobial use in livestock farming: an estimate for cattle, chickens, and pigs
2024 Ardakani, Zahra; Aragrande, Maurizio; Canali, Massimo
Identifying specific targets for the member states to achieve the European Union's goal of 50 per cent reduction in sales of veterinary antimicrobials by 2030
2024 Beber, Caetano Luiz; Aragrande, Maurizio; Canali, Massimo
Policy Mixes to Control Anti-microbial Resistance in Livestock Production: A Comparative Analysis of National Action Plan Implementation in Relevant Countries
2024 Beber, C. L.; Aragrande, M.; Canali, M.
Stakeholders’ Perceptions About Antimicrobial Use Practices and AMR Issues in the Italian Poultry Industry
2024 Beber, C. L.; Pasquali, F.; Gambi, L.; Manfreda, G.; Aragrande, M.; Suprani, V.; Canali, M.
The 2030 Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Reduction Target in Europe: Where Are We?
2024 Massimo Canali; Maurizio Aragrande; Caetano Luiz Beber
Advancing One Health: Updated core competencies
2023 Gabrielle Laing, Eleanor Duffy, Neil Anderson, Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, Maurizio Aragrande, Caetano Luiz Beber, John Berezowski, Elena Boriani, Massimo Canali, Luis Pedro Carmo, Ilias Chantziaras, Glen Cousquer, Daniele De Meneghi, Ana Gloria Rodrigues Sanches da Fonseca, Julie Garnier, Martin Hitziger, Thomas Jaenisch, Hans Keune, Claire Lajaunie, Lorena Franco Martinez, Rebecca Maudling, Marie K. McIntyre, Barry J. McMahon, Alberto Munoz Prieto, Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen, Ranya Özçelik, John W.A. Rossen, Simon R. Rüegg, Sara Savić, Margarida Pires Simoes, Deborah J. Thomson, Laura Tomassone, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, Manuela Vilhena, Barbara Vogler, Barbara Häsler
Capitolo 10. Valutazione economica delle parassitosi
2023 Maurizio Aragrande, Massimo Canali, Caetano Luiz Beber, Valentina Suprani, Costanza Romanelli
Capturing systematically users' experience of evaluation tools for integrated AMU and AMR surveillance
2023 Alban L.; Bordier M.; Häsler B.; Collineau L.; Tomassone L.; Bennani H.; Aenishaenslin C.; Norström M.; Aragrande M.; Filippitzi M.E.; Moura P.; Sandberg M.
Evaluating the contribution of antimicrobial use in farmed animals to global antimicrobial resistance in humans
2023 Zahra Ardakani, Massimo Canali, Maurizio Aragrande, Laura Tomassone, Margarida Simoes, Agnese Balzani, Caetano Luiz Beber
A One-Health evaluation of the burden of cystic echinococcosis and its prevention costs: Case study from a hypo-endemic area in Italy
2021 Rudi Cassini, Massimo Canali, Francesca Tamarozzi, Andrea Angheben, Gioia Capelli, Federico Gobbi, Matteo Legnardi, Michele Brichese, Giuseppina Napoletano, Fabrizio Cestaro, Adriano Casulli, Michele Drigo, Maurizio Aragrande
Effects of the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome on the antibiotic consumption in pig weaning and fattening units in Italy
2021 Paolo Trevisi, Paolo Bosi, Roberta Ruggeri, Caetano Luiz Beber; Diana Luise, Laura Amatucci, Maurizio Aragrande, Massimo Canali
Impacts on production performances and costs from the development of antibiotic-free poultry farming, a case study in Italy
2021 Frédérique Pasquali, Massimo Canali, Cecilia Crippa, Lucia Gambi, Maurizio Aragrande, Gerardo Manfreda, Caetano Luiz Beber
One Health Economics
2021 Häsler, Barbara; Cuevas, Soledad; Canali, Massimo; Aragrande, Maurizio; Shaw, Alexandra; Zinsstag, Jakob
One Health Evaluation: A Case Study at the University of Bologna
2021 Maurizio Aragrande, Massimo Canali, Mariana Roccaro, Elisabetta Ferraro, Alessandra Bonoli, Federica Savini, Silvia Piva, Laura Gallina, Angelo Peli, Vittorio Sambri, Alessandra Scagliarini
Pragmatic Use of Planetary Health and Nature-Based Solutions for Future Pandemics Using COVID-19 Case Scenario
2021 Boriani,Elena; Aragrande,Maurizio; Canali,Massimo; Balzan,Mario V.; Asaduzzaman,Muhammad
Consumers’ willingness to pay for meat produced without using antibiotics: a hedonic price analysis in Italian supermarkets
2020 Massimo Canali, Enrico Sbaragli, Caetano Luiz Beber, Maurizio Aragrande, Sara Capacci
Epidemiologic-economic models and the One Health paradigm: echinococcosis and leishmaniasis, case studies in Veneto region, Northeastern Italy
2020 Canali, Massimo; Aragrande, Maurizio; Angheben, Andrea; Capelli, Gioia; Drigo, Michele; Gobbi, Federico; Tamarozzi, Francesca; Cassini, Rudi