Personale tecnico amm.vo
Evolution of cardiovascular risk factors and the risk for cardiovascular events in a Caucasian population with polycystic ovary syndrom
2025 Gambineri, A; Rosa, S; Pandurevic, S; Cecchetti, C; Rotolo, L; Dionese, P; Belardinelli, E; Solmi, B; Zavatta, G; Fanelli, F; Rucci, P; Angeli, F; Armillotta, M; Bergamaschi, L; Gallitto, E; Gargiulo, M; Macut, D; Pizzi, C; Pagotto, U
A multi-state analysis of disease trajectories and mental health transitions in patients with type 2 diabetes: A population-based retrospective cohort study utilizing health administrative data
2024 Lenzi, Jacopo; Messina, Rossella; Rosa, Simona; Iommi, Marica; Rucci, Paola; Pia Fantini, Maria; Di Bartolo, Paolo
Age of type 2 diabetes onset as a risk factor for dementia: A 13-year retrospective cohort study
2024 Messina, Rossella; Mezuk, Briana; Rosa, Simona; Iommi, Marica; Fantini, Maria Pia; Lenzi, Jacopo; Di Bartolo, Paolo
Clinical Health Psychology Perspectives in Diabetes Care: A Retrospective Cohort Study Examining the Role of Depression in Adherence to Visits and Examinations in Type 2 Diabetes Management
2024 Messina, Rossella; Lenzi, Jacopo; Rosa, Simona; Fantini, Maria Pia; Di Bartolo, Paolo
Identifying patient subgroups with different trends of patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) after elective knee arthroplasty
2023 Golinelli D.; Grassi A.; Sanmarchi F.; Tedesco D.; Esposito F.; Rosa S.; Rucci P.; Amabile M.; Cosentino M.; Bordini B.; Fantini M.P.; Zaffagnini S.
Comparison of drug prescribing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-national European study
2022 Selke Krulichova I.; Selke G.W.; Bennie M.; Hajiebrahimi M.; Nyberg F.; Furst J.; Garuoliene K.; Poluzzi E.; Slaby J.; Yahni C.Z.; Altini M.; Fantini M.P.; Koci V.; McTaggart S.; Pontes C.; Reno C.; Rosa S.; Pedrola M.T.; Udovic M.; Wettermark B.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Therapeutic Continuity among Outpatients with Chronic Cardiovascular Therapies
2022 Casula M.; Galimberti F.; Iommi M.; Olmastroni E.; Rosa S.; Altini M.; Catapano A.L.; Tragni E.; Poluzzi E.
Is it time to consider depression as a major complication of type 2 diabetes? Evidence from a large population-based cohort study
2022 Messina R.; Iommi M.; Rucci P.; Reno C.; Fantini M.P.; Lunghi C.; Altini M.; Bravi F.; Rosa S.; Nicolucci A.; Di Bartolo P.
Patient reported outcomes measures (PROMs) trajectories after elective hip arthroplasty: a latent class and growth mixture analysis
2022 Golinelli, Davide; Grassi, Alberto; Tedesco, Dario; Sanmarchi, Francesco; Rosa, Simona; Rucci, Paola; Amabile, Marilina; Cosentino, Monica; Bordini, Barbara; Fantini, Maria Pia; Zaffagnini, Stefano
Variations of the quality of care during the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mortality rate of non-COVID-19 patients with hip fracture
2022 Golinelli D.; Sanmarchi F.; Capodici A.; Gribaudo G.; Altini M.; Rosa S.; Esposito F.; Fantini M.P.; Lenzi J.
Comorbid diseases associated with pemphigus: a case-control study
2021 Bardazzi, Federico; Rucci, Paola; Rosa, Simona; Loi, Camilla; Iommi, Marica; Altobrando, Ambra Di
Cost Determinants of Continuum-Care Episodes for Hip Fracture
2021 Golinelli, Davide; Boetto, Erik; Mazzotti, Antonio; Rosa, Simona; Rucci, Paola; Berti, Elena; Ugolini, Cristina; Fantini, Maria Pia
CoViD-19 pandemic and incidence of depression in people with diabetes: mental health unmet needs?
2021 Messina, R; Iommi, M; Rucci, P; Reno, C; Lunghi, C; Fantini, MP; Altini, M; Bravi, F; Rosa, S; Di Bartolo, P. .
Higher 90-day mortality after surgery for hip fractures in patients with covid-19: A case–control study from a single center in italy
2021 Grassi A.; Andriolo L.; Golinelli D.; Tedesco D.; Rosa S.; Gramegna P.; Ciaffi J.; Meliconi R.; Landini M.P.; Filardo G.; Fantini M.P.; Zaffagnini S.
Non-COVID-19 patients in times of pandemic: Emergency department visits, hospitalizations and cause-specific mortality in Northern Italy
2021 Santi, Luca; Golinelli, Davide; Tampieri, Andrea; Farina, Gabriele; Greco, Manfredi; Rosa, Simona; Beleffi, Michelle; Biavati, Bianca; Campinoti, Francesca; Guerrini, Stefania; Ferrari, Rodolfo; Rucci, Paola; Fantini, Maria Pia; Giostra, Fabrizio
Patterns of Emergency Department visits for acute and chronic diseases during the two pandemic waves in Italy
2021 Golinelli, Davide; Campinoti, Francesca; Sanmarchi, Francesco; Rosa, Simona; Beleffi, Michelle; Farina, Gabriele; Tampieri, Andrea; Fantini, Maria Pia; Giostra, Fabrizio; Santi, Luca
How infodemic during the COVID-19 outbreak influenced common clinical practice in an Outpatient Service of Severe Psoriasis
2020 Sacchelli L.; Evangelista V.; Di Altobrando A.; Lacava R.; Rucci P.; Rosa S.; Patrizi A.; Bardazzi F.
Modified-Chronic Disease Score (M-CDS): Predicting the individual risk of death using drug prescriptions
2020 Iommi M.; Rosa S.; Fusaroli M.; Rucci P.; Fantini M.P.; Poluzzi E.
Sexually transmitted infections during the COVID-19 outbreak: comparison of patients referring to the service of sexually transmitted diseases during the sanitary emergency with those referring during the common practice
2020 Sacchelli L.; Viviani F.; Orioni G.; Rucci P.; Rosa S.; Lanzoni A.; Patrizi A.; Gaspari V.
Costi diretti annuali per la gestione dei pazienti con diabete mellito di tipo 2 nelle Aziende Usl di Parma, Modena e Bologna
2019 Vera Maria Avaldi, Maria Pia Fantini, Elena Berti, Simona Rosa, Marica Iommi, Maria Luisa Moro, Claudio Travaglini