Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia
Geometrical optimization of an isothermal double Y-shaped cavity employing differential evolution algorithm with a constructal approach
2025 Gonzales, G. V.; Biserni, C.; Rocha, L. A. O.; da Silva Diaz Estrada, E.; Isoldi, L. A.; da Silva Neto, A. J.; dos Santos, E. D.
Numerical and geometric investigation of pool boiling heat transfer in cavities with isothermal rectangular corrugations
2025 Freire, G. M.; Biserni, C.; Naldi, C.; Centeno, F. R.; Isoldi, L. A.; Rocha, L. A. O.; de Escobar, C. C.; dos Santos, E. D.
A Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis to Investigate the Influence of Magnetic Fields on Plaque Growth in Stenotic Bifurcated Arteries
2024 Kaleem Iqbal, Eugenia Rossi di Schio, Muhammad Adnan Anwar, Mudassar Razzaq, Hasan Shahzad, Paolo Valdiserri, Giampietro Fabbri, Cesare Biserni
Evolutionary design investigation applied to mixed convection heat transfer flows over semi-elliptical blocks inserted into a rectangular channel
2024 Razera A.L.; da Fonseca R.J.C.; Isoldi L.A.; dos Santos E.D.; Rocha L.A.O.; Biserni C.
Experimental analysis of a thermal storage with a PCM-loaded finned heat exchanger
2024 Naldi C.; Martino G.; Dongellini M.; Biserni C.; Morini G.L.
Geometrical investigation of forced convective flows over staggered arrangement of cylinders employing constructal design
2024 Del Aghenese A.P.; Naldi C.; Rocha L.A.O.; Isoldi L.A.; Prolo Filho J.F.; Biserni C.; dos Santos E.D.
Melting of a phase change material in a rectangular cavity in the presence of metallic fins
2024 Naldi, C; Martino, G; Dongellini, M; Biserni, C; Morini, G L; Lorente, S
Numerical study of the Thermo-hydrodynamic behavior of a non-Newtonian nanofluid in a backward facing step
2024 Mokhefi A.; Rossi di Schio E.; Valdiserri P.; Biserni C.; Derbal D.
Study of the Geometry of an Oscillating Water Column Device with Five Chambers Coupled under Regular Waves through the Constructal Design Method
2024 de Lima Y.T.B.; Isoldi L.A.; dos Santos E.D.; Machado B.N.; Gomes M.D.N.; Biserni C.; Rocha L.A.O.
The Use of Arduino and PID Control Approach for the Experimental Setup of HVAC Temperature Testing
2024 Ballerini, V.; Biserni, C.; Fabbri, G.; Guidorzi, P.; Rossi di Schio, E.; Valdiserri, P.
Constructal design of passive micromixers with multiple obstacles via computational fluid dynamics
2023 Cunegatto E.H.T.; Zinani F.S.F.; Biserni C.; Rocha L.A.O.
Influence of Nanoparticles and Magnetic Field on the Laminar Forced Convection in a Duct Containing an Elastic Fin
2023 Mokhefi A.; Rossi Di Schio E.; Valdiserri P.; Biserni C.
Investigation on the Association of Differential Evolution and Constructal Design for Geometric Optimization of Double Y-Shaped Cooling Cavities Inserted into Walls with Heat Generation
2023 Gonzales G.V.; Biserni C.; da Silva Diaz Estrada E.; Platt G.M.; Isoldi L.A.; Rocha L.A.O.; da Silva Neto A.J.; dos Santos E.D.
Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Mixed Convection of a Nanofluid in a Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
2023 Rossi Di Schio E.; Mokhefi A.; Impiombato A.N.; Biserni C.
Professor Adrian Bejan on his 75th birthday
2023 Lage J.L.; Worek W.M.; Amon C.H.; Awad M.M.; Basak T.; Bayazitoglu Y.; Bello-Ochende T.; Biserni C.; Bonjour J.; Borchiellini R.; Çetkin E.; Charles J.; Chen Y.; Chow W.K.; Chun J.; Costa V.; Dai W.; Dinçer İ.; Errera M.; Faghri A.; Farzaneh H.; Gosselin L.; Grisolia G.; Gunes U.; Herwig H.; Jerry Jones G.F.; Kimura S.; Kulacki F.A.; Li C.; Li X.; Lim J.S.; Lior N.; Litsek P.; Lorente S.; Lorenzini G.; Lucia U.; Manca O.; Mardanpour P.; Meyer J.P.; Miguel A.; Milanez L.F.; Morega A.M.; Morosuk T.; Muzychka Y.S.; Narasimhan A.; Naterer G.F.; Ordonez J.; Peterson G.P.B.; Reis A.H.; Rocha L.A.O.; Sahin B.; Sekulic D.P.; Stanek W.; Tsatsaronis G.; Vadasz P.; Vargas J.V.; Wen C.Y.; Zhang H.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Z.
A constructal approach applied to the cooling of semi-elliptical blocks assembled into a rectangular channel under forced convection
2022 Razera, A. L.; da Fonseca, R. J. C.; Isoldi, L. A.; dos Santos, E. D.; Rocha, L. A. O.; Biserni, C.
Effect of extended surfaces on lauric acid melting process in annular cavities
2022 Spengler, F. C.; Oliveski, R. D. C.; Rocha, L. A. O.; Biserni, C.
Geometric optimization of a rectangular isothermal block inside a lid-driven cavity by means of constructal design
2022 da Silveira Borahel, R.; Zinani, F. S. F.; Rocha, L. A. O.; dos Santos, E. D.; Isoldi, L. A.; Biserni, C.
Numerical Modeling of Pure and Metal-Foam Loaded PCMs
2022 Naldi, Claudia; Dongellini, Matteo; Biserni, Cesare; Morini, Gian Luca
Numerical Study and Geometric Investigation of the Influence of Rectangular Baffles over the Mixture of Turbulent Flows into Stirred Tanks
2022 Soares L.L.; Biserni C.; da Rosa Costa R.; Oliveira Junior J.A.A.; Dos Santos E.D.; Galarca M.M.