Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Recalibrating Protection Factors Using Millisecond Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
2025 Stofella, Michele; Seetaloo, Neeleema; St John, Alexander N.; Paci, Emanuele; Phillips, Jonathan J.; Sobott, Frank
CHARMM at 45: Enhancements in Accessibility, Functionality, and Speed
2024 Hwang, Wonmuk; Austin, Steven L.; Blondel, Arnaud; Boittier, Eric D.; Boresch, Stefan; Buck, Matthias; Buckner, Joshua; Caflisch, Amedeo; Chang, Hao-Ting; Cheng, Xi; Choi, Yeol Kyo; Chu, Jhih-Wei; Crowley, Michael F.; Cui, Qiang; Damjanovic, Ana; Deng, Yuqing; Devereux, Mike; Ding, Xinqiang; Feig, Michael F.; Gao, Jiali; Glowacki, David R.; Gonzales, James E.; Hamaneh, Mehdi Bagerhi; Harder, Edward D.; Hayes, Ryan L.; Huang, Jing; Huang, Yandong; Hudson, Phillip S.; Im, Wonpil; Islam, Shahidul M.; Jiang, Wei; Jones, Michael R.; Käser, Silvan; Kearns, Fiona L.; Kern, Nathan R.; Klauda, Jeffery B.; Lazaridis, Themis; Lee, Jinhyuk; Lemkul, Justin A.; Liu, Xiaorong; Luo, Yun; Mackerell, Alexander D.; Major, Dan T.; Meuwly, Markus; Nam, Kwangho; Nilsson, Lennart; Ovchinnikov, Victor; Paci, Emanuele; Park, Soohyung; Pastor, Richard W.; Pittman, Amanda R.; Post, Carol Beth; Prasad, Samarjeet; Pu, Jingzhi; Qi, Yifei; Rathinavelan, Thenmalarchelvi; Roe, Daniel R.; Roux, Benoit; Rowley, Christopher N.; Shen, Jana; Simmonett, Andrew C.; Sodt, Alexander J.; Töpfer, Kai; Upadhyay, Meenu; van der Vaart, Arjan; Vazquez-Salazar, Luis Itza; Venable, Richard M.; Warrensford, Luke C.; Woodcock, H. Lee; Wu, Yujin; Brooks, Charles L.; Brooks, Bernard R.; Karplus, Martin
Computational Tools for Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis
2024 Stofella, Michele; Grimaldi, Antonio; Smit, Jochem H.; Claesen, Jürgen; Paci, Emanuele; Sobott, Frank
Phage display identifies Affimer proteins that direct calcium carbonate polymorph formation
2024 Sandei, Ilaria; Gaule, Thembaninkosi; Batchelor, Matthew; Paci, Emanuele; Kim, Yi-Yeoun; Kulak, Alexander N.; Tomlinson, Darren C.; Meldrum, Fiona C.
Structural constraints of pyocin S2 import through the ferripyoverdine receptor FpvAI
2024 D Goult, Jonathan; L Van, Daniel C; V Taylor, Yasmin; G Inns, Patrick; Kaminska, Renata; Vesely, Martin; Kleanthous, Colin; Paci, Emanuele
The Mutagenic Plasticity of the Cholera Toxin B-Subunit Surface Residues: Stability and Affinity
2024 Au, Cheuk W.; Manfield, Iain; Webb, Michael E.; Paci, Emanuele; Turnbull, W. Bruce; Ross, James F.
Collagen-like Motifs of SasG: A Novel Fold for Protein Mechanical Strength
2023 Bruce, A. J. E.; Paci, E.; Brockwell, D. J.
Comparative proximity biotinylation implicates the small GTPase RAB18 in sterol mobilization and biosynthesis
2023 Kiss, Robert S.; Chicoine, Jarred; Khalil, Youssef; Sladek, Robert; Chen, He; Pisaturo, Alessandro; Martin, Cyril; Dale, Jessica D.; Brudenell, Tegan A.; Kamath, Archith; Kyei-Boahen, Jeffrey; Hafiane, Anouar; Daliah, Girija; Alecki, Célia; Hopes, Tayah S.; Heier, Martin; Aligianis, Irene A.; Lebrun, Jean-Jacques; Aspden, Julie; Paci, Emanuele; Kerksiek, Anja; Lütjohann, Dieter; Clayton, Peter; Wills, Jimi C.; von Kriegsheim, Alex; Nilsson, Tommy; Sheridan, Eamonn; Handley, Mark T.
Powerful Avidity with a Limited Valency for Virus-Attachment Blockers on DC-SIGN: Combining Chelation and Statistical Rebinding with Structural Plasticity of the Receptor
2023 Porkolab V.; Lepsik M.; Ordanini S.; St John A.; Le Roy A.; Thepaut M.; Paci E.; Ebel C.; Bernardi A.; Fieschi F.
ADOPT: intrinsic protein disorder prediction through deep bidirectional transformers
2022 Redl, Istvan; Fisicaro, Carlo; Dutton, Oliver; Hoffmann, Falk; Henderson, Louie; Owens, Benjamin M. J.; Heberling, Matthew; Paci, Emanuele; Tamiola, Kamil
High-Resolution Hydrogen-Deuterium Protection Factors from Sparse Mass Spectrometry Data Validated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements
2022 Stofella M.; Skinner S.P.; Sobott F.; Houwing-Duistermaat J.; Paci E.
Computational methods to predict the mutational landscape of the spike protein
2021 Paci E.; Ross J.F.
Partial Opening of Cytochrome P450cam (CYP101A1) Is Driven by Allostery and Putidaredoxin Binding
2021 Skinner S.P.; Follmer A.H.; Ubbink M.; Poulos T.L.; Houwing-Duistermaat J.J.; Paci E.
Periscope Proteins are variable-length regulators of bacterial cell surface interactions
2021 Whelan F.; Lafita A.; Gilburt J.; Degut C.; Griffiths S.C.; Jenkins H.T.; St John A.N.; Paci E.; Moir J.W.B.; Plevin M.J.; Baumann C.G.; Bateman A.; Potts J.R.
Protein mechanics probed using simple molecular models
2020 Batchelor M.; Papachristos K.; Stofella M.; Yew Z.T.; Paci E.
Activation of PKA via asymmetric allosteric coupling of structurally conserved cyclic nucleotide binding domains
2019 Hao Y.; England J.P.; Bellucci L.; Paci E.; Hodges H.C.; Taylor S.S.; Maillard R.A.
Allostery in Its Many Disguises: From Theory to Applications
2019 Wodak, Shoshana J; Paci, Emanuele; Dokholyan, Nikolay V; Berezovsky, Igor N; Horovitz, Amnon; Li, Jing; Hilser, Vincent J; Bahar, Ivet; Karanicolas, John; Stock, Gerhard; Hamm, Peter; Stote, Roland H; Eberhardt, Jerome; Chebaro, Yassmine; Dejaegere, Annick; Cecchini, Marco; Changeux, Jean-Pierre; Bolhuis, Peter G; Vreede, Jocelyne; Faccioli, Pietro; Orioli, Simone; Ravasio, Riccardo; Yan, Le; Brito, Carolina; Wyart, Matthieu; Gkeka, Paraskevi; Rivalta, Ivan; Palermo, Giulia; McCammon, J Andrew; Panecka-Hofman, Joanna; Wade, Rebecca C; Di Pizio, Antonella; Niv, Masha Y; Nussinov, Ruth; Tsai, Chung-Jung; Jang, Hyunbum; Padhorny, Dzmitry; Kozakov, Dima; McLeish, Tom
Computational Modeling of Designed Ankyrin Repeat Protein Complexes with Their Targets
2019 Radom F.; Paci E.; Pluckthun A.
Defining the remarkable structural malleability of a bacterial surface protein Rib domain implicated in infection
2019 Whelan F.; Lafita A.; Griffiths S.C.; Cooper R.E.M.; Whittingham J.L.; Turkenburg J.P.; Manfield I.W.; St John A.N.; Paci E.; Bateman A.; Potts J.R.
Directed Assembly of Homopentameric Cholera Toxin B-Subunit Proteins into Higher-Order Structures Using Coiled-Coil Appendages
2019 Ross J.F.; Wildsmith G.C.; Johnson M.; Hurdiss D.L.; Hollingsworth K.; Thompson R.F.; Mosayebi M.; Trinh C.H.; Paci E.; Pearson A.R.; Webb M.E.; Turnbull W.B.