Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 560
EU - Europa 304
AS - Asia 241
AF - Africa 15
OC - Oceania 2
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.123
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 559
DE - Germania 69
GB - Regno Unito 64
SG - Singapore 63
IT - Italia 60
CN - Cina 56
VN - Vietnam 53
IN - India 39
IE - Irlanda 31
BG - Bulgaria 20
JO - Giordania 20
SE - Svezia 20
FR - Francia 19
ZA - Sudafrica 10
RU - Federazione Russa 8
UA - Ucraina 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 4
FI - Finlandia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
AU - Australia 2
CH - Svizzera 2
TR - Turchia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
CA - Canada 1
CL - Cile 1
JP - Giappone 1
NL - Olanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
TG - Togo 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 1.123
Città #
Santa Clara 113
Southend 58
Dong Ket 53
Singapore 48
Chandler 47
Fairfield 43
Princeton 40
Ashburn 39
Dublin 31
Wilmington 22
Amman 20
Boardman 20
Sofia 20
Woodbridge 20
Berlin 19
Westminster 19
Ann Arbor 15
Houston 14
Medford 14
Des Moines 13
Bologna 10
Cambridge 10
Seattle 10
Redmond 7
Beijing 6
Jinan 6
Verona 6
Scuola 5
Abidjan 4
Bühl 4
Guangzhou 4
Milan 4
San Francisco 4
Florence 3
Helsinki 3
Jakarta 3
Olalla 3
Perugia 3
Canberra 2
Columbia 2
Foshan 2
Haikou 2
Hebei 2
Livorno 2
New York 2
Trieste 2
Abu Dhabi 1
Amsterdam 1
Arsiè 1
Boston 1
Büdelsdorf 1
Catania 1
Cesena 1
Chengdu 1
Chicago 1
Clearwater 1
Edinburgh 1
Fremont 1
Fuzhou 1
Granarolo dell'Emilia e Viadagola 1
Hangzhou 1
Hounslow 1
Istanbul 1
Kiev 1
Lanzhou 1
Lomé 1
Nanjing 1
Ningbo 1
Padova 1
Phoenix 1
Qingdao 1
Ravenna 1
Redwood City 1
San Diego 1
Shanghai 1
Shenyang 1
Shijiazhuang 1
St Louis 1
Taipei 1
Taiyuan 1
Tianjin 1
Toronto 1
Turin 1
Vedelago 1
Wuxi 1
Yerevan 1
Yiwu 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 821
Nome #
Driving associative plasticity in premotor-motor connections through a novel paired associative stimulation based on long-latency cortico-cortical interactions 175
Anticipating the course of an action: evidence from corticospinal excitability 73
An investigation of the neural circuits underlying reaching and reach-to-grasp movements: from planning to execution 67
Action observation effects on motor cortex excitability in stroke patients: a pilot TMS study 66
Short- and long-term modulation of upper limb motor evoked potentials induced by acupuncture 55
Anticipating the course of an action: evidence from corticospinal excitability 55
Anticipatory effects of multi-step action: a fMRI study 55
Lateralization of Motor Cortex Excitability in Stroke Patients during Action Observation: A TMS Study 55
Effetti di interferenza dell’attenzione selettiva sulla memoria di lavoro spaziale 51
Haptically guided grasping. FMRI shows right-hemisphere parietal stimulus encoding, and bilateral dorso-ventral parietal gradients of object- and action-related processing during grasp execution 51
Modulation of motor excitability induced by action observation in stroke patients 50
Modulazioni dell'eccitabilità della corteccia motoria indotte da agopuntura 49
On the role of the inferior intraparietal sulcus in visual working memory for lateralized single-feature objects 49
The neural circuits underlying reaching and grasping movements: from planning to execution 48
The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on oscillatory brain activity in vegetative state: a preliminary study 48
The neural substrate of lateralized visual short-term memory representations 48
Modificazioni dell'eccitabilità della corteccia motoria indotte dall'agopuntura 47
The role of selective attention in spatial working memory 42
Selective attention and spatial working memory share a common neural substrate 41
Evidence for context sensitivity of grasp representations in human parietal and premotor cortices 40
Totale 1.165
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.871
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.871

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202092 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 16 25 7 7
2020/2021221 41 5 2 0 44 22 1 3 18 7 6 72
2021/2022238 23 3 21 3 31 16 4 24 8 10 33 62
2022/2023297 25 36 7 42 14 17 5 16 76 11 28 20
2023/202465 4 15 4 3 6 24 2 3 2 0 0 2
2024/2025252 28 47 20 27 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.165