Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Learning to resist distraction by spatially predictable luminance transients and color singletons: same or different mechanisms?
In corso di stampa Valsecchi M.; Turatto M.
The execution of saccadic eye movements suppresses visual processing of both color and luminance in the early visual cortex of humans
2024 Zhang, Yuan; Valsecchi, Matteo; Gegenfurtner, Karl R; Chen, Jing
Habituation to abrupt-onset distractors with different spatial occurrence probability
2023 Valsecchi, Matteo; Turatto, Massimo
Habituation to onsets is controlled by spatially selective distractor expectation
2023 Massimo Turatto; Matteo Valsecchi
Laplacian reference is optimal for steady-state visual evoked potentials
2023 Zhang, Yuan; Valsecchi, Matteo; Gegenfurtner, Karl R; Chen, Jing
The time course of chromatic adaptation in human early visual cortex revealed by SSVEPs
2023 Zhang, Yuan; Valsecchi, Matteo; Gegenfurtner, Karl R; Chen, Jing
Visual-cortical enhancement by acoustic distractors: The effects of endogenous spatial attention and visual working memory load
2023 Cavicchi S.; De Cesarei A.; Valsecchi M.; Codispoti M.
Eye tracking applied to tobacco smoking: current directions and future perspectives
2022 Matteo Valsecchi; Maurizio Codispoti
Impaired selection of a previously ignored singleton: Evidence for salience map plastic changes
2022 Turatto M.; Valsecchi M.
Deep neural network model of haptic saliency
2021 Metzger, Anna; Toscani, Matteo; Akbarinia, Arash; Valsecchi, Matteo; Drewing, Knut
Distractor filtering is affected by local and global distractor probability, emerges very rapidly but is resistant to extinction
2021 Valsecchi M.; Turatto M.
Screen size matches of familiar images are biased by canonical size, rather than showing a memory size effect
2021 Valsecchi M.
The Top-down Modulation of Task-Irrelevant Sounds Processing
2021 Shari Cavicchi, Andrea De Cesarei, matteo valsecchi, maurizio codispoti
Underconfidence in Peripheral Vision
2021 Toscani M.; Mamassian P.; Valsecchi M.
A comparison of the temporal and spatial properties of trans-saccadic perceptual recalibration and saccadic adaptation
2020 Valsecchi, Matteo; Cassanello, Carlos; Herwig, Arvid; Rolfs, Martin; Gegenfurtner, Karl R
A review of interactions between peripheral and foveal vision
2020 Stewart E.E.M.; Valsecchi M.; Schutz A.C.
Microsaccades inhibition triggered by a repetitive visual distractor is not subject to habituation: Implications for the programming of reflexive saccades
2020 Bonetti F.; Valsecchi M.; Turatto M.
Pedestrians egocentric vision: Individual and collective analysis
2020 Valsecchi M.; Akbarinia A.; Gil-Rodriguez R.; Gegenfurtner K.R.
Softness and weight from shape: Material properties inferred from local shape features
2020 Schmidt, Filipp; Fleming, Roland W; Valsecchi, Matteo
Lightness Discrimination Depends More on Bright Rather Than Shaded Regions of Three-Dimensional Objects
2019 Toscani M.; Valsecchi M.