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Time-constrained multiphase brittle tectonic evolution of the onshore mid-Norwegian passive margin Tartaglia, Giulia; Ceccato, Alberto; Scheiber, Thomas; van der Lelij, Roelant; Schönenberger, Jas...min; Viola, Giulio 2023-01-01 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Tartaglia et al_GSA_Bulletin_accepted.pdf
Multiscale lineament analysis and permeability heterogeneity of fractured crystalline basement blocks Alberto Ceccato; Giulia Tartaglia; Marco Antonellini; Giulio Viola 2022-01-01 SOLID EARTH - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ceccato et al._2022.pdf
Strength of Dry and Wet Quartz in the Low-Temperature Plasticity Regime: Insights From Nanoindentation Alberto Ceccato,
Luca Menegon,
Lars N. Hansen
2022-01-01 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 2022_Ceccato_etal_GRL.pdf
Constraints upon fault zone properties by combined structural analysis of virtual outcrop models and discrete fracture network modelling Ceccato, Alberto; Viola, Giulio; Antonellini, Marco; Tartaglia, Giulia; Ryan, Eric J. 2021-01-01 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ceccato_GFZ_FinalManuscript.pdf
In–situ quantification of mechanical and permeability properties on outcrop analogues of offshore fractured and weathered crystalline basement: Examples from the Rolvsnes granodiorite, Bømlo, Norway Ceccato, Alberto; Viola, Giulio; Tartaglia, Giulia; Antonellini, Marco 2021-01-01 MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ceccato_etal_manuscript_R2_clean.pdf
In-situ petrophysical and geomechanical characterization and 3D modelling of a mature normal fault zone (Goddo fault, B{&}{#}248$mathsemicolon$mlo {&}{#}8211$mathsemicolon$ Norway) Ceccato, Alberto; Viola, Giulio; Antonellini, Marco; Tartaglia, Giulia; Ryan, Eric James 2020-01-01 - - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Multiphase brittle tectonic evolution of the Mid-Norwegian margin, central Norway, reconstructed by remote sensing, paleostress inversion and K-Ar fault rock dating Tartaglia, Giulia; Viola, Giulio; Ceccato, Alberto; Bernasconi, Stefano; van der Lelij, Roelant; ...Scheiber, Thomas 2020-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Structural and metamorphic inheritance controls strain partitioning during orogenic shortening (Kalak Nappe Complex, Norwegian Caledonides) Ceccato A.; Menegon L.; Warren C.J.; Halton A.M. 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Temperature, fluid content and rheology of localized ductile shear zones in sub–solidus cooling plutons Ceccato, Alberto; Goncalves, Philippe; Pennacchioni, Giorgio 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
“Brittle structural facies” analysis: A diagnostic method to unravel and date multiple slip events of long-lived faults Tartaglia G.; Viola G.; van der Lelij R.; Scheiber T.; Ceccato A.; Schonenberger J. 2020-01-01 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Tartaglia et al_accepted.pdf
The Lærdal-Gjende Fault (southwestern Norway): A new, high-resolution, combined structural-geochronological study Giulia Tartaglia, Giulio Viola, Roelant van der Lelij, Jasmin Schonenberger, Thomas Scheiber, Alb...erto Ceccato 2019-01-01 - - 4.03 Poster -
Myrmekite and strain weakening in granitoid mylonites Ceccato A.; Menegon L.; Pennacchioni G.; Morales L.F.G. 2018-01-01 SOLID EARTH - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Structural evolution of the Rieserferner pluton in the framework of the Oligo-Miocene tectonics of the Eastern Alps Ceccato A.; Pennacchioni G. 2018-01-01 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Crystallographic control and texture inheritance during mylonitization of coarse grained quartz veins Ceccato A.; Pennacchioni G.; Menegon L.; Bestmann M. 2017-01-01 LITHOS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Episyenites in meta-granitoids of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps): unpredictable? Pennacchioni G.; Ceccato A.; Fioretti A.M.; Mazzoli C.; Zorzi F.; Ferretti P. 2016-01-01 JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -