Hydrodynamic analysis and optimization of a floating wave energy converter with moonpool using OpenFOAM®
2024 Khan, Muhammad Ahsan; Barajas, Gabriel; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Lara, Javier Lopez; Archetti, Renata
Approccio basato sull’entropia del segnale per la stima dei tempi di arrivo delle emissioni acustiche nel monitoraggio delle apparecchiature a pressione
2023 Bogomolov Denis; Evgeny Burda; Stefano Mariani; Maria Gabriella Gaeta; Nicola Testoni; Canio Mennuti; Giueseppe Augugliaro; Alessandro Marzani
2022 Sara Mizar Formentin, Maria Gabriella Gaeta, Massimo Guerrero, Barbara Zanuttigh
Beach monitoring and morphological response in the presence of coastal defense strategies at riccione (Italy)
2021 Romagnoli, C.; Sistilli, F.; Cantelli, L.; Aguzzi, M.; De Nigris, N.; Morelli, M.; Gaeta, M. G.; Archetti, R.
Effectiveness assessment of an innovative ejector plant for port sediment management
2021 Pellegrini M.; Aghakhani A.; Gaeta M.G.; Archetti R.; Guzzini A.; Saccani C.
Image-clustering analysis of the wave-structure interaction processes under breaking and non-breaking waves
2021 Formentin S.M.; Gaeta M.G.; De Vecchis R.; Guerrero M.; Zanuttigh B.
Videography modelling of the wave-structure interaction processes through cluster analysis
2021 Formentin S. M., Gaeta M.G., Palma G., Guerrero M., De Vecchis R., Zanuttigh B.
Coastal erosion mitigation through ejector devices application
2020 Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gaeta M.G., Archetti R.
Coastal vulnerability assessment through complementary monitoring technologies: The case of riccione
2020 Archetti, R.; Addona, F.; Gaeta, M. G.; Cantelli, L.; Romagnoli, C.; Sistilli, F.; Stanghellini, G.
Implementation and validation of a potential model for a moored floating cylinder under waves
2020 Gaeta M.G.; Segurini G.; Moreno A.M.; Archetti R.
Non-intrusive measurements of wave-induced flow over dikes by means of a combined ultrasound doppler velocimetry and videography
2020 Gaeta M.G.; Guerrero M.; Formentin S.M.; Palma G.; Zanuttigh B.
Numerical investigation of thermal discharge to coastal areas: A case study in South Italy
2020 Gaeta, M. G.; Samaras, A. G.; Archetti, R.
Coastal erosion mitigation through ejector devices application
2019 Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gaeta M.G., Archetti R.
Experimental Analysis of the Wave Loads on Dike CrownWalls with Parapets.
2019 Formentin, Sara Mizar; Zanuttigh, Barbara; Palma, Giuseppina; Gaeta,Maria Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo
Flow Depths and Velocities across a Smooth Dike Crest
2019 Sara Mizar Formentin * , Maria Gabriella Gaeta , Giuseppina Palma, Barbara Zanuttigh, Massimo Guerrero
Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: the STIMARE Project
2019 Archetti, Renata; Damiani, Leonardo; Bianchini, Augusto; Romagnoli, Claudia; Abbiati, Marco; Addona, Fabio; Airoldi, Laura; Cantelli, Luigi; Gaeta, Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Barbanente, Angela; Saponieri, Alessandra; Simeone, Vincenzo; Tarantino, Eufemia; Francesca Bruno, Maria; Doglioni, Angelo; Motta Zanin, Giulia; Pratola, Luigi; Gianluca Molfetta, Matteo
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy
2019 Bonaldo, D.*; Antonioli, F.; Archetti, R.; Bezzi, A.; Correggiari, A.; Davolio, S.; de Falco, G.; Fantini, M.; Fontolan, G.; Furlani, S.; Gaeta, M.G.; Leoni, G.; Lo Presti, V.; Mastronuzzi, G.; Pillon, S.; Ricchi, A.; Stocchi, P.; Samaras, A.G.; Scicchitano, G.; Carniel, S.
Coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics modeling at the Reno River mouth (Italy) under climate change scenarios
2018 Gaeta, M.G., Bonaldo, D., Samaras, A.G., Carniel, S, Archetti, R.
Design of multipurpose coastal protection measures at the reno river mouth (Italy)
2018 Archetti, Renata; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella
Is anthropogenic land subsidence a possible driver of riverine flood-hazard dynamics? A case study in Ravenna, Italy
2017 Carisi, Francesca; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Castellarin, Attilio
Titolo | Autore(i) | Anno | Periodico | Editore | Tipo | File |
Hydrodynamic analysis and optimization of a floating wave energy converter with moonpool using OpenFOAM® | Khan, Muhammad Ahsan; Barajas, Gabriel; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Lara, Javier Lopez; Archetti, Renata | 2024-01-01 | APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Approccio basato sull’entropia del segnale per la stima dei tempi di arrivo delle emissioni acustiche nel monitoraggio delle apparecchiature a pressione | Bogomolov Denis; Evgeny Burda; Stefano Mariani; Maria Gabriella Gaeta; Nicola Testoni; Canio Menn...uti; Giueseppe Augugliaro; Alessandro Marzani | 2023-01-01 | - | Francesca Ceruti; Daniela Gaetana Cogliani | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | SAFAP2023.pdf |
WAVE OVERTOPPING AND AIR ENTRAINMENT AT DIKES WITH CROWN WALLS WITH VIDEO CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES | Sara Mizar Formentin, Maria Gabriella Gaeta, Massimo Guerrero, Barbara Zanuttigh | 2022-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Beach monitoring and morphological response in the presence of coastal defense strategies at riccione (Italy) | Romagnoli, C.; Sistilli, F.; Cantelli, L.; Aguzzi, M.; De Nigris, N.; Morelli, M.; Gaeta, M. G.; ...Archetti, R. | 2021-01-01 | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | jmse-09-00851-v5.pdf |
Effectiveness assessment of an innovative ejector plant for port sediment management | Pellegrini M.; Aghakhani A.; Gaeta M.G.; Archetti R.; Guzzini A.; Saccani C. | 2021-01-01 | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | jmse-09-00197-v2-1.pdf |
Image-clustering analysis of the wave-structure interaction processes under breaking and non-breaking waves | Formentin S.M.; Gaeta M.G.; De Vecchis R.; Guerrero M.; Zanuttigh B. | 2021-01-01 | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | POF21-AR-03471_post_print.pdf |
Videography modelling of the wave-structure interaction processes through cluster analysis | Formentin S. M., Gaeta M.G., Palma G., Guerrero M., De Vecchis R., Zanuttigh B. | 2021-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Coastal erosion mitigation through ejector devices application | Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gaeta M.G., Archetti R. | 2020-01-01 | ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ijege-20_special_issue_bianchini_et_al.pdf |
Coastal vulnerability assessment through complementary monitoring technologies: The case of riccione | Archetti, R.; Addona, F.; Gaeta, M. G.; Cantelli, L.; Romagnoli, C.; Sistilli, F.; Stanghellini, G. | 2020-01-01 | ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ijege-20_special_issue_archetti Post print.pdf |
Implementation and validation of a potential model for a moored floating cylinder under waves | Gaeta M.G.; Segurini G.; Moreno A.M.; Archetti R. | 2020-01-01 | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | jmse-08-00131.pdf |
Non-intrusive measurements of wave-induced flow over dikes by means of a combined ultrasound doppler velocimetry and videography | Gaeta M.G.; Guerrero M.; Formentin S.M.; Palma G.; Zanuttigh B. | 2020-01-01 | WATER | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Gaeta et al 2020_water-12-03053.pdf |
Numerical investigation of thermal discharge to coastal areas: A case study in South Italy | Gaeta, M. G.; Samaras, A. G.; Archetti, R. | 2020-01-01 | ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | PP Numerical investigation of thermal discharge.pdf |
Coastal erosion mitigation through ejector devices application | Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gaeta M.G., Archetti R. | 2019-01-01 | - | EdiBios | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Experimental Analysis of the Wave Loads on Dike CrownWalls with Parapets. | Formentin, Sara Mizar; Zanuttigh, Barbara; Palma, Giuseppina; Gaeta,Maria Gabriella; Guerrero, Ma...ssimo | 2019-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Flow Depths and Velocities across a Smooth Dike Crest | Sara Mizar Formentin * , Maria Gabriella Gaeta , Giuseppina Palma, Barbara Zanuttigh, Massimo Gue...rrero | 2019-01-01 | WATER | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | water-11-02197-v2.pdf |
Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: the STIMARE Project | Archetti, Renata; Damiani, Leonardo; Bianchini, Augusto; Romagnoli, Claudia; Abbiati, Marco;, Fabio; Airoldi, Laura; Cantelli, Luigi; Gaeta, Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Barbanente, Angela; Saponieri, Alessandra; Simeone, Vincenzo; Tarantino, Eufemia; Francesca Bruno, Maria; Doglioni, Angelo; Motta Zanin, Giulia; Pratola, Luigi; Gianluca Molfetta, Matteo | 2019-01-01 | - | International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) | 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro | - |
Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy | Bonaldo, D.*; Antonioli, F.; Archetti, R.; Bezzi, A.; Correggiari, A.; Davolio, S.; de Falco, G.;... Fantini, M.; Fontolan, G.; Furlani, S.; Gaeta, M.G.; Leoni, G.; Lo Presti, V.; Mastronuzzi, G.; Pillon, S.; Ricchi, A.; Stocchi, P.; Samaras, A.G.; Scicchitano, G.; Carniel, S. | 2019-01-01 | JOURNAL OF COASTAL CONSERVATION | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Coupled wave-2D hydrodynamics modeling at the Reno River mouth (Italy) under climate change scenarios | Gaeta, M.G., Bonaldo, D., Samaras, A.G., Carniel, S, Archetti, R. | 2018-01-01 | WATER | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | water-10-01380-v2_Gaetaetal2018.pdf |
Design of multipurpose coastal protection measures at the reno river mouth (Italy) | Archetti, Renata; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella | 2018-01-01 | - | The Society | 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro | - |
Is anthropogenic land subsidence a possible driver of riverine flood-hazard dynamics? A case study in Ravenna, Italy | Carisi, Francesca; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Castellarin, Attilio | 2017-01-01 | HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Carisi_et_al_main_document_FINAL.pdf |