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Observing the inner parsec-scale region of candidate neutrino-emitting blazars C. Nanci, M. Giroletti, M. Orienti, G. Migliori, J. Moldón, S. Garrappa, M. Kadler, E. Ros, S. Bu...son, T. An, M. A. Pérez-Torres, F. D’Ammando, P. Mohan, I. Agudo, B. W. Sohn, A.J. Castro-Tirado, Y. Zhang 2022-01-01 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista aa42665-21.pdf
An Embedded X-Ray Source Shines through the Aspherical AT bsp2018cow: Revealing the Inner Workings of the Most Luminous Fast-evolving Optical Transients Margutti, R. and Metzger, B.~D. and Chornock, R. and Vurm, I. and
Roth, N. and Grefenstette, B....
~W. and Savchenko, V. and
Cartier, R. and Steiner, J.~F. and Terreran, G. and Margalit, B. and
Migliori, G. and Milisavljevic, D. and Alexander, K.~D. and
Bietenholz, M. and Blanchard, P.~K. and Bozzo, E. and
Brethauer, D. and Chilingarian, I.~V. and Coppejans, D.~L. and
Ducci, L. and Ferrigno, C. and Fong, W. and G\
2019-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Margutti_2019_ApJ_872_18.pdf
The Impact of the Environment on the Early Stages of Radio Source Evolution Sobolewska, M. and Siemiginowska, A. and Guainazzi, M. and
Hardcastle, M. and Migliori, G. and ...
Ostorero, L. and Stawarz, L.
2019-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Sobolewska_2019_ApJ_871_71.pdf
The TeV-emitting radio galaxy 3C 264: VLBI kinematics and SED modeling Boccardi B.; Migliori G.; Grandi P.; Torresi E.; Mertens F.; Karamanavis V.; Angioni R.; Vignali C. 2019-01-01 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Faint γ -ray sources at low redshift: The radio galaxy IC 1531 Bassi, T.; Migliori, G.; Grandi, P.; Vignali, C.; Pérez-Torres, M.A.; Baldi, R.D.; Torresi, E.; S...iemiginowska, A.; Stanghellini, C. 2018-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 11585_673693.pdf
Jets in Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae: Constraints from a Comprehensive Analysis of Radio Observations Coppejans, D.~L. and Margutti, R. and Guidorzi, C. and
Chomiuk, L. and Alexander, K.~D. and Ber...
ger, E. and Bietenholz, M.~F. and
Blanchard, P.~K. and Challis, P. and Chornock, R. and
Drout, M. and Fong, W. and MacFadyen, A. and Migliori, G. and
Milisavljevic, D. and Nicholl, M. and Parrent, J.~T. and
Terreran, G. and Zauderer, B.~A.
2018-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Coppejans_2018_ApJ_856_56.pdf
Results from a Systematic Survey of X-Ray Emission from Hydrogen-poor Superluminous SNe Margutti, R. and Chornock, R. and Metzger, B.~D. and Coppejans, D.~L. and
Guidorzi, C. and Migl...
iori, G. and Milisavljevic, D. and
Berger, E. and Nicholl, M. and Zauderer, B.~A. and Lunnan, R. and
Kamble, A. and Drout, M. and Modjaz, M.
2018-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Margutti_2018_ApJ_864_45.pdf
Evolving morphology of the large-scale relativistic jets from XTE J1550-564 Migliori, G. and Corbel, S. and Tomsick, J.~A. and Kaaret, P. and
Fender, R.~P. and Tzioumis, A...
.~K. and Coriat, M. and Orosz, J.~A.
2017-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
X-Rays from the Location of the Double-humped Transient ASASSN-15lh Margutti, R. and Metzger, B.~D. and Chornock, R. and Milisavljevic, D. and
Berger, E. and Blanc...
hard, P.~K. and Guidorzi, C. and Migliori, G. and
Kamble, A. and Lunnan, R. and Nicholl, M. and Coppejans, D.~L. and
Dall'Osso, S. and Drout, M.~R. and Perna, R. and Sbarufatti, B.
2017-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Margutti_2017_ApJ_836_25.pdf
First Detection in Gamma-Rays of a Young Radio Galaxy: Fermi-LAT Observations of the Compact Symmetric Object PKS 1718-649 Migliori, G. and Siemiginowska, A. and Sobolewska, M. and
Loh, A. and Corbel, S. and Ostorero, ...
L. and Stawarz, L.
2016-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
The high-energy view of young radio sources: X-ray and gamma-ray observations Migliori, Giulia 2016-01-01 ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
X-Ray Properties of the Youngest Radio Sources and Their Environments Siemiginowska, A. and Sobolewska, M. and Migliori, G. and
Guainazzi, M. and Hardcastle, M. and ...
Ostorero, L. and
Stawarz, L.
2016-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Siemiginowska_2016_ApJ_823_57.pdf
Jet Emission in Young Radio Sources: A Fermi Large Area Telescope Gamma-Ray View Migliori, G. and Siemiginowska, A. and Kelly, B.~C. and
Stawarz, L. and Celotti, A. and Begelma...
n, M.~C.
2014-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Migliori_2014_ApJ_780_165.pdf
Short GRB 130603B: Discovery of a Jet Break in the Optical and Radio Afterglows, and a Mysterious Late-time X-Ray Excess Fong, W. and Berger, E. and Metzger, B.~D. and Margutti, R. and
Chornock, R. and Migliori, G. a...
nd Foley, R.~J. and Zauderer, B.~A. and
Lunnan, R. and Laskar, T. and Desch, S.~J. and Meech, K.~J. and
Sonnett, S. and Dickey, C. and Hedlund, A. and Harding, P.
2014-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Fong_2014_ApJ_780_118.pdf
Blazars as Ultra-high-energy Cosmic-ray Sources: Implications for TeV Gamma-Ray Observations Murase, K. and Dermer, C.~D. and Takami, H. and Migliori, G. 2012-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Murase_2012_ApJ_749_63.pdf
Broadband Jet Emission in Young and Powerful Radio Sources: The Case of the Compact Steep Spectrum Quasar 3C 186 Migliori, G. and Siemiginowska, A. and Celotti, A. 2012-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Migliori_2012_ApJ_749_107.pdf
Deep Chandra X-Ray Imaging of a nearby Radio Galaxy 4C+29.30: X-Ray/Radio Connection Siemiginowska, A. and Stawarz, L. and Cheung, C.~C. and
Aldcroft, T.~L. and Bechtold, J. and Bu...
rke, D.~J. and
Evans, D. and Holt, J. and Jamrozy, M. and Migliori, G.
2012-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Siemiginowska_2012_ApJ_750_124.pdf
Nuclear X-Ray Properties of the Peculiar Radio-loud Hidden AGN 4C+29.30 Sobolewska, M.~A. and Siemiginowska, A. and Migliori, G. and
Stawarz, L. and Jamrozy, M. and Ev...
ans, D. and Cheung, C.~C.
2012-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Sobolewska_2012_ApJ_758_90.pdf
Implications for the structure of the relativistic jet from multiwavelength observations of NGC 6251 Migliori, G. and Grandi,P. and Torresi, E. and Dermer, C. and
Finke, J. and Celotti, A. and Muk...
herjee, R. and Errando, M. and
Gargano, F. and Giordano, F. and Giroletti, M.
2011-01-01 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Radio Lobes of Pictor A: An X-Ray Spatially Resolved Study Migliori Giulia; Grandi Paola; Palumbo Giorgio G. C.; Brunetti Gianfranco; Stanghellini Carlo 2007-01-01 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -