Similarities and differences in the functional architecture of mother-infant communication in rhesus macaque and British mother-infant dyads
2023 Sclafani Valentina, De Pascalis Leonardo, Bozicevic Laura, Sepe Alessia, Ferrari Pier Francesco, Murray Lynne
Sculpting Culture: Early Maternal Responsiveness and Child Emotion Regulation – A UK-Italy Comparison
2021 Bozicevic L.; De Pascalis L.; Montirosso R.; Ferrari P.F.; Giusti L.; Cooper P.J.; Murray L.
The Impact of a Mother-Infant Intervention on Parenting and Infant Response to Challenge: a pilot randomized controlled trial with Adolescent Mothers in El Salvador
2021 Valades, Jimena; Murray, Lynne; Bozicevic, Laura; DE PASCALIS, LEONARDO LLEWELLYN DUNCAN; Barindelli, Florencia; Meglioli, Alejandra; Cooper, Peter
The effects of maternal mirroring on the development of infant social expressiveness: The case of infant cleft lip
2018 Murray L.; Bozicevic L.; Ferrari P.F.; Vaillancourt K.; Dalton L.; Goodacre T.; Chakrabarti B.; Bicknell S.; Cooper P.; Stein A.; De Pascalis L.
Beyond aerodigestion: Exaptation of feeding-related mouth movements for social communication in human and nonhuman primates
2017 Murray, L.; Sclafani, V.; Rayson, H.; De Pascalis, L.; Bozicevic, L.; Ferrari, P. F.
Longitudinal Association between Child Emotion Regulation and Aggression, and the Role of Parenting: A Comparison of Three Cultures
2016 Bozicevic L; De Pascalis L; Schuitmaker N; Tomlinson M; Cooper PJ; Murray L
The functional architecture of mother-infant communication, and the development of infant social expressiveness in the first two months
2016 Murray L.; De Pascalis L.; Bozicevic L.; Hawkins L.; Sclafani V.; Ferrari P.F.
Genitorialità e Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita: una transizione complessa
2014 De Pascalis, Leonardo; Bozicevic, Laura; Monti, Fiorella
Parental anxiety and stress before pediatric anesthesia: A pilot study on the effectiveness of preoperative clown intervention
2014 Agostini F; Monti F; Neri E; Dellabartola S; de Pascalis L; Bozicevic L
La sintonizzazione affettiva tra genitori e figli nati pretermine nei disturbi alimentari dei primi ani di vita: inquadramento e intervento
2012 Trombini E.; Bozicevic L.