Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia
Basin Research
In corso di stampa William Cavazza
Italian Journal of Geosciences
In corso di stampa William Cavazza
Two-step exhumation of Caucasian intraplate rifts: A proxy of sequential plate-margin collisional orogenies
2024 Cavazza, William; Gusmeo, Thomas; Zattin, Massimiliano; Alania, Victor; Enukidze, Onise; Corrado, Sveva; Schito, Andrea
Alpine tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the Corsica basement
2022 Rossetti, Federico; Cavazza, William; Di Vincenzo, Gianfranco; Lucci, Federico; Theye, Thomas
Palaeostrait tectonosedimentary facies during late Cenozoic microplate rifting and dispersal in the western Mediterranean
2022 William Cavazza; Sergio G. Longhitano
Structural and sedimentary origin of the Gargano - Pelagosa gateway and impact on sedimentary evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
2022 Pellen, R.; Aslanian, D.; Rabineau, M.; Suc, J. -P.; Cavazza, W.; Popescu, S. -M.; Rubino, J. -L.
Tectono-thermal evolution of central Transcaucasia: Thermal modelling, seismic interpretation, and low-temperature thermochronology of the eastern Adjara-Trialeti and western Kura sedimentary basins (Georgia)
2022 Gusmeo, T; Schito, A; Corrado, S; Alania, V; Enukidze, O; Zattin, M; Pace, P; Cavazza, W
Temporal and spatial significance of volcanic particles in sand(stone): implications for provenance and palaeotectonic reconstructions
2022 Critelli, Salvatore; Criniti, Sara; Ingersoll, Raymond V.; Cavazza, William
Miocene structural inversion of the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision
2021 Gusmeo, T., Cavazza, W., Alania, V., Enukidze, O., Zattin, M., Corrado, S.
Miocene structural inversion of the Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin (SW Georgia, Caucasus) in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
2021 Thomas Gusmeo, William Cavazza, Victor Alania, Onise Enukidze, Massimiliano Zattin, Sveva Corrado, Andrea Schito
Pre-Zanclean end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: new evidence from central Mediterranean reference sections
2021 Popescu, Sm; Cavazza, W; Suc, Jp; Melinte-Dobrinescu, Mc; Barhoun, N; Gorini, C
Structural inversion of back-arc basins–The Neogene Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt (SW Georgia) as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision
2021 Gusmeo, Thomas; Cavazza, William; Alania, Victor; Enukidze, Onise; Zattin, Massimiliano; Corrado, Sveva
Using multi-proxy thermal maturity datasets to validate deformation styles from the Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt to the Greater Caucasus (Georgia)
2021 Gusmeo Thomas, Sveva Corrado, Andrea Schito, Victor Alania, Onise Enukidze, Enrico Conventi, William Cavazza
Validating far-field deformation styles from the Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt to the Greater Caucasus (Georgia) through multi-proxy thermal maturity datasets
2021 Sveva Corrado, Thomas Gusmeo, Andrea Schito, Victor Alania, Onise Enukidze, Enrico Conventi, William Cavazza
Continental accretion and incremental deformation in the thermochronologic evolution of the Lesser Caucasus
2019 Cavazza W.; Albino I.; Galoyan G.; Zattin M.; Catto S.
No significant Alpine tectonic overprint on the Cimmerian Strandja Massif (SE Bulgaria and NW Turkey)
2018 Cattã², Silvia; Cavazza, William; Zattin, Massimiliano; Okay, Aral I.
Reconstructing the Alpine orogenic wedge and its foreland basin: the petrologic transition from Cretaceous passive-margin to Eocene foreland sedimentation in northern Corsica (France)
2018 Cavazza, W., Gandolfi, G., Paganelli, L.
Thermochronology of the Miocene Arabia-Eurasia collision zone of southeastern Turkey
2018 Cavazza, William; Cattò, Silvia; Zattin, Massimiliano; Okay, Aral I.; Reiners, Peter
The Apennine foredeep (Italy) during the latest Messinian: Lago Mare reflects competing brackish and marine conditions based on calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts
2017 Pellen, Romain; Popescu, Speranta-Maria; Suc, Jean-Pierre; Melinte-Dobrinescu, Mihaela Carmen; Rubino, Jean-Loup; Rabineau, Marina; Marabini, Stefano; Loget, Nicolas; Casero, Piero; Cavazza, William; Head, Martin J.; Aslanian, Daniel
Thermochronometric evidence for Miocene tectonic reactivation of the Sevan-Akera suture zone (Lesser Caucasus): a far-field tectonic effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision?
2017 Cavazza, W.; Albino, I.; Zattin, M.; Galoyan, G.; Imamverdiyev, N.; Melkonyan, R.