Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 419
NA - Nord America 370
AS - Asia 133
AF - Africa 24
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 948
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 368
GB - Regno Unito 145
CN - Cina 61
UA - Ucraina 54
DE - Germania 49
SE - Svezia 46
SG - Singapore 43
IT - Italia 36
RU - Federazione Russa 30
IN - India 24
IE - Irlanda 22
FR - Francia 18
TG - Togo 13
EE - Estonia 9
ZA - Sudafrica 7
SC - Seychelles 4
TR - Turchia 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
CA - Canada 2
GR - Grecia 2
JP - Giappone 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
BR - Brasile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
ES - Italia 1
FI - Finlandia 1
NL - Olanda 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 948
Città #
Southend 130
Santa Clara 60
Jacksonville 42
Singapore 39
Ashburn 25
Fairfield 24
Princeton 24
Dublin 22
Wilmington 18
Lomé 13
Nanjing 13
Ann Arbor 12
Boardman 12
Padova 12
Westminster 12
Chandler 10
Houston 10
Cambridge 8
Medford 8
Berlin 7
Seattle 7
Saint Petersburg 6
Dearborn 5
Tianjin 5
Bologna 4
Mahé 4
Shenyang 4
Woodbridge 4
Alaşehir 3
Changsha 3
Los Angeles 3
Milan 3
Mülheim 3
Shanghai 3
Verona 3
Zhengzhou 3
Atlanta 2
Beijing 2
Burnaby 2
Falls Church 2
Jinan 2
Kunming 2
Moscow 2
Olalla 2
Redmond 2
Rome 2
San Diego 2
Sofia 2
Tokyo 2
Baoding 1
Changchun 1
Chengdu 1
Copenhagen 1
Delft 1
Dongying 1
Ferrara 1
Guangzhou 1
Haikou 1
Helsinki 1
Innsbruck 1
Jiaxing 1
Langfang 1
Lanzhou 1
Nanchang 1
Ningbo 1
Norwalk 1
Pouso Alegre 1
Redwood City 1
Shaoxing 1
Shenzhen 1
Tirana 1
Turin 1
Whangarei 1
Zaragoza 1
Totale 615
Nome #
Hystorical long-shore transport in north Adriatic sea, south of the Po delta (Italy) - preliminary analysis . 102
Numerical simulation of Holocene depositional wedge in the southern Po Plain-northern Adriatic Sea (Italy). 98
Modeling the paleogeography of north-western Palaeotethys across the Permian-Triassic boundary: constraints and possible solutions. 88
Simulazione 2D dell'evoluzione olocenica della fascia costiera adriatica romagnola fra Ravenna e Rimini (Italia). 86
Estimation of longshore net transport in north Adriatic sea, between Rimini and Ravenna (Italy) 82
http://www.geotools.info 82
Towards an integrated approach to plan the long-term peservation of the northern Adriatic beach between Ravenna and Rimini (Italy). 81
http://www.geotools.info 80
Simulazione 2D dell’evoluzione Olocenica della fascia costiera Adriatica romagnola fra Ravenna e Rimini 76
Integrated tools and methods for numerical modeling of long-term flood risk in the Romagna coastal Po plain (northern Italy). 65
Towards an integrated approach to plan the long-term preservation of the northern Adriatic beach between Ravenna and Rimini (Italy) 63
Modeling the paleogeography of north-western Palaeotethys across the Permian-Triassic boundary: constraints and possible solutions 60
Totale 963
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.212
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.212

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202099 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 31 11 12 2 11
2020/202196 34 8 0 10 0 7 0 7 4 7 7 12
2021/2022144 9 11 11 11 14 13 3 12 6 8 15 31
2022/2023170 14 34 15 18 5 13 3 5 33 0 16 14
2023/202455 4 12 7 3 5 4 3 4 0 5 4 4
2024/2025156 9 20 4 24 79 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 963