Mario Labò wrote extensively about architecture and art, and his essays are fundamental for understanding the Genoese built environment, true treasures for reading the local historical heritage, but not only that. The register of his intellectual elaboration is particularly rich, so much so that the figure of the militant intellectual has predominated in criticism over that of the architect. However, little or nothing has remained, or at least up to this point has been found, written by him about his own architecture. Only brief references and dry comments in occasional correspondence. It should be remembered that the archive of his activity as an architect, that is, the professional fund, has largely been lost, dismembered when not sent to the shredder by his wife the day after his death. The silence of the time and today on his current architectural elaboration is perhaps confirmation of the little fortune that these compositions have enjoyed. However, here we want to advance a research hypothesis that tries to highlight the importance and the peculiarity of this corpus of buildings constructed in their relationship with the contemporary culture of the making of architecture and the city. Projects lucidly informed by a precise compositional will and fully coherent with the reading made by Labò on Genoese architecture and contemporary architecture. They are architectures not frequented by critics and little studied, that live under everyone's eyes, but that on the contrary design with grace and discretion the urban scenography of some places in the ancient center. The essay proposes a critical reading as the first research contribution on his architectural production of intervention in the ancient.
Mario Labò ha scritto molto di architettura e di arte, e fondamentali sono i suoi saggi per la comprensione del costruito genovese, veri e propri tesori per la lettura del patrimonio storico locale, ma non solo. Il regesto della sua elaborazione intellettuale è particolarmente nutrito tanto da aver fatto predominare nella critica la figura dell’intellettuale militante su quella dell’architetto. Tuttavia poco o nulla è rimasto, o quanto meno fino a questo punto si è ritrovato, da lui scritto sulla propria architettura. Solo brevi accenni e asciutti commenti in corrispondenze d’occasione. Va ricordato che l’archivio dell’attività da architetto, ossia il fondo professionale, è andato in gran parte disperso, smembrato quando non mandato al macero dalla moglie all’indomani della sua scomparsa. Il silenzio dell’epoca e quello odierno sulla sua elaborazione architettonica corrente, è forse la conferma della poca fortuna che queste composizioni hanno goduto. Tuttavia qui si vuole avanzare un’ipotesi di ricerca che provi a mettere in luce l’importanza e la peculiarità di questo corpus di edifici costruiti nel loro rapporto con la cultura contemporanea del farsi dell’architettura e della città. Progetti lucidamente informati da una precisa volontà compositiva e pienamente coerenti alla lettura operata da Labò sull’architettura genovese e del contemporaneo. Sono architetture non frequentate dalla critica e poco studiate, che vivono sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma che al contrario disegnano con garbo e discrezione la scenografia urbana di alcuni luoghi del centro antico. IL saggio ne ripropone una lettura critica come primo contributo di ricerca sulla sua produzione architettonica d’intervento nell’antico.
Fera, F.S. (2024). Mario Labò. L’architettura del silenzio. Genova : SAGEP Editori.
Mario Labò. L’architettura del silenzio
Francesco Saverio Fera
Mario Labò wrote extensively about architecture and art, and his essays are fundamental for understanding the Genoese built environment, true treasures for reading the local historical heritage, but not only that. The register of his intellectual elaboration is particularly rich, so much so that the figure of the militant intellectual has predominated in criticism over that of the architect. However, little or nothing has remained, or at least up to this point has been found, written by him about his own architecture. Only brief references and dry comments in occasional correspondence. It should be remembered that the archive of his activity as an architect, that is, the professional fund, has largely been lost, dismembered when not sent to the shredder by his wife the day after his death. The silence of the time and today on his current architectural elaboration is perhaps confirmation of the little fortune that these compositions have enjoyed. However, here we want to advance a research hypothesis that tries to highlight the importance and the peculiarity of this corpus of buildings constructed in their relationship with the contemporary culture of the making of architecture and the city. Projects lucidly informed by a precise compositional will and fully coherent with the reading made by Labò on Genoese architecture and contemporary architecture. They are architectures not frequented by critics and little studied, that live under everyone's eyes, but that on the contrary design with grace and discretion the urban scenography of some places in the ancient center. The essay proposes a critical reading as the first research contribution on his architectural production of intervention in the ancient.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.