“About the origin. Identity, authenticity and contradictions of food” is the title of the project being presented here. Its semantic content and its logical extension concern the theme of food, considered as a crossroads and intersection of an infinite number of methods (cultural, technical, and scientific). Among which comes to light, with particular force, that which links food to the discussions of origin, authenticity, and identity, involving multifactorial with multidisciplinary elements. Its methodological content seeks to overcome that still persistent competition between the great traditions of thought (humanist versus scientist), showing how social sciences and hard sciences not only can, but must intertwine and merge. Hence, the particular attention, ascribable to the very essence of the project, of placing investigations, systematic research, experimental tests, and statistical surveys at the very centre. Avoiding any form of organisational egocentrism – a herald of multiple errors - this research intends to respond to the needs of an ethical, social, and scientific nature confronting itself with issues which, on the one hand, concern the public need to clarify the truth about the actual nature and quality of food products and what makes them attractive in the marketplace (precisely, the origin), and, on the other hand, they measure themselves against that factory of stereotypes and self-deceptions which also affects the food sector, in the awareness that a theme as variedly articulated as that of food, with the use of traditional concepts and pure traditional specialized disjunctions, is not adequate. In this direction, the project intends to provide guidelines for future policies on food, responsible consumption, production, legal safeguards, unmasking of potential distortions, while addressing those who wish to adopt critical and responsible consumption attitudes as well. Besides, the scope of food shows itself to be a source of interest which is fraught with misunderstandings and illusions, with strong social repercussions (from the legal universe to the economic one, from the cultural to the environmental, from the socio-anthropological to the psychological and health one). Hence, the need to organize the project, unlike studies that have previously dealt with food according to the following phases: 1. Monitor the modulation of choices. 2. Verify the significant correlations between choices and their underlying decision-making processes. 3. Understanding whether these processes are based on the trafficking of questionable ideologies (when not a real activity, aimed at fraud) or whether there is a revolution in the epistemological tradition which pushes towards responsible consumption. The knowledge involved, far from any form of diversity, permeates the measuring of a phenomenon that is not devoid of internal contradictions.

“Dell’origine. Identità, autenticità e contraddizioni del cibo” è il titolo del progetto qui presentato. Il suo contenuto semantico e la sua estensione logica concernono il tema del cibo considerato come crocevia ed intersezione di una infinità di pratiche (culturali, tecniche e scientifiche), tra le quali emerge con particolare forza quella che lega il cibo ai discorsi dell’origine, dell’autenticità e dell’identità, coinvolgendo elementi multifattoriali e multidisciplinari. In quest'ottica, il suo contenuto metodologico si propone di superare quella competizione ancora persistente fra le grandi tradizioni di pensiero (umanisti contro scienziati), mostrando come scienze sociali e scienze dure non solo possano, ma debbano intrecciarsi e fondersi. Da qui la particolare attenzione, ascrivibile all’oggetto stesso del progetto, di metterne al centro inchieste, ricerca sistematica, verifiche sperimentali e rilevazioni statistiche. Rifuggendo ogni forma di egocentrismo metodologico – foriero di molteplici errori –, la presente ricerca intende così rispondere a bisogni di natura etica, sociale, scientifica, confrontandosi con temi che da un lato concernono l’esigenza pubblica di fare chiarezza intorno alla verità merceologica dei prodotti alimentari e di ciò che li rende attraenti per il mercato (l’origine, appunto), dall’altro si misurano con quella fabbrica di stereotipi e di autoinganni che pure investe il settore del cibo, nella consapevolezza che, di fronte ad una tematica così variamente articolata come quella del cibo, il ricorso a concetti tradizionali, e alle pure tradizionali disgiunzioni specialistiche, non risulta essere adeguato. In questa direzione, il progetto intende fornire orientamenti per le future policies in tema di cibo, di consumo e di produzione responsabile, di tutele giuridiche, di smascheramento delle potenziali distorsioni, rivolgendosi altresì a quanti intendano adottare atteggiamenti di consumo critici e responsabili. Del resto, l’orizzonte del cibo mostra di essere una fonte di interesse tanto ineliminabile, quanto gravida di equivoci e illusioni, con forti ricadute sociali (dall’universo giuridico a quello economico, da quello culturale a quello ambientale, da quello socio antropologico a quello psicologico e della salute). Da qui l’esigenza di organizzare il progetto, a differenza degli studi che si sono precedentemente occupati del cibo, secondo le seguenti fasi: 1. Monitorare la modulazione delle scelte; 2. Verificare le correlazioni significative tra scelte e processi decisionali ad esse sottesi; 3. Comprendere se tali processi si basino sul contrabbando di ideologie discutibili (quando non su di una vera e propria attività volta alle frodi) oppure se vi sia una rivoluzione nel costume epistemologico che spinga ad un consumo responsabile. In questo senso, i saperi coinvolti, lungi da ogni forma di eclettismo, si andranno a compenetrare per misurare un fenomeno non privo altresì di contraddizioni interne.

FILIPPO BRIGUGLIO (In stampa/Attività in corso). About the origin. Identity, authenticity and contradictions of food Dell'Origine. Identità, autenticità e contraddizioni del cibo.

About the origin. Identity, authenticity and contradictions of food Dell'Origine. Identità, autenticità e contraddizioni del cibo

In corso di stampa


“About the origin. Identity, authenticity and contradictions of food” is the title of the project being presented here. Its semantic content and its logical extension concern the theme of food, considered as a crossroads and intersection of an infinite number of methods (cultural, technical, and scientific). Among which comes to light, with particular force, that which links food to the discussions of origin, authenticity, and identity, involving multifactorial with multidisciplinary elements. Its methodological content seeks to overcome that still persistent competition between the great traditions of thought (humanist versus scientist), showing how social sciences and hard sciences not only can, but must intertwine and merge. Hence, the particular attention, ascribable to the very essence of the project, of placing investigations, systematic research, experimental tests, and statistical surveys at the very centre. Avoiding any form of organisational egocentrism – a herald of multiple errors - this research intends to respond to the needs of an ethical, social, and scientific nature confronting itself with issues which, on the one hand, concern the public need to clarify the truth about the actual nature and quality of food products and what makes them attractive in the marketplace (precisely, the origin), and, on the other hand, they measure themselves against that factory of stereotypes and self-deceptions which also affects the food sector, in the awareness that a theme as variedly articulated as that of food, with the use of traditional concepts and pure traditional specialized disjunctions, is not adequate. In this direction, the project intends to provide guidelines for future policies on food, responsible consumption, production, legal safeguards, unmasking of potential distortions, while addressing those who wish to adopt critical and responsible consumption attitudes as well. Besides, the scope of food shows itself to be a source of interest which is fraught with misunderstandings and illusions, with strong social repercussions (from the legal universe to the economic one, from the cultural to the environmental, from the socio-anthropological to the psychological and health one). Hence, the need to organize the project, unlike studies that have previously dealt with food according to the following phases: 1. Monitor the modulation of choices. 2. Verify the significant correlations between choices and their underlying decision-making processes. 3. Understanding whether these processes are based on the trafficking of questionable ideologies (when not a real activity, aimed at fraud) or whether there is a revolution in the epistemological tradition which pushes towards responsible consumption. The knowledge involved, far from any form of diversity, permeates the measuring of a phenomenon that is not devoid of internal contradictions.
In corso di stampa
FILIPPO BRIGUGLIO (In stampa/Attività in corso). About the origin. Identity, authenticity and contradictions of food Dell'Origine. Identità, autenticità e contraddizioni del cibo.
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