Almost entirely destroyed, the German fortified cities of Juelich and Wesel are eminent exemplary cases of the reconstruction of Renaissance and Baroque urban cities. The post-war revival process – led in Juelich by René von Schoefer and in Wesel by Ph. A. Rappaport – was based on opposing cultural models. Juelich preferred the adoption of conservative methods, while in Wesel the planning typical of Rhine town companies espoused by Rappaport prevailed.
Milan, A. (2020). “Identità e memoria”. La ricostruzione delle città-fortezza di Jülich (1947-1986) e Wesel (1945-2011) nel dibattito post-bellico tedesco.. Torino : Aisu International - Associazione italiana storia urbana 2020.
“Identità e memoria”. La ricostruzione delle città-fortezza di Jülich (1947-1986) e Wesel (1945-2011) nel dibattito post-bellico tedesco.
Andreina Milan
Writing – Original Draft Preparation
Almost entirely destroyed, the German fortified cities of Juelich and Wesel are eminent exemplary cases of the reconstruction of Renaissance and Baroque urban cities. The post-war revival process – led in Juelich by René von Schoefer and in Wesel by Ph. A. Rappaport – was based on opposing cultural models. Juelich preferred the adoption of conservative methods, while in Wesel the planning typical of Rhine town companies espoused by Rappaport prevailed.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.