The Master aims at forming two distinct highly professional profiles (Professional figure 1 and Professional figure 2), both specialized in structural engineering and design. The topics of each cycle of lessons focus mainly on (a) the costs optimization in structural design, (b) the safety in construction sites, (c) the optimal management of construction sites, (d) the risk evaluation and management (structural reliability, seismic risk, fire and blast control, etc..). The course also want to illustrate significant case studies. The master is specifically tailored for professionals with few years of experience in structural design and therefore focuses on applicative examples and technical issues. At the same time the master intends to provide the students with the specific engineering tools and scientific background which are generally part of the technical course of study in other European universities but which are absent in the Italian course offering (such as advanced courses in engineering applications of probability concepts, specific courses in structural reliability etc.). The master is organized with two different course offerings according to the two following distinct professional figures: - Professional figure 1: safety and cost management for structural design and field engineering. - Professional figure 2: evaluation and management of structural risk. Figure 1 and Figure 2 may be employed in professional offices for engineering and architectural aspects or in construction firms focused on the cost and security optimization of structural design. In addition to the two aforementioned employment opportunities, Figure 2 can be employed in insurance or estates company interested in the evaluation and management of buildings security. The Master offers 650 hours of lectures and encompasses 375 of stage within a professional firm. The Master is aimed at professional with a 5 year degree (Laurea) and was selected in order to receives support (approx. 60.000 €) from the European Community through the “Fondo Sociale Europeo” Project.
Ceccoli C., Trombetti T., Silvestri S., Gasparini G. (2004). Master di II livello: "L'Ingegneria Strutturale nel Terzo Millennio".
Master di II livello: "L'Ingegneria Strutturale nel Terzo Millennio"
The Master aims at forming two distinct highly professional profiles (Professional figure 1 and Professional figure 2), both specialized in structural engineering and design. The topics of each cycle of lessons focus mainly on (a) the costs optimization in structural design, (b) the safety in construction sites, (c) the optimal management of construction sites, (d) the risk evaluation and management (structural reliability, seismic risk, fire and blast control, etc..). The course also want to illustrate significant case studies. The master is specifically tailored for professionals with few years of experience in structural design and therefore focuses on applicative examples and technical issues. At the same time the master intends to provide the students with the specific engineering tools and scientific background which are generally part of the technical course of study in other European universities but which are absent in the Italian course offering (such as advanced courses in engineering applications of probability concepts, specific courses in structural reliability etc.). The master is organized with two different course offerings according to the two following distinct professional figures: - Professional figure 1: safety and cost management for structural design and field engineering. - Professional figure 2: evaluation and management of structural risk. Figure 1 and Figure 2 may be employed in professional offices for engineering and architectural aspects or in construction firms focused on the cost and security optimization of structural design. In addition to the two aforementioned employment opportunities, Figure 2 can be employed in insurance or estates company interested in the evaluation and management of buildings security. The Master offers 650 hours of lectures and encompasses 375 of stage within a professional firm. The Master is aimed at professional with a 5 year degree (Laurea) and was selected in order to receives support (approx. 60.000 €) from the European Community through the “Fondo Sociale Europeo” Project. documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.