Bishop Stefano Trenta (1448-1477), Pastor and Man of Culture. The documents of the diocesan historical archives of Lucca The central years of the 15th century, after the crisis linked to Paolo Guinigi’s fall, were characterized by the political consolidation of the republic in Lucca, helped by the support of pope Nicholas V, and the presence of the significant episcopal figure of Stefano Trenta. Bishop Trenta was from a family of the urban patriciate, he carried out important diplomatic missions on behalf of the city government and of the pontiff, he convened a synod, promoted a pastoral visit, and tried to reform the life of the clergy. Moreover, he played a major cultural role while the ferments of Humanism were spreading, and the prospect of establishing a Study in Lucca was being outlined (due to the privilege of Charles IV). This paper reconstructs the dynamics of his episcopal election, and analyzes his pastoral activity, on the basis of unpublished documents preserved in the diocesan historical archives, in particular in the Libri antichi series (which describe, for example, the entrance of the new bishop into the city), and in the Collazioni and Manuali series. Of notice is that the bishop (or his vicar), as apostolic and imperial chancellor, frequently granted doctoral degrees to people who had studied in Bologna or other universities. Also, while bishop's collaborators were recruited mainly from the Luccan urban elite (in a framework of substantial collaboration with the cathedral chapter), general vicars often came from other dioceses and had a solid legal training. For example, the last vicar of bishop Trenti was Jacopo di Balugola, who came from the diocese of Modena and kept this role during the episcopal government of Nicola Sandonnini. Stefano was therefore a reformer bishop, politically supportive of the city government, and animated by the desire to integrate his city in the circuits of the contemporary humanistic culture
Dopo la crisi legata alla caduta di Paolo Guinigi, gli anni centrali del XV secolo furono caratterizzati, per Lucca, dal consolidamento politico della repubblica, favorito dal sostegno di Niccolò V, e dalla presenza di una figura episcopale significativa, come quella di Stefano Trenta. Esponente di una famiglia del patriziato urbano, egli svolse importanti missioni diplomatiche per conto del governo cittadino e del pontefice; convocò un sinodo, promosse una visita pastorale e cercò di riformare la vita del clero. Inoltre svolse un ruolo culturale di rilievo negli anni in cui si diffondevano i fermenti dell’Umanesimo e si delineava la prospettiva di istituire anche a Lucca uno Studio, sulla base del privilegio di Carlo IV. Il contributo ricostruisce le dinamiche dell’elezione episcopale e analizza l’attività pastorale del vescovo sulla base di documenti inediti conservati in alcuni fondi dell’archivio storico diocesano, in particolare nelle serie dei Libri antichi (che descrivono ad esempio l’ingresso del nuovo vescovo in città), delle Collazioni, dei Manuali. Viene inoltre evidenziata la frequente concessione di titoli dottorali, da parte del vescovo o del suo vicario, in quanto cancelliere apostolico e imperiale, a personaggi che avevano studiato a Bologna o in altri Atenei. I collaboratori del vescovo venivano reclutati soprattutto all’interno dell’élite urbana, in un quadro di sostanziale collaborazione col capitolo della cattedrale; ma i vicari generali, dotati di una solida formazione giuridica, provenivano spesso da altre diocesi. Ad esempio Jacopo di Balugola proveniva dalla diocesi di Modena e continuò a svolgere tale funzione durante il governo episcopale di Nicola Sandonnini. Stefano fu quindi un vescovo riformatore, politicamente solidale col governo cittadino e animato dal desiderio di inserire la città nei circuiti della cultura umanistica.
Savigni, R. (2021). Il vescovo Stefano Trenta (1448-1477) pastore e uomo di cultura nei documenti dell’Archivio Storico Diocesano di Lucca. Lucca : Pacini Fazzi.
Il vescovo Stefano Trenta (1448-1477) pastore e uomo di cultura nei documenti dell’Archivio Storico Diocesano di Lucca
Savigni, Raffaele
Bishop Stefano Trenta (1448-1477), Pastor and Man of Culture. The documents of the diocesan historical archives of Lucca The central years of the 15th century, after the crisis linked to Paolo Guinigi’s fall, were characterized by the political consolidation of the republic in Lucca, helped by the support of pope Nicholas V, and the presence of the significant episcopal figure of Stefano Trenta. Bishop Trenta was from a family of the urban patriciate, he carried out important diplomatic missions on behalf of the city government and of the pontiff, he convened a synod, promoted a pastoral visit, and tried to reform the life of the clergy. Moreover, he played a major cultural role while the ferments of Humanism were spreading, and the prospect of establishing a Study in Lucca was being outlined (due to the privilege of Charles IV). This paper reconstructs the dynamics of his episcopal election, and analyzes his pastoral activity, on the basis of unpublished documents preserved in the diocesan historical archives, in particular in the Libri antichi series (which describe, for example, the entrance of the new bishop into the city), and in the Collazioni and Manuali series. Of notice is that the bishop (or his vicar), as apostolic and imperial chancellor, frequently granted doctoral degrees to people who had studied in Bologna or other universities. Also, while bishop's collaborators were recruited mainly from the Luccan urban elite (in a framework of substantial collaboration with the cathedral chapter), general vicars often came from other dioceses and had a solid legal training. For example, the last vicar of bishop Trenti was Jacopo di Balugola, who came from the diocese of Modena and kept this role during the episcopal government of Nicola Sandonnini. Stefano was therefore a reformer bishop, politically supportive of the city government, and animated by the desire to integrate his city in the circuits of the contemporary humanistic cultureI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.