With this research it would be possible to explore the relationship between Catholic censorship and the Jews in two areas: on the one hand, considering the place of the Church and its institutional role in the context of permitted knowledge, reshaping the boundaries of Catholic orthodoxy; on the other hand, looking at the influence that the control of Jewish texts has exerted in the reorganization and downsizing of Jewish culture in the general Italian context and in the local context of the individual communities (local history). Alongside the control of the expansion of Jewish settlements, confinement in ghettos, professional limitations and conversionist policies, the Church has exercised further regulated the reproduction of Jewish culture precisely through the control of books.
Facchini C. (In stampa/Attività in corso). Jewish books and Catholic censorship in XVIII century Italy: unpublished documents from the Archive of the Holy Office.
Jewish books and Catholic censorship in XVIII century Italy: unpublished documents from the Archive of the Holy Office
Facchini C.
In corso di stampa
With this research it would be possible to explore the relationship between Catholic censorship and the Jews in two areas: on the one hand, considering the place of the Church and its institutional role in the context of permitted knowledge, reshaping the boundaries of Catholic orthodoxy; on the other hand, looking at the influence that the control of Jewish texts has exerted in the reorganization and downsizing of Jewish culture in the general Italian context and in the local context of the individual communities (local history). Alongside the control of the expansion of Jewish settlements, confinement in ghettos, professional limitations and conversionist policies, the Church has exercised further regulated the reproduction of Jewish culture precisely through the control of books.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.