The essay proposes the text - complete with scientific apparatus of notes - of the lecture given at the XIII Simposio Internacional organized by the Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta of the Universidad de Navarra, which was held in Pamplona from 7 to 9 November 2018 with the title Las relaciones de servicio según el derecho canónico y estatal. Oficios, idoneidad, relaciones laborales. Because of its theme, the paper is suitable for being included in the volume in honor of Professor Fabio Roversi Monaco on Diritto amministrativo e società civile, since it analyzes the possible ways for a contribution of the faithful to the good governance of the Church by largely drawing inspiration from the Italian Administrative law doctrine about the contribution of the citizens to the good governance of public administration.
Il saggio raccoglie il testo della relazione - completato dall’apparato delle note - svolta al XIII Simposio Internacional dell’Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta della Universidad de Navarra, intitolato Las relaciones de servicio según el derecho canónico y estatal. Oficios, idoneidad, relaciones laborales, svoltosi a Pamplona dal 7 al 9 novembre 2018. Per il tema trattato si prestava ad essere inserito nel volume in onore del Prof. Fabio Roversi Monaco su Diritto amministrativo e società civile poiché si analizzano le possibili vie per un contributo dei fedeli al buon governo della Chiesa traendo ampi spunti dalla dottrina amministrativistica italiana sull’apporto dei cittadini al buon andamento della pubblica amministrazione.
Geraldina Boni (2019). El derecho canónico a denunciar la falta di idoneidad de los titulares de oficios. Bologna : Bononia University Press.
El derecho canónico a denunciar la falta di idoneidad de los titulares de oficios
Geraldina Boni
The essay proposes the text - complete with scientific apparatus of notes - of the lecture given at the XIII Simposio Internacional organized by the Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta of the Universidad de Navarra, which was held in Pamplona from 7 to 9 November 2018 with the title Las relaciones de servicio según el derecho canónico y estatal. Oficios, idoneidad, relaciones laborales. Because of its theme, the paper is suitable for being included in the volume in honor of Professor Fabio Roversi Monaco on Diritto amministrativo e società civile, since it analyzes the possible ways for a contribution of the faithful to the good governance of the Church by largely drawing inspiration from the Italian Administrative law doctrine about the contribution of the citizens to the good governance of public administration.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.