The recent experience of nomination for inscription on the UN- ESCO World Heritage List of the transnational serial site ‘Venetian Works of defence between 15th and 17th centuries’ is a significant case of strategic enhancement of cultural landscape which invests some of the territories marked in past centuries by Venetian rule. The site includes components chosen for their representative expression of the defensive system, extending from Italy (Bergamo, Peschiera del Garda, Palmanova e Venezia), passing through Croa- tia (Zadar, Šibenik, Kor ula) to the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. A Memorandum of Understanding between all the public owners involved ensures a good level of collaboration toward the opportunity of the inscription on the WHL List. The Authors have been appointed by the component of Peschiera del Garda as tech- nical consultants for the preparation of the Dossier and the Management Plan. Peschiera has been included in the serial system for its peculiar value: the fortress rises from the waters in the point where Mincio River leaves Lake Garda. The pentagonal walls characterize deeply the landscape of the city: thanks to the natural defence of water, which avoided the aggression of buildings, the original design of the fortress is still readable. The site is listed and protected at several levels for its cultural and landscape values. The nomination is an additional guarantee and it strength- ens the axis of development towards a cultural and sustainable tourism. The Management Plan has been balanced to be shared with the other components in a common aim of enhancement, in- tended as a systemic approach between landscape protection and best practices of enhancement (conservation, tourism, cultural initiatives). The network projects provides small, medium and long term activities, among which: informative twinning and educational itineraries for school-age children; a shared Plan on Sus- tainable tourism of the Venetian fortresses; travelling exhibition; a website and a portal map; the organisation of technical work- shops on the Venetian defence works to plan the conservation of this heritage. The component of Peschiera tried to channel its ef- forts towards three main projects. The first concerns the bastioned walls of Peschiera as an ‘Open-Air Museum’, aiming to recover environmental criticalities and to strengthen the accessibility. Another project covers the second stage of the organisation of the gardens of the Serenissima and gardens of the historical building (Querini Bastion). The last one consists in some publications concerning the outstanding of universal values of the site of Peschiera, adding the creation of a corner in the civic library for specific consultation.
La recente esperienza di candidatura per l’iscrizione nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO del sito seriale transnazionale “Le opere di difesa veneziane tra il XV e il XVII secolo” è un caso significativo di messa in atto di una valorizzazione del paesaggio culturale strategica che investe trasversalmente alcuni dei territori segnati nei secoli passati dalla dominazione della Serenissima. La proposta – verificata e trasmessa nel febbraio 2016 agli uffici centrali per la valutazione – è stata diretta da Bergamo, comune capofila, e include gli stati di Italia, Croazia e Montenegro. Tra le città italiane coinvolte, oltre a Bergamo: Venezia, Palmanova e Peschiera del Garda; per quest’ultima gli scriventi sono stati incaricati come consulenti tecnici per la redazione del Dossier di candidatura e del Piano di Gestione. Peschiera del Garda è stata inclusa per i caratteri di peculiarità e lo stato di conservazione che ne determinano la sua eccezionalità; può essere definita una fortezza “d’acqua dolce” in virtù della sua conformazione geomorfologica, che la vede sorgere nel punto in cui il fiume Mincio esce dal lago di Garda per intraprendere il suo corso fino al Po. La cinta bastionata pentagonale caratterizza in modo determinante il paesaggio: il disegno originario della fortezza è ancora leggibile, grazie alla tutela attuata a più livelli e alla difesa naturale data dall’acqua, che ha evitato attraverso i secoli l’aggressione dei fianchi da parte dell’edilizia. Il grande invaso tra il sistema fluviale e lacustre ne permette la visione, la lettura e la comprensione. La candidatura si aggiunge come ulteriore garanzia di valorizzazione e rafforza l’asse di sviluppo del territorio verso un turismo culturale e sostenibile. Il contributo intende illustrare le scelte di gestione e fruizione del bene attraverso il Piano di Gestione nelle specificità del caso di Peschiera, aprendo puntualmente un confronto con le altre componenti su temi trasversali, per riflettere sulle potenzialità di una possibile (auspicabile) iscrizione del sito nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO .
Signorelli, L., Pretelli, M. (2017). Strategie di valorizzazione per la fortezza di Peschiera del Garda nella candidatura UNESCO ‘Le opere di difesa veneziane tra il XV e il XVII secolo’ (Enhancement strategies for Peschiera del Garda’s fortress in the World Heritage List Nomination ‘Venetian works of defence between 15th and 17th centuries’). Napoli : Artstudiopaparo.
Strategie di valorizzazione per la fortezza di Peschiera del Garda nella candidatura UNESCO ‘Le opere di difesa veneziane tra il XV e il XVII secolo’ (Enhancement strategies for Peschiera del Garda’s fortress in the World Heritage List Nomination ‘Venetian works of defence between 15th and 17th centuries’)
Signorelli Leila
;Pretelli Marco
The recent experience of nomination for inscription on the UN- ESCO World Heritage List of the transnational serial site ‘Venetian Works of defence between 15th and 17th centuries’ is a significant case of strategic enhancement of cultural landscape which invests some of the territories marked in past centuries by Venetian rule. The site includes components chosen for their representative expression of the defensive system, extending from Italy (Bergamo, Peschiera del Garda, Palmanova e Venezia), passing through Croa- tia (Zadar, Šibenik, Kor ula) to the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. A Memorandum of Understanding between all the public owners involved ensures a good level of collaboration toward the opportunity of the inscription on the WHL List. The Authors have been appointed by the component of Peschiera del Garda as tech- nical consultants for the preparation of the Dossier and the Management Plan. Peschiera has been included in the serial system for its peculiar value: the fortress rises from the waters in the point where Mincio River leaves Lake Garda. The pentagonal walls characterize deeply the landscape of the city: thanks to the natural defence of water, which avoided the aggression of buildings, the original design of the fortress is still readable. The site is listed and protected at several levels for its cultural and landscape values. The nomination is an additional guarantee and it strength- ens the axis of development towards a cultural and sustainable tourism. The Management Plan has been balanced to be shared with the other components in a common aim of enhancement, in- tended as a systemic approach between landscape protection and best practices of enhancement (conservation, tourism, cultural initiatives). The network projects provides small, medium and long term activities, among which: informative twinning and educational itineraries for school-age children; a shared Plan on Sus- tainable tourism of the Venetian fortresses; travelling exhibition; a website and a portal map; the organisation of technical work- shops on the Venetian defence works to plan the conservation of this heritage. The component of Peschiera tried to channel its ef- forts towards three main projects. The first concerns the bastioned walls of Peschiera as an ‘Open-Air Museum’, aiming to recover environmental criticalities and to strengthen the accessibility. Another project covers the second stage of the organisation of the gardens of the Serenissima and gardens of the historical building (Querini Bastion). The last one consists in some publications concerning the outstanding of universal values of the site of Peschiera, adding the creation of a corner in the civic library for specific consultation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.