Since Pomeroy’s 1975 seminal book, scholarship on women in ancient Greece has been growing steadily, but no comprehensive work explores the role of women intellectuals. By introducing this category, WInGS aims to launch an intellectual history of Greek women based on female intellectual activities, independent from male paradigms. WInGS challenges and qualifies the master narrative that depicts ancient Greece as a quintessentially chauvinist society. It does so by showing that female paradigms inform both poetic and philosophical traditions, something that, in turn, offers a vantage point to explore the social patterns shared by poetesses, priestesses and women philosophers. In addition to the traditional tools of classical philology andthe history of philosophy, with a particular focus on linguistic analysis, intertextuality and historical sociology, WInGS relies on novel approaches such as what is currently referred to as the “intellectual history of women” as well as, in terms of potential scientific impact, intervisuality, a methodology that the unit-leaders are ground-breakingly applying to Classics. Three main research questions are expected to bring about research advances: 1) Who were women intellectuals? 2) What was theirsocial/family context? 3) What was their audience? Answering these questions willresult in a fresh understanding of women poets as well as in a model of what may be called an anti-Aristotelian history of Greek philosophy, one in which women play a surprisingly influential role. On one hand, this amounts to challenging the boundaries between the history of philosophy and literature, in a way that has momentous consequences for our assessment of women in Greek society. On the other, it entails acareful negotiation between the boundaries between orality and literacy as well as between fictional and “real” voices. Such a framework paves the way for a historically informed history of women intellectuals in Greece. In turn, this can result in a significant impact on related fields and historical periods and favourably influence the current debate on the relevance of classics. In terms of social and economic impact, the project can help increase a shared awareness on gender issues in the market of intellectual work. Outreach initiatives are integral to the team’s objectives, and the project’s afterlife includes a database designed as a repository for the team’s work as well as a way to encourage active citizenship in the study of the modern reception of, and creative writing about, Greek intellectual women. A clear area of strength is an exceptionally tight-knit team of like-minded unit-leaders working on complementary areas. As well as producing their own first-order outputs in terms of publications and international gatherings, the three unit-leaders will hire three early-career scholars, who will both contribute to and, more importantly, benefit from WInGS. Hopefully, they will take flight along with the project.
Floridi, L. (2025). WInGS - Women Intellectuals in Greek Society Studio finanziato dall’Unione Europea - NextGenerationEU Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) M4 C2, Investimento 1.1 Bando Prin 2022 - DD N. 104 del 2/2/2022 CUP J5D2301346000 - PRIN 2022PYXKPT, Responsabile Unità Locale: Lucia Floridi Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna).
WInGS - Women Intellectuals in Greek Society Studio finanziato dall’Unione Europea - NextGenerationEU Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) M4 C2, Investimento 1.1 Bando Prin 2022 - DD N. 104 del 2/2/2022 CUP J5D2301346000 - PRIN 2022PYXKPT, Responsabile Unità Locale: Lucia Floridi Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Lucia Floridi
Since Pomeroy’s 1975 seminal book, scholarship on women in ancient Greece has been growing steadily, but no comprehensive work explores the role of women intellectuals. By introducing this category, WInGS aims to launch an intellectual history of Greek women based on female intellectual activities, independent from male paradigms. WInGS challenges and qualifies the master narrative that depicts ancient Greece as a quintessentially chauvinist society. It does so by showing that female paradigms inform both poetic and philosophical traditions, something that, in turn, offers a vantage point to explore the social patterns shared by poetesses, priestesses and women philosophers. In addition to the traditional tools of classical philology andthe history of philosophy, with a particular focus on linguistic analysis, intertextuality and historical sociology, WInGS relies on novel approaches such as what is currently referred to as the “intellectual history of women” as well as, in terms of potential scientific impact, intervisuality, a methodology that the unit-leaders are ground-breakingly applying to Classics. Three main research questions are expected to bring about research advances: 1) Who were women intellectuals? 2) What was theirsocial/family context? 3) What was their audience? Answering these questions willresult in a fresh understanding of women poets as well as in a model of what may be called an anti-Aristotelian history of Greek philosophy, one in which women play a surprisingly influential role. On one hand, this amounts to challenging the boundaries between the history of philosophy and literature, in a way that has momentous consequences for our assessment of women in Greek society. On the other, it entails acareful negotiation between the boundaries between orality and literacy as well as between fictional and “real” voices. Such a framework paves the way for a historically informed history of women intellectuals in Greece. In turn, this can result in a significant impact on related fields and historical periods and favourably influence the current debate on the relevance of classics. In terms of social and economic impact, the project can help increase a shared awareness on gender issues in the market of intellectual work. Outreach initiatives are integral to the team’s objectives, and the project’s afterlife includes a database designed as a repository for the team’s work as well as a way to encourage active citizenship in the study of the modern reception of, and creative writing about, Greek intellectual women. A clear area of strength is an exceptionally tight-knit team of like-minded unit-leaders working on complementary areas. As well as producing their own first-order outputs in terms of publications and international gatherings, the three unit-leaders will hire three early-career scholars, who will both contribute to and, more importantly, benefit from WInGS. Hopefully, they will take flight along with the project.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.