Technological Competition and Patent Strategy: Protecting Innovation, Preempting Rivals and Defending the Freedom to Operate
2023 Cappelli Riccardo; Corsino Marco; Laursen Keld; Torrisi Salvatore
Academic Engagement and the External Patenting of University Inventions
2022 Marco Corsino; Salvatore Torrisi
L’innovazione tecnologica
2022 Maurizio Sobrero; Salvatore Torrisi
Technology spin-offs: teamwork, autonomy, and the exploitation of business opportunities
2019 Corsino, Marco; Giuri, Paola; Torrisi, Salvatore
On the measurement of knowledge flows with patent citations
2017 Corsino, Marco; Mariani, Myriam; Torrisi, Salvatore
Used, blocking and sleeping patents: Empirical evidence from a large-scale inventor survey
2016 Torrisi, Salvatore; Gambardella, Alfonso; Giuri, Paola; Harhoff, Dietmar; Hoisl, Karin; Mariani, Myriam
Software industry
2015 Salvatore Torrisi
Does Reputation Facilitate Startups' Access to Venture Capital Funding?
2014 Torrisi, Salvatore; Toschi, Laura; Zhang, Chunxiang
Economia e politica industriale/Journal of Industrial and Business Economics
2013 Salvatore Torrisi
European Management Review
2013 Salvatore Torrisi
Markets for technology
2013 A. Gambardella; P. Giuri; S. Torrisi
Meccanismi di mercato e non di mercato per lo scambio e la diffusione delle innovazioni: quando funzionano, quando non funzionano e perchè ci interessano, PRIN 2010-2011 (protocollo: 2010H37KAW_002)
2013 Salvatore Torrisi
2012 Giuri P.; S. Torrisi
A Test of Lazear’s Theory of Entrepreneurship in the Open Source Software Virtual Community
2010 P. Giuri; F. Rullani; S. Torrisi
Foreign Entry and Survival in a Knowledge-Intensive Market: Emerging Economy Countries' International Linkages, Technology Competences, and Firm Experience
2010 M. Giarratana; S. Torrisi
Skills, division of labor and performance in collective inventions: Evidence from open source software
2010 P. Giuri; M. Ploner; F. Rullani; S. Torrisi
Technological exploration through licensing: New insights from the licensee’s point of view
2010 K. Laursen; I. Leone; S. Torrisi
Does local tourism improve the territorial performance in a global context?
2009 M.Presutti|; Torrisi S.
Financial Patenting in Europe
2009 B. Hall; G. Thoma; S. Torrisi
How ‘Provincial’ is your Region? Openness and Regional Performance in Europe
2009 A. Gambardella; M. Mariani; S. Torrisi