Combining osteology, museumization and enhancement: the case of the Cai Cutu tomb (Perugia, Italy), Poster accettato al 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) in Rome, Italy, 28-31 agosto 2024.
2024 Candilio F., Bianchi V., Cecconi V., Esposito C., Sperduti A., Turchetti M.A.
NOthing goes to WAste (NOWA): A protocol to optimise sampling of ancient teeth
2024 Carmen Esposito, Owen Alexander Higgins, Alessia Galbusera, Melania Gigante, Federico Lugli, Wolfgang Müller, Richard Madgwick, Alfredo Coppa, Stefano Benazzi, Luca Bondioli, Alessia Nava
Breve e lunga: due osteobiografie da Neapolis
2023 Bianchi V., Esposito C., Di Maio I., Montella L., Sperduti A.
Farming and feasting during the Bronze Age–Iron Age transition in Britain (ca. 900–500 bce): multi-isotope evidence for societal change
2023 Madgwick, Richard; Esposito, Carmen; Lamb, Angela L.
Intense community dynamics in the pre-Roman frontier site of Fermo (ninth–fifth century BCE, Marche, central Italy) inferred from isotopic data
2023 Esposito, Carmen; Gigante, Melania; Lugli, Federico; Miranda, Pasquale; Cavazzuti, Claudio; Sperduti, Alessandra; Pacciarelli, Marco; Stoddart, Simon; Reimer, Paula; Malone, Caroline; Bondioli, Luca; Müller, Wolfgang
Rome Fellowships: TULAR: human mobility and social-cultural shifts in frontier areas of pre-Roman Italy
2023 Esposito C.
Issues in Meta-Analysis of Strontium Isotope Data: A Reply to Perry et al
2022 Leppard T.P.; Esposito C.; Esposito M.
Radiocarbon Dated Trends and Central Mediterranean Prehistory
2021 Parkinson E.W.; McLaughlin T.R.; Esposito C.; Stoddart S.; Malone C.
Sulla periodizzazione delle necropoli protostoriche di Fermo
2021 Pasquale Miranda; Carmen Esposito
Who was buried with Nestor’s Cup? Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of the cremated remains from Tomb 168 (second half of the 8th century BCE, Pithekoussai, Ischia Island, Italy)
2021 Gigante M.; Nava A.; Paine R.R.; Fiore I.; Alhaique F.; Esposito C.M.; Sperduti A.; Bonetto J.; Cinquantaquattro T.E.; d'Agostino B.; Bondioli L.
Heading for the hills? A multi-isotope study of sheep management in first-millennium BC Italy
2020 Trentacoste A.; Lightfoot E.; Le Roux P.; Buckley M.; Kansa S.W.; Esposito C.; Gleba M.
The bioarchaeology of migration in the ancient mediterranean: Meta-analysis of radiogenic (87sr/86sr) isotope ratios
2020 Leppard T.P.; Esposito C.; Esposito M.
The Landscape Archaeology of Southwest Sardinia Project: New Data and Method from the Insular Mediterranean
2019 Murphy, E.A.; Leppard, T.P.; Roppa, A.; Madrigali, E.; Esposito, C.