Microsaccades and interest areas during free-viewing sport task
2019 Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Perazzolo, Monica; Malagoli Lanzoni, Ivan; Squatrito, Salvatore
Influence of heading perception in the control of posture
2018 Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore
Physical exercise for late-life depression: Effects on symptom dimensions and time course
2018 Murri, Martino Belvederi*; Ekkekakis, Pantaleimon; Menchetti, Marco; Neviani, Francesca; Trevisani, Fausto; Tedeschi, Stefano; Latessa, Pasqualino Maietta; Nerozzi, Erika; Ermini, Giuliano; Zocchi, Donato; Squatrito, Salvatore; Toni, Giulio; Cabassi, Aderville; Neri, Mirco; Zanetidou, Stamatula; Amore, Mario
Angle of gaze and optic flow direction modulate body sway
2017 Raffi, Milena; Piras, Alessandro; Persiani, Michela; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore
Area PEc Neurons Use a Multiphasic Pattern of Activity to Signal the Spatial Properties of Optic Flow
2017 Raffi, Milena; Piras, Alessandro; Calzavara, Roberta; Squatrito, Salvatore
Eye movements for performance. Saccades and microsaccades in elite table tennis players
2017 Piras, A; Raffi, M; Perazzolo, M; Malagoli, I; Squatrito, S.
Physical exercise for late life depression: effects on cognition and disability
2017 Neviani, Francesca; Belvederi Murri, Martino; Mussi, Chiara; Triolo, Federico; Toni, Giulio; Simoncini, Elisabetta; Tripi, Ferdinando; Menchetti, Marco; Ferrari, Silvia; Ceresini, Graziano; Cremonini, Alessandro; Bertolotti, Marco; Neri, Giovanni; Squatrito, Salvatore; Amore, Mario; Zanetidou, Stamatula; Neri, Mirco
Study of the postural muscles control in subjects with different retinal functionality
2017 Perazzolo, M; Raffi, M; Piras, A; Squatrito, S.
Effect of heading perception on microsaccade dynamics
2016 Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Persiani, Michela; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore
Physical Exercise for Late-Life Depression: Effects on Heart Rate Variability
2016 Toni, G; Belvederi Murri, M; Piepoli, M; Zanetidou, S; Cabassi, A; Squatrito, Salvatore; Bagnoli, L; Piras, Alessandro; Mussi, C; Senaldi, R; Menchetti, Marco; Zocchi, Donato; Ermini, Giuliano; Ceresini, G; Tripi, F; Rucci, Paola; Alexopoulos, Gs; Amore, M.
The within-task criterion to determine successful and unsuccessful table tennis players
2016 Piras A, Malagoli Lanzoni I., Raffi M, Persiani M, Squatrito S.
Laterality of Stance during Optic Flow Stimulation in Male and Female Young Adults
2015 Persiani, M.; Piras, A.; Squatrito, S.; Raffi, M.
Microsaccades and prediction of a motor act outcome in a dynamic sport situation
2015 Piras, A.; Raffi, M.; Lanzoni, I.M.; Persiani, M.; Squatrito, S.
Importance of optic flow for postural stability of male and female young adults
2014 Milena Raffi;Alessandro Piras;Michela Persiani;Salvatore Squatrito
Optic flow neurons in area PEc integrate eye and head position signals.
2014 Raffi M;Persiani M;Piras A;Squatrito S
Response Time, Visual Search Strategy, and Anticipatory Skills in Volleyball Players
2014 Alessandro Piras;Roberto Lobietti;Salvatore Squatrito
Visual Search Strategy in Judo Fighters During the Execution of the First Grip
2014 Alessandro Piras;Emanuela Pierantozzi;Salvatore Squatrito
Effect of central vs. peripheral optic flow stimuli on postural responses revealed by surface electromyography
2012 Piras A.; Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Squatrito S.
Importance of optic flow for postural stability
2012 Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Piras A.; Squatrito S.;
Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. I. Electromyography
2012 Piras A.; Persiani M.; Raffi M.; Squatrito S.
Titolo | Autore(i) | Anno | Periodico | Editore | Tipo | File |
Microsaccades and interest areas during free-viewing sport task | Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Perazzolo, Monica; Malagoli Lanzoni, Ivan; Squatrito, Salvatore | 2019-01-01 | JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Influence of heading perception in the control of posture | Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore | 2018-01-01 | JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Physical exercise for late-life depression: Effects on symptom dimensions and time course | Murri, Martino Belvederi*; Ekkekakis, Pantaleimon; Menchetti, Marco; Neviani, Francesca; Trevisan...i, Fausto; Tedeschi, Stefano; Latessa, Pasqualino Maietta; Nerozzi, Erika; Ermini, Giuliano; Zocchi, Donato; Squatrito, Salvatore; Toni, Giulio; Cabassi, Aderville; Neri, Mirco; Zanetidou, Stamatula; Amore, Mario | 2018-01-01 | JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Maietta11585-671455.pdf |
Angle of gaze and optic flow direction modulate body sway | Raffi, Milena; Piras, Alessandro; Persiani, Michela; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore | 2017-01-01 | JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Area PEc Neurons Use a Multiphasic Pattern of Activity to Signal the Spatial Properties of Optic Flow | Raffi, Milena; Piras, Alessandro; Calzavara, Roberta; Squatrito, Salvatore | 2017-01-01 | BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Raffi et al, 2017.pdf |
Eye movements for performance. Saccades and microsaccades in elite table tennis players | Piras, A; Raffi, M; Perazzolo, M; Malagoli, I; Squatrito, S. | 2017-01-01 | SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH | - | 1.06 Abstract in rivista | - |
Physical exercise for late life depression: effects on cognition and disability | Neviani, Francesca; Belvederi Murri, Martino; Mussi, Chiara; Triolo, Federico; Toni, Giulio; Simo...ncini, Elisabetta; Tripi, Ferdinando; Menchetti, Marco; Ferrari, Silvia; Ceresini, Graziano; Cremonini, Alessandro; Bertolotti, Marco; Neri, Giovanni; Squatrito, Salvatore; Amore, Mario; Zanetidou, Stamatula; Neri, Mirco | 2017-01-01 | INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Study of the postural muscles control in subjects with different retinal functionality | Perazzolo, M; Raffi, M; Piras, A; Squatrito, S. | 2017-01-01 | SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH | - | 1.06 Abstract in rivista | - |
Effect of heading perception on microsaccade dynamics | Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Persiani, Michela; Perazzolo, Monica; Squatrito, Salvatore | 2016-01-01 | BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Physical Exercise for Late-Life Depression: Effects on Heart Rate Variability | Toni, G; Belvederi Murri, M; Piepoli, M; Zanetidou, S; Cabassi, A; Squatrito, Salvatore; Bagnoli,... L; Piras, Alessandro; Mussi, C; Senaldi, R; Menchetti, Marco; Zocchi, Donato; Ermini, Giuliano; Ceresini, G; Tripi, F; Rucci, Paola; Alexopoulos, Gs; Amore, M. | 2016-01-01 | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
The within-task criterion to determine successful and unsuccessful table tennis players | Piras A, Malagoli Lanzoni I., Raffi M, Persiani M, Squatrito S. | 2016-01-01 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Laterality of Stance during Optic Flow Stimulation in Male and Female Young Adults | Persiani, M.; Piras, A.; Squatrito, S.; Raffi, M. | 2015-01-01 | BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 542645.pdf |
Microsaccades and prediction of a motor act outcome in a dynamic sport situation | Piras, A.; Raffi, M.; Lanzoni, I.M.; Persiani, M.; Squatrito, S. | 2015-01-01 | INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Importance of optic flow for postural stability of male and female young adults | Milena Raffi;Alessandro Piras;Michela Persiani;Salvatore Squatrito | 2014-01-01 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Optic flow neurons in area PEc integrate eye and head position signals. | Raffi M;Persiani M;Piras A;Squatrito S | 2014-01-01 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Response Time, Visual Search Strategy, and Anticipatory Skills in Volleyball Players | Alessandro Piras;Roberto Lobietti;Salvatore Squatrito | 2014-01-01 | JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Visual Search Strategy in Judo Fighters During the Execution of the First Grip | Alessandro Piras;Emanuela Pierantozzi;Salvatore Squatrito | 2014-01-01 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Effect of central vs. peripheral optic flow stimuli on postural responses revealed by surface electromyography | Piras A.; Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Squatrito S. | 2012-01-01 | PERCEPTION | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Importance of optic flow for postural stability | Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Piras A.; Squatrito S.; | 2012-01-01 | ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. I. Electromyography | Piras A.; Persiani M.; Raffi M.; Squatrito S. | 2012-01-01 | - | Meeusen, R., Duchateau, J., Roelands, B., Klass, M | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |