Syntax matters in shaping sensorimotor activation driven by nouns
2023 Garofalo, Gioacchino; Gherri, Elena; Riggio, Lucia
The space of words: on the sensorimotor processing of variable affordances in noun-adjective combinations.
2023 Garofalo, G., Riggio, L., Bianchini, F., Gherri, E.
Action Observation Treatment in a tele-rehabilitation setting: a pilot study in children with cerebral palsy
2022 Molinaro A.; Micheletti S.; Pagani F.; Garofalo G.; Galli J.; Rossi A.; Fazzi E.; Buccino G.
Children with Cerebral Palsy can imagine actions like their normally developed peers
2022 Galli J.; Garofalo G.; Brunetti S.; Loi E.; Portesi M.; Pelizzari G.; Rossi A.; Fazzi E.; Buccino G.
Evidence for the Concreteness of Abstract Language: A Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies
2022 Del Maschio N.; Fedeli D.; Garofalo G.; Buccino G.
Grasping the semantic of actions: a combined behavioral and MEG study
2022 Visani E.; Garofalo G.; Rossi Sebastiano D.; Duran D.; Craighero L.; Riggio L.; Buccino G.
Influence of colour on object motor representation
2022 Garofalo G.; Riggio L.
Seeing through the cat’s eyes: evidence of a spontaneous perspective taking process using a non-human avatar
2022 Garofalo G.; Gawryszewski L.L.; Riggio L.
The Semantics of Natural Objects and Tools in the Brain: A Combined Behavioral and MEG Study
2022 Visani E.; Sebastiano D.R.; Duran D.; Garofalo G.; Magliocco F.; Silipo F.; Buccino G.
What matters is the underlying experience: Similar motor responses during processing observed hand actions and hand-related verbs
2022 Garofalo G.; Magliocco F.; Silipo F.; Riggio L.; Buccino G.
A New Neurorehabilitative Postsurgery Intervention for Facial Palsy Based on Smile Observation and Hand-Mouth Motor Synergies
2021 Elisa De Stefani, Anna Barbot, Chiara Bertolini, Mauro Belluardo, Gioacchino Garofalo, Nicola Bruno, Bernardo Bianchi, Andrea Ferri, Pier Francesco Ferrari
Adjectives Modulate Sensorimotor Activation Driven by Nouns
2021 Gioacchino Garofalo; Barbara F. M. Marino; Stefano Bellelli; Lucia Riggio
Handle-hand compatibility effects for the right and left hand using reach-to-touch movements
2020 Garofalo G.; Mussi D.R.; Riggio L.
Children with facial paralysis due to Moebius syndrome exhibit reduced autonomic modulation during emotion processing
2019 De Stefani E.; Ardizzi M.; Nicolini Y.; Belluardo M.; Barbot A.; Bertolini C.; Garofalo G.; Bianchi B.; Coude G.; Murray L.; Ferrari P.F.
Grasping the Uznadze Illusion: Hand Shaping Is Driven by Relative Size As Well As Stimulus Similarity
2018 Stefano Uccelli, Veronica Pisu, Lucia Riggio, Gioacchino Garofalo, Nicola Bruno
The Simon Effect Is Modulated by Effector-Stimulus Proximity and Not by Hand-Stimulus Proximity
2018 Gioacchino Garofalo, Leonardo Longo, Lucia Riggio
Visual similarity modulates visual size contrast
2018 Bruno N.; Garofalo G.; Daneyko O.; Riggio L.
A proposal for new neurorehabilitative intervention on Moebius Syndrome patients after ‘smile surgery’. Proof of concept based on mirror neuron system properties and hand-mouth synergistic activity
2017 Ferrari P.F.; Barbot A.; Bianchi B.; Ferri A.; Garofalo G.; Bruno N.; Coude G.; Bertolini C.; Ardizzi M.; Nicolini Y.; Belluardo M.; De Stefani E.
Visual similarity modulates visual size contrast.
2016 Nicola Bruno, G Garofalo, O Daneyko, Lucia Riggio
Red affects reaction times and hit rates in a 2AFC orientation discrimination task
2015 Nicola Bruno, Gioacchino Garofalo, Vera Ferrari