Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Environmental, social and governance risk exposures of mutual funds
In corso di stampa Helliar, Christine; Petracci, Barbara; Tantisantiwong, Nongnuch
A bibliometric analysis of sustainable finance
2024 F. Dahbi, I. Carrasco Monteguado, B. Petracci
A Systematic Literature Review on Social Impact Bonds
2024 Dahbi, F.; Carrasco Monteguado, I.; Petracci, B.
Investors’ reaction under uncertainty
2023 K. Kyaw; M. Olugbode; B. Petracci
Comparing SRI funds to conventional funds using a PCA methodology
2022 Christine Helliar, Barbara Petracci, Nongnuch Tantisantiwong
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Impact Equity Risk? International Evidence
2022 Monti, Alice; Pattitoni, Pierpaolo; Petracci, Barbara; Randl, Otto
Economic Sustainability, Innovation, and the ESG Factors: An Empirical Investigation
2022 Luca Di Simone, Barbara Petracci, Maria Cristina Piva
Egregious Separation Payments? The Role of Internal and External Corporate Governance
2022 C. Ben-Hafaiedh, P. Pattitoni, B. Petracci
Stakeholder engagement: Investors' environmental risk aversion and corporate earnings
2022 K. Khine, M. Olugbode, B. Petracci
Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Financing – the Importance of the International Corporate Governance System
2020 Desender, Kurt A.; Lópezpuertas‐lamy, Mónica; Pattitoni, Pierpaolo; Petracci, Barbara
Is the market surprised by the surprise?
2020 Khine Kyaw; Mojisola Olugbode; Barbara Petracci
Precautionary motives for private firms’ cash holdings
2020 Poti, V.; Pattitoni, P.; Petracci, B.
Can board gender diversity promote corporate social performance?
2017 Kyaw, Khine; Olugbode, Mojisola; Petracci, Barbara
The Role of the Institutional Framework in the Relationship between Earnings Management and Corporate Social Performance
2017 Kyaw, Khine; Olugbode, Mojisola; Petracci, Barbara
Developing the Islamic financial services sector in Italy: an institutional theory perspective
2016 Barbara Petracci; Hussain Rammal
Does gender diverse board mean less earnings management?
2015 Kyaw, K.; Olugbode, M.; Petracci, B.
La finanza etica: un approccio possibile?
2015 Petracci, Barbara
Management Fee Base: Financing and Investment Decisions
2015 Pierpaolo Pattitoni; Barbara Petracci; Valerio Potì; Massimo Spisni
‘‘Hit and Run’’ and ‘‘Revolving Doors’’: evidence from the Italian stock market
2015 Pattitoni, Pierpaolo; Petracci, Barbara; Spisni, Massimo
Determinants of profitability in the EU-15 area
2014 Pierpaolo Pattitoni;Barbara Petracci;Massimo Spisni