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Titolo Autore(i) Anno Periodico Editore Tipo File
In a Hidden Place: Traces of Batinism in the Fragments of the Cairo Genizah Gabriele Ferrario 2025-01-01 MICROLOGUS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Between al-Rāzī and the Pseudo-Rāzī: Classifying Matter and Composing an Alchemical Handbook Ferrario, Gabriele 2024-01-01 SUBSTANTIA - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ferrario - 2024 - Between Razi and Pseudo Razi - Substantia.pdf
Fragments of Alchemy from a Cairene Synagogue: Context, Codicology, and Contents of the Alchemical Corpus of the Cairo Genizah Ferrario, Gabriele 2024-01-01 AMBIX - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Fragments of Alchemy from a Cairene Synagogue - Ambix (1).pdf
The Book on Alums and Salts of Pseudo-Rāzī. The Arabic and Hebrew traditions Ferrario, Gabriele 2023-01-01 - Taylor & Francis Group 3.01 Monografia / trattato scientifico in forma di libro Ferrario Gabriele - 2023 - The Book on Alums and Salts of Pseudo-Razi - Taylor & Francis.pdf
Alchemy in the Jewish Context Ferrario, Gabriele 2022-01-01 - Bloomsbury 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Graeco-Arabic medicine in Jewish attire: An early Judaeo-Arabic version of Qusṭā ibn Lūqā’s On Numbness from the Cairo Genizah Ferrario Gabriele 2022-01-01 TECHNAI - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ferrario - Qusta ibn Luqa in JA - Technai 2022.pdf
Pauca numero et utilibus plurima: Maimonides’ Treatise on Poisons and its Graeco-Arabic Sources Ferrario, Gabriele 2022-01-01 - S.I.S.M.E.L. 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro Ferrario - 2022 - Pauca Numero et utilibus plurima - Micrologus Library .pdf
Alchemy in the Cairo Genizah: the Nachlass of an untidy Jewish alchemist Ferrario, Gabriele 2021-01-01 ASIATISCHE STUDIEN - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ferrario_Alchemy in the Cairo Genizah.pdf
Le De anima alchimique du pseudo­-Avicenne by Sébastien Moureau Ferrario, Gabriele 2021-01-01 AESTIMATIO - 1.03 Recensione in rivista Ferrario - 2021 - Review of Moureau De Anima - Aestimatio-ns-0201.pdf
Sciences and Medicine Ferrario, Gabriele 2021-01-01 - Cambridge University Press 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro Ferrario - 2021 - with Kozodoy - CHJ Science & Medicine.pdf
Note on a Steelyard Balance in an Arabic Manuscript in Hebrew Characters from Yemen Ferrario, Gabriele, Abattouy, M 2020-01-01 NOUVELLES CHRONIQUES DU MANUSCRIT AU YÉMEN - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ferrario-Abattouy - 2020 - Nouvelle Croniques du Manuscrit au Yemen.pdf
La Messe alchimique attribuée à Melchior de Sibiu Ferrario, G 2017-01-01 AMBIX - 1.03 Recensione in rivista -
Maimonides' Book on Poisons and the Protection Against Lethal Drugs Ferrario G. 2017-01-01 - Elsevier Inc. 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Medicine in Medieval Egypt: Creating Online Access to the Medical Corpus of the Cairo Genizah ferrario g 2017-01-01 - - 7.05 Banche dati -
Plants on Maimonides’ Bookshelf: T-S Ar.41.41 Ferrario, Gabriele 2017-01-01 - Genizah Research Unit 3.04 Pubblicazione di fonti inedite -
Art and Alchemy: The Mystery of Transformation Ferrario, G 2016-01-01 AMBIX - 1.03 Recensione in rivista -
In the Shadow of Goitein: Text Mining the Cairo Genizah Ben Outhwaite, Chris Stokoe, Gabriele Ferrario 2014-01-01 MANUSCRIPT CULTURES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
La Conoscenza del Fare. Ingegneria, arte e scienza nel De la Pirotechnia di Vannoccio Biringuccio Ferrario g 2014-01-01 AMBIX - 1.03 Recensione in rivista -
Pseudo-Democrito. Scritti alchemici con il commentario di Sinesio Ferrario, G 2013-01-01 AMBIX - 1.03 Recensione in rivista -
Scientific Texts: Medieval Period (Vol 3) g ferrario 2013-01-01 - Brill 2.05 Voce in dizionario o enciclopedia -