Evaluation of carcass quality, body and pulmonary lesions detected at the abattoir in heavy pigs subjected or not to tail docking
2023 Amatucci L.; Luise D.; Luppi A.; Virdis S.; Prosperi A.; Cirelli A.; Bosco C.; Trevisi P.
Andamento del consumo di antibiotici in filiere suinicole italiane caratterizzate dal diverso stato endemico per la sindrome riproduttiva e respiratoria suina
2022 Amatucci L, Ruggeri R, Romanelli C, Sandri G, Luise D, Canali M, Bosi P, Trevisi P
Bacillus spp. Probiotic Strains as a Potential Tool for Limiting the Use of Antibiotics, and Improving the Growth and Health of Pigs and Chickens
2022 Luise D.; Bosi P.; Raff L.; Amatucci L.; Virdis S.; Trevisi P.
Correlazione tra le lesioni della carcassa e le lesioni anatomopatologiche polmonari rilevate al macello in suini sottoposti o no a caudotomia
2022 Amatucci L, Bosco C, Luise D, Luppi A, Virdis S, Trevisi P
Effect of an Escherichia coli F4/F18 bivalent oral live vaccine on gut health and performance of healthy weaned pigs
2022 Correa, F; Luise, D; Amatucci, L; Palumbo, F; Virdis, S; Negrini, C; Clavenzani, P; Vecchi, M; Mazzoni, M; Bosi, P; Trevisi, P
Growth performance and gut health of low and normal birth weight piglets fed different zinc sources
2022 C. Negrini, D. Luise, F. Correa, L. Amatucci, S. Virdis, A. Romeo, N. Manzke, P. Bosi, P. Trevisi
Importance of Breed, Parity and Sow Colostrum Components on Litter Performance and Health
2022 Amatucci, Laura; Luise, Diana; Correa, Federico; Bosi, Paolo; Trevisi, Paolo
Pattern of antibiotic consumption in two Italian production chains differing by the endemic status for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
2022 Paolo Trevisi, Laura Amatucci, Roberta Ruggeri, Costanza Romanelli, Giampietro Sandri, Diana Luise, Massimo Canali, PAOLO BOSI
Effects of the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome on the antibiotic consumption in pig weaning and fattening units in Italy
2021 Paolo Trevisi, Paolo Bosi, Roberta Ruggeri, Caetano Luiz Beber; Diana Luise, Laura Amatucci, Maurizio Aragrande, Massimo Canali