Chronic Trazodone and Citalopram Treatments Increase Trophic Factor and Circadian Rhythm Gene Expression in Rat Brain Regions Relevant for Antidepressant Efficacy
2022 Lucia Carboni; Laura Rullo; Francesca Felicia Caputi; Serena Stamatakos; Sanzio Candeletti; Patrizia Romualdi
Activation of Antioxidant and Proteolytic Pathways in the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System After 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Administration: Sex-Related Differences
2021 Costa G.; Caputi F.F.; Serra M.; Simola N.; Rullo L.; Stamatakos S.; Sanna F.; Germain M.; Martinoli M.-G.; Candeletti S.; Morelli M.; Romualdi P.
Early-life nicotine or cotinine exposure produces long-lasting sleep alterations and downregulation of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors in adult mice
2021 Bastianini S.; Lo Martire V.; Alvente S.; Berteotti C.; Matteoli G.; Rullo L.; Stamatakos S.; Silvani A.; Candeletti S.; Romualdi P.; Cohen G.; Zoccoli G.
Nociceptive behavior and central neuropeptidergic dysregulations in male and female mice of a Fabry disease animal model
2021 Rullo L.; Posa L.; Caputi F.F.; Stamatakos S.; Formaggio F.; Caprini M.; Liguori R.; Candeletti S.; Romualdi P.
Targeting the JAK/STAT Pathway: A Combined Ligand- And Target-Based Approach
2021 Galvez-Llompart M.; Ocello R.; Rullo L.; Stamatakos S.; Alessandrini I.; Zanni R.; Tunon I.; Cavalli A.; Candeletti S.; Masetti M.; Romualdi P.; Recanatini M.
The active second-generation proteasome inhibitor oprozomib reverts the oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy symptoms
2020 Caputi F.F.; Di Cesare Mannelli L.; Rullo L.; Micheli L.; Stamatakos S.; Posa L.; Ghelardini C.; Romualdi P.; Candeletti S.
Interplay between the endogenous opioid system and proteasome complex: Beyond signaling
2019 Caputi F.F.; Rullo L.; Stamatakos S.; Candeletti S.; Romualdi P.
Modulation of the negative affective dimension of pain: Focus on selected neuropeptidergic system contributions
2019 Caputi F.F.; Rullo L.; Stamatakos S.; Candeletti S.; Romualdi P.