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Strong Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Dark Matter Vegetti, S.; Birrer, S.; Despali, G.; Fassnacht, C. D.; Gilman, D.; Hezaveh, Y.; Perreault ,... ; Levasseur, L.; Mckean, J. P.; Powell, D. M.; O'Riordan, C. M.; Vernardos, G. 2024-01-01 SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista s11214-024-01087-w.pdf
Sensitivity of strong lensing observations to dark matter substructure: a case study with Euclid O’Riordan, Conor M; Despali, Giulia; Vegetti, Simona; Lovell, Mark R; Moliné, Ángeles 2023-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista stad650.pdf
Constraining SIDM with halo shapes: Revisited predictions from realistic simulations of early-type galaxies Despali G.; Walls L.G.; Vegetti S.; Sparre M.; Vogelsberger M.; Zavala J. 2022-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Despali et al. - 2022 - Constraining SIDM with halo shapes Revisited pred.pdf
Detecting low-mass haloes with strong gravitational lensing I: the effect of data quality and lensing configuration Despali G.; Vegetti S.; White S.D.M.; Powell D.M.; Stacey H.R.; Fassnacht C.D.; Rizzo F.; Enzi W. 2022-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Despali et al. - 2022 - Detecting low-mass haloes with strong gravitationa.pdf
Joint constraints on thermal relic dark matter from strong gravitational lensing, the Ly α forest, and Milky Way satellites Enzi W.; Murgia R.; Newton O.; Vegetti S.; Frenk C.; Viel M.; Cautun M.; Fassnacht C.D.; Auger M....; Despali G.; McKean J.; Koopmans L.V.E.; Lovell M. 2021-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista stab1960.pdf
Time delay lens modelling challenge Ding X.; Treu T.; Birrer S.; Chen G.C.-F.; Coles J.; Denzel P.; Frigo M.; Galan A.; Marshall P.J....; Millon M.; More A.; Shajib A.J.; Sluse D.; Tak H.; Xu D.; Auger M.W.; Bonvin V.; Chand H.; Courbin F.; Despali G.; Fassnacht C.D.; Gilman D.; Hilbert S.; Kumar S.R.; Lin J.Y.-Y.; Park J.W.; Saha P.; Vegetti S.; Van De Vyvere L.; Williams L.L.R. 2021-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista stab484.pdf
Sharp - VII. New constraints on the dark matter free-streaming properties and substructure abundance from gravitationally lensed quasars Hsueh J.-W.; Enzi W.; Vegetti S.; Auger M.W.; Fassnacht C.D.; Despali G.; Koopmans L.V.E.; McKean... J.P. 2020-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Hsueh et al. - 2020 - SHARP – VII. New constraints on the dark matter fr.pdf
The lensing properties of subhaloes in massive elliptical galaxies in sterile neutrino cosmologies Despali G.; Lovell M.; Vegetti S.; Crain R.A.; Oppenheimer B.D. 2020-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Despali et al. - 2020 - The lensing properties of subhaloes in massive ell.pdf
Constraining the mass density of free-floating black holes using razor-thin lensing arcs Banik U.; van den Bosch F.C.; Tremmel M.; More A.; Despali G.; More S.; Vegetti S.; McKean J.P. 2019-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Low-mass halo perturbations in strong gravitational lenses at redshift z ~ 0.5 are consistent with CDM Ritondale E.; Vegetti S.; Despali G.; Auger M.W.; Koopmans L.V.E.; McKean J.P. 2019-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista stz464.pdf
Constraining sterile neutrino cosmologies with strong gravitational lensing observations at redshift z ~ 0.2 Vegetti S.; Despali G.; Lovell M.R.; Enzi W. 2018-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
The impact of baryonic physics on the subhalo mass function and implications for gravitational lensing Despali G.; Vegetti S. 2017-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Despali e Vegetti - 2017 - The impact of baryonic physics on the subhalo mass.pdf
LOFAR imaging of Cygnus A - direct detection of a turnover in the hotspot radio spectra McKean, J.P.; Godfrey, L.E.H.; Vegetti, S.; Wise, M.W.; Morganti, R.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Rafferty,... D.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I.M.; Beck, R.; Bell, M.E.; van Bemmel, I.; Bentum, M.J.; Bernardi, G.; Best, P.; Blaauw, R.; Bonafede, A.; Breitling, F.; Broderick, J.W.; Brüggen, M.; Cerrigone, L.; Ciardi, B.; de Gasperin, F.; Deller, A.; Duscha, S.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Fallows, R.A.; Frieswijk, W.; Garrett, M.A.; Grießmeier, J.M.; van Haarlem, M.P.; Heald, G.; Hoeft, M.; van der HorstA.J., null; Iacobelli, M.; Interna, H.; Juette, E.; Karastergiou, A.; Kondratiev, V.I.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Kuper, G.; van Leeuwen, J.; Maat, P.; Mann, G.; Markoff, S.; McFadden, R.; McKay-Bukowski, D.; Mulcahy, D.D.; Munk, H.; Nelles, A.; Orru, E.; Paas, H.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pietka, M.; Pizzo, R.; Polatidis, A.G.; Reich, W.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Rowlinson, A.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Serylak, M.; Shulevski, A.; Sluman, J.; Smirnov, O.; Steinmetz, M.; Stewart, A.; Swinbank, J.; Tagger, M.; Thoudam, S.; Toribio, M.C.; Vermeulen, R.; Vocks, C.; van Weeren, R.J.; Wucknitz, O.; Yatawatta, S.; Zarka, P. 2016-01-01 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -