A sustainable and social-oriented urban buildings’ reshape
2024 Ferrante, Annarita; Mazzoli, Cecilia; Corticelli, Rachele
Analysis and Evaluation of Mobility Solutions and Targeted Interventions to Support the Urban Regeneration of the Canal Port of Rimini
2023 Corticelli, Rachele; Pazzini, Margherita; Dragonetti, Lorna; Mazzoli, Cecilia; Lantieri, Claudio; Ferrante, Annarita; Simone, Andrea
Multi-Criteria Analysis and Decision-Making Approach for the Urban Regeneration: The Application to the Rimini Canal Port (Italy)
2023 Margherita Pazzini; Rachele Corticelli; Claudio Lantieri; Cecilia Mazzoli
Assessing and Developing Circular Deep Renovation Interventions towards Decarbonisation: The Italian Pilot Case of “Corte Palazzo” in Argelato
2022 Cecilia Mazzoli, Rachele Corticelli, Lorna Dragonetti, Annarita Ferrante, Johannes Van Oorschot, Michiel Ritzen
Circular approach for deep renovation of historic building heritage. The case of a manor villa in Argelato, Bologna
2022 Cecilia Mazzoli, Lorna Dragonetti, Rachele Corticelli, Annarita Ferrante
Circular approach for deep renovation of historic building heritage. The case of a manor villa in Argelato, Bologna
2022 Cecilia Mazzoli, Lorna Dragonetti, Rachele Corticelli, Annarita Ferrante
Metodo di valutazione speditiva della circolarità negli interventi di riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente. Applicazione a quattro casi di studio in Europa / Simplified method for assessing the circularity in the requalification of the existing building heritage. Application to four European case studies.
2022 Rachele Corticelli, Lorna Dragonetti, Cecilia Mazzoli, Annarita Ferrante
Urban Regeneration and Soft Mobility: The Case Study of the Rimini Canal Port in Italy
2022 Rachele Corticelli, Margherita Pazzini, Cecilia Mazzoli, Claudio Lantieri, Annarita Ferrante, Valeria Vignali