Terrestrial laser scanning, geomorphology and archaeology of a Roman gypsum quarry (Vena del Gesso Romagnola area, Northern Apennines, Italy)
2021 Fabbri, Stefano; Chiarini, Veronica; Ercolani, Massimo; Sansavini, Garibaldi; Santagata, Tommaso; De Waele, Jo
Uncertainty of drone-derived dems and significance of detected morphodynamics in artificially scraped dunes
2021 Duo E.; Fabbri S.; Grottoli E.; Ciavola P.
Using high‐spatial resolution uav‐derived data to evaluate vegetation and geomorphological changes on a dune field involved in a restoration endeavour
2021 Fabbri, Stefano; Grottoli, Edoardo; Armaroli, Clara; Ciavola, Paolo
Geomorphological and speleogenetical observations using terrestrial laser scanning and 3D photogrammetry in a gypsum cave (Emilia Romagna, N. Italy)
2018 Jo, De Waele; Stefano, Fabbri; Tommaso, Santagata; Veronica, Chiarini; Andrea, Columbu; Luca, Pisani
Laser scanning and 3D printing of Ca’ Castellina cave ceiling (North Italy): a novel approach to visualize and better understand underground morphologies
2018 Columbu A, Fabbri S, Santagata T, Chiarini V, De Waele J.
Geomorphological analysis and classification of foredune ridges based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technology
2017 Fabbri, Stefano; Giambastiani, Beatrice M. S.; Sistilli, Flavia; Scarelli, Frederico; Gabbianelli, Giovanni
High-resolution 3-D mapping using terrestrial laser scanning as a tool for geomorphological and speleogenetical studies in caves: An example from the Lessini mountains (North Italy)
2017 Fabbri, Stefano; Sauro, Francesco; Sant'Agata, Tommaso; De Waele, Jo
Seasonal dune and beach monitoring using photogrammetry from UAV surveys to apply in the ICZM on the Ravenna coast (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
2017 Scarelli, Frederico M.; Sistilli, Flavia; Fabbri, Stefano; Cantelli, Luigi; Barboza, Eduardo G.; Gabbianelli, Giovanni
RIGED-RA project-Restoration and management of Coastal Dunes in the Northern Adriatic Coast, Ravenna Area-Italy
2016 Giambastiani, Beatrice M.S.; Greggio, Nicolas; Sistilli, Flavia; Fabbri, Stefano; Scarelli, Frederico; Candiago, Sebastian; Anfossi, Giulia; Lipparini, Carlo A.; Cantelli, Luigi; Antonellini, Marco; Gabbianelli, Giovanni
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments
2013 Francesco Mancini;Marco Dubbini;Mario Gattelli;Francesco Stecchi;Stefano Fabbri;Giovanni Gabbianelli