Differences and similarities in selenium biopathways in Astragalus, Neptunia (Fabaceae) and Stanleya (Brassicaceae) hyperaccumulators
2023 Van Der Ent A.; Salinitro M.; Brueckner D.; Spiers K.M.; Montanari S.; Tassoni A.; Schiavon M.
Foraging for selenium: a comparison between hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator plant species
2023 Montanari S.; Salinitro M.; Simoni A.; Ciavatta C.; Tassoni A.
New Insights on Primary and Secondary Metabolite Contents of Seven Italian Wild Food Plants with Medicinal Applications: A Comparative Study
2023 Monari, S.; Ferri, M.; Salinitro, M.; Tassoni, A.
Ethnobotanical Review and Dataset Compiling on Wild and Cultivated Plants Traditionally Used as Medicinal Remedies in Italy
2022 Monari, S.; Ferri, M.; Salinitro, M.; Tassoni, A.
Phytoextraction of arsenic, nickel, selenium and zinc from sewage sludge: from laboratory to pilot scale
2022 Salinitro, M.; Montanari, S.; Simoni, A.; Ciavatta, C.; Tassoni, A.
The Design of Experiment as a Tool to Model Plant Trace-Metal Bioindication Abilities
2022 Salinitro, Mirko; Zappi, Alessandro; Casolari, Sonia; Locatelli, Marcello; Tassoni, Annalisa; Melucci, Dora
Induction of hormesis in plants by urban trace metal pollution
2021 Salinitro M.; Mattarello G.; Guardigli G.; Odajiu M.; Tassoni A.
Phytochemical characterization of raw and cooked traditionally consumed alimurgic plants
2021 Monari S.; Ferri M.; Montecchi B.; Salinitro M.; Tassoni A.
Trace metal accumulation and phytoremediation potential of four crop plants cultivated on pure sewage sludge
2021 Salinitro M.; Montanari S.; Simoni A.; Ciavatta C.; Tassoni A.
Production of antioxidant molecules in Polygonum aviculare (L.) and senecio vulgaris (L.) under metal stress: A possible tool in the evaluation of plant metal tolerance
2020 Salinitro, M.; Hoogerwerf, S.; Casolari, S.; Zappi, A.; Melucci, D.; Tassoni, A.
Root foraging and avoidance in hyperaccumulator and excluder plants: a rhizotron experiment
2020 Tognacchini A.; Salinitro M.; Puschenreiter M.; van der Ent A.
Stress responses and nickel and zinc accumulation in different accessions of Stellaria media (L.) Vill. in response to solution pH variation in hydroponic culture
2020 Salinitro, Mirko; van der Ent, Antony; Tognacchini, Alice; Tassoni, Annalisa
Heavy Metals Bioindication Potential of the Common Weeds Senecio vulgaris L., Polygonum aviculare L. And Poa annua L
2019 Salinitro M.; Tassoni A.; Casolari S.; de Laurentiis F.; Zappi A.; Melucci D.
Impact of climate change and urban development on the flora of a southern European city: analysis of biodiversity change over a 120-year period
2019 Salinitro M.; Alessandrini A.; Zappi A.; Tassoni A.
Floristic diversity in different urban ecological niches of a southern European city
2018 Salinitro Mirko; Alessandrini Alessandro; Zappi Alessandro; Melucci Dora; Tassoni Annalisa
Ethnobotanical survey of wild food plants traditionally collected and consumed in the Middle Agri Valley (Basilicata region, southern Italy)
2017 Sansanelli, Sabrina; Ferri, Maura; Salinitro, Mirko; Tassoni, Annalisa
Traditional knowledge on wild and cultivated plants in the Kilombero Valley (Morogoro Region, Tanzania)
2017 Salinitro, Mirko; Vicentini, Renzo; Bonomi, Costantino; Tassoni, Annalisa
Una componente inattesa nella flora del centro storico di Bologna: le igrofite
2016 Salinitro, Mirko; Tassoni, Annalisa; Alessandro, Alessandrini