Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Molecular structure and internal dynamics of the antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol
2024 Li W.; Maris A.; Melandri S.; Lesarri A.; Evangelisti L.
Structure and dynamics of 3′-aminoacetophenone and 4′-aminoacetophenone from rotational spectroscopy
2024 Salvitti G.; Sigismondi S.; Melandri S.; López J.C.; Blanco S.; Maris A.
A Competition between Relative Stability and Binding Energy in Caffeine Phenyl-Glucose Aggregates: Implications in Biological Mechanisms
2023 Calabrese C.; Camiruaga A.; Parra-Santamaria M.; Evangelisti L.; Melandri S.; Maris A.; Usabiaga I.; Fernandez J.A.
Improving High School Students’ Awareness about the Plastics and Bioplastics Topic through Hands-on Activities and Systems Thinking
2023 Torreggiani Armida, Piccinini Efrem, Lucentini Riccardo, Gualandi Chiara, Maris Assimo, Zanelli Alberto
Rotational Spectroscopy Probes Lone Pair···π-Hole Interactions in Hexafluorobenzene-Tertiary Alkylamines Complexes
2023 Lv D.; Li W.; Evangelisti L.; Usabiaga I.; Calabrese C.; Maris A.; Melandri S.; Wang G.; Zhou M.
Structure and nuclear quadrupole coupling interaction in hydroxylamines: The rotational spectrum of N,N-diethyl(2H)hydroxylamine
2023 Baroncelli F.; Panizzi G.; Evangelisti L.; Melandri S.; Maris A.
The Structure of 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol–Argon by Rotational Spectroscopy
2023 Li W.; Maris A.; Melandri S.; Lesarri A.; Evangelisti L.
Characterizing the Interactions of Dimethyl Sulfoxide with Water: A Rotational Spectroscopy Study
2022 Lv D.; Evangelisti L.; Maris A.; Song W.; Salvitti G.; Melandri S.
Expanding the submillimeter wave spectroscopy and astronomical search for thioacetamide (CH 3 CSNH 2 ) in the ISM
2022 A. Remijan; C. Xue; L. Margul??s; A. Belloche; R. A. Motiyenko; J. Carder; C. Codella; N. Balucani; C. L. Brogan; C. Ceccarelli; T. R. Hunter; A. Maris; S. Melandri; M. Siebert; B. A. McGuire
How Water Interacts with the NOH Group: The Rotational Spectrum of the 1:1 N,N-diethylhydroxylamine·Water Complex
2022 Salvitti G.; Baroncelli F.; Nicotri C.; Evangelisti L.; Melandri S.; Maris A.
Micro- and millimeter-wave spectra of five conformers of cysteamine and their interstellar search
2022 Wentao Song; Assimo Maris; V??ctor M. Rivilla; Francesca Fortuna; Luca Evangelisti; Dingding Lv; Lucas Rodr??guez-Almeida; Izaskun Jim??nez-Serra; Jes??s Mart??n-Pintado; Sonia Melandri
Probing intra- and inter-molecular interactions through rotational spectroscopy: The case of the odorant 2′-aminoacetophenone and its 1:1 water and neon complexes
2022 Salvitti G.; Blanco S.; Lopez J.C.; Melandri S.; Evangelisti L.; Maris A.
Searching for biosignatures by their rotational spectrum: global fit and methyl group internal rotation features of dimethylsulphoxide up to 116 GHz
2022 Maris A.; Favero L.B.; Song W.; Lv D.; Evangelisti L.; Melandri S.
Skeletal Torsion Tunneling and Methyl Internal Rotation: The Coupled Large Amplitude Motions in Phenyl Acetate
2022 Ferres L.; Evangelisti L.; Maris A.; Melandri S.; Caminati W.; Stahl W.; Nguyen H.V.L.
Spectroscopic and quantum mechanical study of a scavenger molecule: N,N-diethylhydroxylamine
2022 Salvitti, Giovanna; Pizzano, Emanuele; Baroncelli, Filippo; Melandri, Sonia; Evangelisti, Luca; Negri, Fabrizia; Coreno, Marcello; Prince, Kevin C; Ciavardini, Alessandra; Sa'adeh, Hanan; Pori, Matteo; Mazzacurati, Marzia; Maris, Assimo
Structure and dynamics of methacrylamide, a computational and free-jet rotational spectroscopic study
2022 Maris A.; Melandri S.; Evangelisti L.; Vigorito A.; Sigismondi S.; Calabrese C.; Usabiaga I.
The Shapes of Sulfonamides: A Rotational Spectroscopy Study
2022 Vigorito, Annalisa; Calabrese, Camilla; Maris, Assimo; Loru, Donatella; Peña, Isabel; Sanz, M Eugenia; Melandri, Sonia
UPS, XPS, NEXAFS and Computational Investigation of Acrylamide Monomer
2022 Evangelisti, Luca; Melandri, Sonia; Negri, Fabrizia; Coreno, Marcello; Prince, Kevin C.; Maris, Assimo
Cellular remains in a ~3.42-billion-year-old subseafloor hydrothermal environment
2021 Cavalazzi, B.; Lemelle, L.; Simionovici, A.; Cady, S. L.; Russell, M. J.; Bailo, E.; Canteri, R.; Enrico, E.; Manceau, A.; Maris, A.; Salomé, M.; Thomassot, E.; Bouden, N.; Tucoulou, R.; Hofmann, A.
Characterizing hydrogen and tetrel bonds in clusters of CO2with carboxylic acids
2021 Li W.; Melandri S.; Evangelisti L.; Calabrese C.; Vigorito A.; Maris A.