Safety and Effectiveness of Cadaveric Allograft Sternochondral Replacement After Sternectomy: A New Tool for the Reconstruction of Anterior Chest Wall
2017 Marulli, Giuseppe; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Calabrese, Francesca; Schiavon, Marco; Daddi, Niccolò; Dolci, Giampiero; Stella, Franco; Rea, Federico
Dyspnea and fatigue following video-assisted thoracic surgery for pulmonary lobectomy: Measuring scales to optimize the allocation of resources
2016 Polastri, Massimiliano; Dell’Amore, Andrea; Dolci, Giampiero; Daddi, Niccolò
Intraoperative management of hypercapnia with an extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal device during giant bullectomy
2016 Dell'Amore, Andrea; D'Andrea, Rocco; Caroli, Guido; Mazzoli, Carlo Alberto; Rocca, Alberto; Stella, Franco; Bini, Alessandro; Melotti, Rita
Pulmonary Metastases from NSCLC and MPLC (Multiple Primary Lung Cancers): Management and Outcome in a Single Centre Experience
2016 Stella, Franco; Luciano, Giulia; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Greco, Domenico; Ammari, CHADI FOUAD; Giunta, Domenica; Bini, Alessandro
Accuracy of Transthoracic Ultrasound for the Prediction of Chest Wall Infiltration by Lung Cancer and of Lung Infiltration by Chest Wall Tumours
2015 Caroli, Guido; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Cassanelli, Nicola; Dolci, Giampiero; Pipitone, Emanuela; Asadi, Nizar; Stella, Franco; Bini, Alessandro
Extracorporeal Co2 removal in hypercapnic patients at risk of noninvasive ventilation failure: A matched cohort study with historical control
2015 Del Sorbo, Lorenzo; Pisani, Lara; Filippini, Claudia; Fanelli, Vito; Fasano, Luca; Terragni, Pierpaolo; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Urbino, Rosario; Mascia, Luciana; Evangelista, Andrea; Antro, Camillo; D'Amato, Raffaele; Sucre, Maria José; Simonetti, Umberto; Persico, Pietro; Nava, Stefano; Ranieri, V. Marco
Surgery for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in Younger Patients: What are the Differences?
2015 Dell'Amore, Andrea; Monteverde, Marco; Martucci, Nicola; Davoli, Fabio; Caroli, Guido; Pipitone, Emanuela; Bini, Alessandro; Stella, Franco; Dell'Amore, Davide; Casadio, Caterina; Rocco, Gaetano
Synchronous Thymoma and Lung Adenocarcinoma Treated with a Single Mini-invasive Approach
2015 Dolci, Giampiero; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Asadi, Nizar; Caroli, Guido; Greco, Domenico; Stella, Franco; Bini, Alessandro
Tracheo-bronchoplastic Procedures for NSCLC: Single-centre Experience
2015 Luciano, Giulia; Stella, Franco; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Dolci, Giampiero; Domenico, Greco; Bini, Alessandro
Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer: a morbidity limiting approach in a patient on chronic hemodialysis and double agent antiplatelet therapy
2015 Caroli, Guido; Dolci, Giampiero; Dell'Amore, Andrea; Asadi, Nizar; Greco, Domenico; Chadi, Ammari; Bini, Alessandro; Stella, Franco
Early and long-term Results of pulmonary resection for non-small-cell lung cancer in patients over 75 years of age: A multi-institutional study
2013 Dell'Amore, Andrea; Monteverde, Marco; Martucci, Nicola; Sanna, Stefano; Caroli, Guido; Stella, Franco; Dell'Amore, Davide; Rocco, Gaetano
Surgical results and survival of older patients with unsuspected N2 (stage IIIA) non-small cell lung cancer
2013 Dell'Amore, A.; Monteverde, M.; Caroli, G.; Sanna, S.; Stella, F.; Bini, A.
An alternative technique for anterior chest wall reconstruction: The sternal allograft transplantation
2012 Dell'Amore, Andrea; Cassanelli, Nicola; Dolci, Giampiero; Stella, Franco
Myocardial protection using HTK solution in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery
2005 Savini, C.; Camurri, N.; Castelli, A.; Dell'Amore, A.; Pacini, D.; Martin Suarez, S.; Grillone, G.; Di Bartolomeo, R.
Reoperations on the ascending aorta and aortic root. Early and late results
2005 Pacini, D.; Di Marco, L.; Loforte, A.; Angeli, E.; Dell'Amore, A.; Bergonzini, M.; Di Bartolomeo, R.